The Amazon Review Tabulator - TART

Lists all of your reviews with vote and comment tallies, with updates highlighted

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Publicado: 05/11/2017

I have updated TART

Now working as normal, now with references to reviewer rank removed.

As noted in previous discussions, any discrepancy in helpful vote count between Amazon page and TART tally is an Amazon error that has occurred occasionally over the past year or two. It has cleared up in the past. Hopefully will, again.

Publicado: 06/11/2017
Editado: 06/11/2017

Thank you - AnotherFloyd. Your modifications were successfully downloaded on Chrome. Have not tried to download on Firefox yet.

Wish that Amazon would update their own data on their own system.

Current 'unaccounted votes' total 43 for me.

Publicado: 15/11/2017

Amazon server is definitely having problems on the backend. I just posted a book review. It went into my counts, but it's not displaying, nor was it held up in review queue. It's just... in limbo. I can't review it and repost it because it's showing as reviewed, but clicking review (which should go to edit) brings up NO RECORD.

sigh 25 upvotes behind in the count. May take a while.

Publicado: 15/11/2017

1 of my 8 "phantom possies" cleared up today, so, it's headed in the right direction.

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