Wattpad Width Fixer and Suggestions Hider

Futzes with the width settings to make it wider

Sam Shannon
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Wattpad by default has a load of crap around the edges of the content, a lot of which just becomes whitespace when you get more than a paragraph or two into it.
It also does an annoying thing where it pesters you to login/create account, which is *entirely* unnecessary for non-authors, and if I wanted to do that I would.

So I've blocked the popups with an adblocker, which is a reflex I've developed because this sort of things is intensely prevalent, but the popups also futz with the page in a way that makes it not-scrollable, so the very last insertCss is just to re-add the scroll bar from that popup.

That does mean I had to hide the "recommended for you" portion on the right hand side, as it was being inserted (in HTML) in the middle of the content, and I couldn't be bothered deleting and re-inserting that element after the content sections because I only use Wattpad to read one specific story that just happens to be published there.

The script has a `userPreferenceAdditionalPaddingPX` as well, if you want more margins around the edges, just make that a number of pixels to add and it'll auto-balance it.
eg: var userPreferenceAdditionalPaddingPX = "50"; for 50 extra pixels on each side