ChatGPT Atualização Automática ↻

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Avaliação: OK - script funciona, mas tem bugs

Publicado: 09/04/2023

It does not work with auto clear history which is from the same developer

Publicado: 09/04/2023
Editado: 09/04/2023

Sup @bigplayer, what browser are you using, and by it does not work you mean Autoclear toggle disappears? Or messages don't Autoclear? Or auto refresh doesn't refresh?

It does not work with auto clear history which is from the same developer

Publicado: 06/05/2023

@big player can you update Autoclear History to v2023.5.5 and confirm it works?

Publicado: 23/06/2023

@big player can you update Autoclear History to v2023.5.5 and confirm it works?

how do i get that?

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