Greasy Fork is available in English.

Immersive Translate

Web bilingual translation, completely free to use, supports Deepl/Google/Bing/Tencent/Youdao, etc.

< Feedback em Immersive Translate

Avaliação: Bom - o script funciona

Publicado: 30/01/2023

Is there an option to replace the original text so its just the translated text

So it dosnt show double(original and translated) just show translated and removed original

Publicado: 02/02/2023

it's a todo item~

Publicado: 05/02/2023

it's a todo item~

Ah okay cool

Publicado: 16/03/2023

May i ask when this feature might be added, i find it quite hard to use this with all the double text
Some sites i find it squishes things in and just looks a mess

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