Before you install, Greasy Fork would like you to know that this script contains antifeatures, which are things there for the script author's benefit, rather than yours.
Acest script va injecta reclame pe site-urile care le vizitezi.
Greasy Fork is available in English.
Let's you see players and items behind walls in Comes with an aimbot that locks aim at nearest enemy and auto fires at them. Also shows ores and names of the items that are far far away.
Let's you see items that are behind walls. Also shows their names.
1. Green - Blocks
2. Red - Enemy players
3. Blue - Team players
4. Gold - Items
Shows players behind walls. Also shows a line between you and them.
Aims at nearest player to you and fires at them. If you are on a low-end PC and experiencing lags with aimbot then enable "Aim behind walls".