Existem bibliotecas postadas por usuários do Greasy Fork que você pode incluir em seus scripts usando @require
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no Greasy Fork.
bsn-test JS (Livraria) - 测试
promise concurrency JS (Livraria) - 基于promise 并发控制
Traditional to simplified JS (Livraria) - 繁体转简体
waitForKeyElements2 JS (Livraria) - wait For Key Elements
erweiterung (Rest-time) für das gesehende videos ausblenden oder makieren JS (Livraria) - zeigt an wie viel Restzeit ein Video läuft,
node-crypto JS (Livraria) - UMD build of the crypto module from node.js
erweiterung (benachrichtigungen) für das gesehende videos ausblenden oder makieren JS (Livraria) - zeigt an wie viele nachrichten gelesen und ungelesen sind mit farbauswahl
proxy-storage JS (Livraria) - Proxy wrapper around GM storage API, with support for nested object by proxy.
321 JS (Livraria) - 3363
333 JS (Livraria) - 989898989
22222 JS (Livraria) - 333333
PixelShop+ JS (Livraria) - Makes it easier to create new custom shops for Idle Pixel
elementPlus JS (Livraria) - Element Plus v2.1.11
vue3 JS (Livraria) - 版本vue3.2.31
Lasy_load_img_Library JS (Livraria) - 2.0
showdown JS (Livraria) - Showdown.js 是一个基于 JavaScript 开发环境的 MarkDown 语法解释工具,能够支持服务端 Node.js 和客户端各大主流浏览器。
wait-for-element JS (Livraria) - Provides utility functions to get and wait for elements asyncronously that are not yet loaded or available on the page.
make-mutation-observer JS (Livraria) - Simple wrapper around `MutationObserver` API to watch DOM changes.
Aluk-js JS (Livraria) - Aluk-js可以帮助用户选择元素,get/post/jsop请求
[GC | Library] Organize SW Results JS (Livraria) - Blocked users can be synced but do not actually change anything in the SW results yet.
GauthMath Bypass Paywall newer version JS (Livraria) - Bypass the paywall and hopefully jailbreak the site
ggu_userData JS (Livraria) - userdata do ggutils
ww test JS (Livraria) - test
VNDB_TW JS (Livraria) - VNDB繁化資料庫自用
ClassSyntax_min JS (Livraria) - Library for simplifying code logic and syntax (Class Type)
StakeUsPlus JS (Livraria) - StakeUs plugin framework
[GC | Library] - Highlight and sort 15 NP stocks JS (Livraria) - Automatically identifies cheapest buyable stocks for easily selecting a stock to purchase.
[GC | Library] - SSW: Savvy Shop Wiz JS (Livraria) - Library to call.
PNG BB JS (Livraria) - BB PNG image
My Trusted-Types Helper JS (Livraria) - This is mainly to enable TamperMonkey to continue using scripts that have `@require` dependencies on sites with a restrictive `Trusted-Types` policy. At least until TM v4.14 comes out, the milestone has already been added: \n Make sure this script is executed before the `@require`ing of any dependencies
gm-import-export JS (Livraria) - Helper functions for importing and exporting stored values.
Pixel Quests+ JS (Livraria) - Makes it easier to create new custom quests for Idle Pixel
btsow磁力提取 JS (Livraria) - 与配合食用
download_by_atag JS (Livraria) - 当GM_download不起作用时用这个
playNotificationSound JS (Livraria) - Add playNotificationSound function
BT4G提取磁力 JS (Livraria) - 与配合食用
[GC] - Avatar Data Helper JS (Livraria) - Beta, not complete.
jqueryUI - datepicker & keycode only JS (Livraria) - JqueryUI avec uniquement les widgets Datepicker et Keycode.
ttpxx JS (Livraria) - better than illya
tts JS (Livraria) - much better
ttpx JS (Livraria) - hello
LZ-UTF8 v0.6.3 JS (Livraria) - LZ-UTF8 v0.6.3 from
无剑Mud辅修数据 JS (Livraria) - 无剑Mud辅修(数据)
MonkeyConfig-branch JS (Livraria) - Easy configuration dialog builder for user scripts
Crypto-JS JS (Livraria) - crypto-js是谷歌开发的一个纯JavaScript的加密算法类库,可以非常方便的在前端进行其所支持的加解密操作。目前crypto-js已支持的算法有:MD5、SHA-1、SHA-256、AES、RSA、Rabbit、MARC4、HMAC、HMAC-MD5、HMAC-SHA1、HMAC-SHA256、PBKDF2等。使用时可以引用总文件,也可以单独引用某一文件。
TMS_Library JS (Livraria) - util lib for TMS related scripts
whatwg-mimetype-umd JS (Livraria) - Code - github/jsdom/whatwg-mimetype
jsonc-parser-umd JS (Livraria) - Code - github/microsoft/node-jsonc-parser
NGA Library JS (Livraria) - NGA 库,包括工具类、缓存、API
bsn-utilities JS (Livraria) - 工具箱
hookPropertyName JS (Livraria) - hook property name
addScriptsMenu JS (Livraria) - Add a "Scripts" section in the WME menu
Furaffinity-Match-List JS (Livraria) - Helper Script to create a matchlist for your Furaffinity Script
[GC] - Map Prizes Helper JS (Livraria) - Prize list last updated 1/26/24.
