Discuții » Parere despre Geasy Fork

Greasyfork autoupdate?

Postat în: 02-04-2023
Editat în: 02-04-2023

I have a question about greasyfork and tampermonkey. So when I update my script on greasyfork, does it automatically update in the tampermonkey script or do I have to create something like in the picture?

Postat în: 02-04-2023

@SigmallyModz, every user has ability to disable or set update interval in Tampermonkey.

  1. Go to "Settings" in Tampermonkey.
  2. Find "Userscript Update" section.

There will be <select> element. There, you are able to change update interval.

Also, you can't check user's current version every time user-script runs, script can check for update only once per day, otherwise script will be deleted. Check "Code rules" in help page (Rules in "Code" section).

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