Web选择 was reported 03-06-2024 for Cod micșorat

Howardzhangdqs a spus:
我的代码由Typescript写成,使用Webpack打包,TS代码无法直接在油猴内运行,因此代码看起来被最小化处理了。我从最开始就将所有源代码全部开源,以减少不必要的误解,希望管理员能予以理解。 My code is written in TypeScript and bundled using Webpack. TS code cannot run directly in Tampermonkey, so the code appears to be minified. I have made all the source code open source from the beginning to reduce unnecessary misunderstandings, and I hope dear administrators can understand. Github link: https://github.com/Howardzhangdqs/web-select

This script has been updated since the report was filed.

This script has had 1 previous upheld or fixed report.

Howardzhangdqs (the reported user) has made:

Raport-ul este văzut de un moderator.

Minified code isn't allowed inside scripts on GreasyFork even if you share the source code elsewhere. You can use a minified library in @require or @resource from a CDN https://greasyfork.org/help/external-scripts or load from a github repository using a link like https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/AUTHOR/REPOSITORY@COMMITHASH/file-path.js. You can configure webpack to use `externals` automatically. If your script is big you can split it into libraries and upload them on GreasyFork (or github if use the CDN link shown above).