Downloader JS File JS (Livraria) - need library js-file-downloader
[GC] - Kadoatery Details Helper JS (Livraria) - Checks if feeding a kad was successful and logs the results to pass through a Discord webhook.
l-lib2-js JS (Livraria) - adds aliases to ljs
getPrice JS (Livraria) - 计算价格
中建学企来全题库part7 JS (Livraria) - 学企来全题库
Furaffinity-Loading-Animations JS (Livraria) - Library for creating different loading animations on Furaffinity
vtable JS (Livraria) - vtable库
echarts JS (Livraria) - echarts库
* Common: getVehicles JS (Livraria) - Fragt alle Fahrzeuge ab, speichert sie im SessionStorage ab und stellt eine Funktion zum Abrufen zur Verfügung
* Common: getBuildings JS (Livraria) - Fragt alle Gebäude ab, speichert sie im SessionStorage ab und stellt eine Funktion zum Abrufen zur Verfügung
bundlejs override JS (Livraria) - -
i18next-localstorage-backend.js JS (Livraria) - A i18next module
i18nextChainedBackend.js JS (Livraria) - A i18next module
ajax-hook-thirde-V2 JS (Livraria) - ajax-hook 浏览器请求拦截js
customnotifications JS (Livraria) - notifications
cangzhouzhiyejishu JS (Livraria) - storehouse
图片显示关闭 JS (Livraria) - 在网页上添加一个悬浮球,点击悬浮球可以显示或隐藏页面上的图片和视频,并刷新网页。ChatGPT写的。
RulesForSearchEngineJumpPlus JS (Livraria) - SearchEngineJumpPlus Rules
EngineListForSearchEngineJumpPlus JS (Livraria) - SearchEngineJumpPlus Engine list Library
IdlePixel+ Custom Handling JS (Livraria) - Library for parsing custom messages.
Furaffinity-Request-Helper JS (Livraria) - Helper Library to simplyfy requests to Furaffinity
Leaflet JS (Livraria) - 一个开源并且对移动端友好的 交互式地图 JavaScript 库
ATP TestScriptFunction JS (Livraria) - Test skriptu
gm-fetch JS (Livraria) - using fetch based on GM.xmlHttpRequest
PageSpy-2 JS (Livraria) - 一个网页调试的脚本做成的库
vConsole-2 JS (Livraria) - 一个网页调试的脚本做成的库
Eruda-2 JS (Livraria) - 一个网页调试的脚本做成的库
ATP Tour RequireScript JS (Livraria) - Skript pro require funkci v ATP Tour Checkeru
无剑Mud辅修 JS (Livraria) - 无剑Mud辅修,由在线版移植而来,順便《略改》
clipboard-shims JS (Livraria) - Shims for GM_setClipboard and GM.setClipboard.
APMU JS (Livraria) - Standard for hooking into the client -> server connection in
IdlePixel SlapChop - Invention Code JS (Livraria) - Split off of IdlePixel Slapchop for all Invention Code.
IdlePixel SlapChop - Combat Code JS (Livraria) - Split off of IdlePixel Slapchop for all Combat Code.
IdlePixel SlapChop - Cooking Code JS (Livraria) - Split off of IdlePixel Slapchop for all Cooking Code.
IdlePixel SlapChop - Fishing Code JS (Livraria) - Split off of IdlePixel Slapchop for all Fishing Code.
IdlePixel SlapChop - Woodcutting Code JS (Livraria) - Split off of IdlePixel Slapchop for all Woodcutting Code.
IdlePixel SlapChop - Brewing JS (Livraria) - Split off of IdlePixel Slapchop for all Brewing Code.
IdlePixel SlapChop - Farming Code JS (Livraria) - Split off of IdlePixel Slapchop for all Farming Code.
IdlePixel SlapChop - Mining/Crafting Code JS (Livraria) - Split off of IdlePixel Slapchop for all Mining and Crafting Code.
IdlePixel SlapChop - Gathering Code JS (Livraria) - Split off of IdlePixel Slapchop for all Gathering Code.
IdlePixel SlapChop - Mining/Crafting Tabs JS (Livraria) - Split off of IdlePixel Slapchop for all Mining and Crafting Code.
IdlePixel SlapChop - Action Type JS (Livraria) - Split off of IdlePixel Slapchop for Action Types (Primary or Alt).
IdlePixel SlapChop - Styles JS (Livraria) - Split off of IdlePixel Slapchop for all style information
js-beautify JS (Livraria) - Reformat the code to readble format
IdlePixel SlapChop - Mining Equipment JS (Livraria) - Split off of IdlePixel Slapchop for Mining Machine Presets.
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