FB - Clean my feeds

Hide Sponsored and Suggested posts in FB's News Feed, Groups Feed, Watch Videos Feed and Marketplace Feed

< Feedback em FB - Clean my feeds


Publicado: 26/09/2022

There seems to be changes on facebook that is currently affecting the script, seems they changed role="feed" to role="main". I wish to ask if you can fix your script to reflect these changes.

Publicado: 27/09/2022

Currently testing a new version and fixing minor issues. Will be released shortly.

Publicado: 27/09/2022

New version released with fix for detecting Sponsored and Suggested posts.

Publicado: 27/09/2022

Thanks, version 4.01 seems to be working fine. Will ask a question again when script has issues, for now thanks for the update.

Publicado: 27/09/2022

Thanks for the feedback.

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