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Filtro: Últimos 30 dias Últimos 365 dias Todo o período

Instalações no dia

Instalações semanais

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Dados brutos

Data Instalações Verificar atualizações
2024-10-25 356 30.441
2024-10-26 377 27.893
2024-10-27 300 27.557
2024-10-28 277 31.414
2024-10-29 333 30.849
2024-10-30 322 30.716
2024-10-31 323 30.291
2024-11-01 266 30.507
2024-11-02 304 28.102
2024-11-03 283 27.162
2024-11-04 290 31.501
2024-11-05 290 30.960
2024-11-06 312 31.088
2024-11-07 272 30.649
2024-11-08 296 30.508
2024-11-09 325 27.716
2024-11-10 274 27.332
2024-11-11 234 31.383
2024-11-12 285 31.064
2024-11-13 323 31.030
2024-11-14 299 30.882
2024-11-15 365 30.642
2024-11-16 440 28.218
2024-11-17 429 27.724
2024-11-18 364 31.600
2024-11-19 373 31.264
2024-11-20 347 31.314
2024-11-21 359 31.098
2024-11-22 388 30.746
2024-11-23 197 10.090
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