MAL Voice Actor Filter

This script filters voice actor: "Voice Acting Roles" and anime staff: "Anime Staff Positions" by your anime list entries

< Opinie na MAL Voice Actor Filter

Ocena: Dobry - skrypt działa

Napisano: 03-10-2020

The script stopped working properly and is only showing one character when the checkbox is ticked.

Using Greasemonkey on Firefox if that helps

Napisano: 03-10-2020
Edytowano: 03-10-2020

Thanks for letting me know; should work again now
Please update to the latest version

Napisano: 03-10-2020

Works fine now when i first load the page, but if I toggle it off and on the same thing happens Video of what I mean

Napisano: 03-10-2020

You are right; fixed

Napisano: 03-10-2020

Thanks so much! Love this script


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