Bypass Todos Links curtos

Ignora automaticamente encurtadores de links irritantes, diretamente para o link final

< Feedback em Bypass Todos Links curtos

Avaliação: Bom - o script funciona

Publicado: 21/01/2024

Hi Boss
Thank you for your work. was working perfectly for a few days, until earlier this week it just got redirected to
Can you please teach us how to and where to learn to update this and help you?

Publicado: 22/01/2024

Abit confusing...

Is that url correct?

Do you wanna learn? Plenty of options/solutions online...
Github great place to start with..

Learn all the tools you currently using will definitely help...

Wish you all the best


Publicado: 22/01/2024

Hi Boss
Thank you for your work. was working perfectly for a few days, until earlier this week it just got redirected to
Can you please teach us how to and where to learn to update this and help you?

From the examples I know, I Never redirected to that site , Please give me the correct example , then i will give you a trick to get the codes easily from Mneylink

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