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arrive.js 2.5.2

A lightweight JS library for watching DOM element creation and removal using Mutation Observers.

Ten skrypt nie powinien być instalowany bezpośrednio. Jest to biblioteka dla innych skyptów do włączenia dyrektywą meta // @require

/*globals jQuery,Window,HTMLElement,HTMLDocument,HTMLCollection,NodeList,MutationObserver */
/*exported Arrive*/
/*jshint latedef:false */

 * arrive.js
 * v2.5.2
 * MIT licensed
 * Copyright (c) 2014-2024 Uzair Farooq
var Arrive = (function(window, $, undefined) {

  "use strict";

  if(!window.MutationObserver || typeof HTMLElement === 'undefined'){
    return; //for unsupported browsers

  var arriveUniqueId = 0;

  var utils = (function() {
    var matches = HTMLElement.prototype.matches || HTMLElement.prototype.webkitMatchesSelector || HTMLElement.prototype.mozMatchesSelector
                  || HTMLElement.prototype.msMatchesSelector;

    return {
      matchesSelector: function(elem, selector) {
        return elem instanceof HTMLElement &&, selector);
      // to enable function overloading - By John Resig (MIT Licensed)
      addMethod: function (object, name, fn) {
        var old = object[ name ];
        object[ name ] = function(){
          if ( fn.length == arguments.length ) {
            return fn.apply( this, arguments );
          else if ( typeof old == 'function' ) {
            return old.apply( this, arguments );
      callCallbacks: function(callbacksToBeCalled, registrationData, mutationEvents) {
        if (!callbacksToBeCalled.length) return;

        if (registrationData && registrationData.options.onceOnly) {
          // as onlyOnce param is true, make sure we fire the event for only one item
          callbacksToBeCalled = [callbacksToBeCalled[0]];

          // unbind event after first callback as onceOnly is true.

  , registrationData.selector, registrationData.callback);

        for (var i = 0, cb; (cb = callbacksToBeCalled[i]); i++) {
          if (cb && cb.callback) {
  , cb.elem);

        if (registrationData && registrationData.callback && mutationEvents) {
          mutationEvents.addTimeoutHandler(, registrationData.selector, registrationData.callback, registrationData.options,;
      // traverse through all descendants of a node to check if event should be fired for any descendant
      checkChildNodesRecursively: function(nodes, registrationData, matchFunc, callbacksToBeCalled) {
        // check each new node if it matches the selector
        for (var i=0, node; (node = nodes[i]); i++) {
          if (matchFunc(node, registrationData, callbacksToBeCalled)) {
            callbacksToBeCalled.push({ callback: registrationData.callback, elem: node });

          if (node.childNodes.length > 0) {
            utils.checkChildNodesRecursively(node.childNodes, registrationData, matchFunc, callbacksToBeCalled);
      mergeArrays: function(firstArr, secondArr){
        // Overwrites default options with user-defined options.
        var options = {},
        for (attrName in firstArr) {
          if (firstArr.hasOwnProperty(attrName)) {
            options[attrName] = firstArr[attrName];
        for (attrName in secondArr) {
          if (secondArr.hasOwnProperty(attrName)) {
            options[attrName] = secondArr[attrName];
        return options;
      toElementsArray: function (elements) {
        // check if object is an array (or array like object)
        // Note: window object has .length property but it's not array of elements so don't consider it an array
        if (typeof elements !== "undefined" && (typeof elements.length !== "number" || elements === window)) {
          elements = [elements];
        return elements;

  // Class to maintain state of all registered events of a single type
  var EventsBucket = (function() {
    var EventsBucket = function() {
      // holds all the events

      this._eventsBucket    = [];
      // function to be called while adding an event, the function should do the event initialization/registration
      this._beforeAdding    = null;
      // function to be called while removing an event, the function should do the event destruction
      this._beforeRemoving  = null;

    EventsBucket.prototype.addEvent = function(target, selector, options, callback, data) {
      var newEvent = {
        target:             target,
        selector:           selector,
        options:            options,
        callback:           callback,
        data:               data,
        firedElems:         []

      if (this._beforeAdding) {

      return newEvent;

    EventsBucket.prototype.removeEvent = function(compareFunction) {
      for (var i=this._eventsBucket.length - 1, registeredEvent; (registeredEvent = this._eventsBucket[i]); i--) {
        if (compareFunction(registeredEvent)) {
          if (this._beforeRemoving) {

          if ( && {

          // mark callback as null so that even if an event mutation was already triggered it does not call callback
          var removedEvents = this._eventsBucket.splice(i, 1);
          if (removedEvents && removedEvents.length) {
            removedEvents[0].callback = null;

    EventsBucket.prototype.beforeAdding = function(beforeAdding) {
      this._beforeAdding = beforeAdding;

    EventsBucket.prototype.beforeRemoving = function(beforeRemoving) {
      this._beforeRemoving = beforeRemoving;

    return EventsBucket;

   * @constructor
   * General class for binding/unbinding arrive and leave events
  var MutationEvents = function(getObserverConfig, onMutation) {
    var eventsBucket    = new EventsBucket(),
        me              = this;

    var defaultOptions = {
      fireOnAttributesModification: false

    // actual event registration before adding it to bucket
    eventsBucket.beforeAdding(function(registrationData) {
        target    =,

      // mutation observer does not work on window or document
      if (target === window.document || target === window) {
        target = document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0];

      // Create an observer instance
      observer = new MutationObserver(function(e) {, e, registrationData);

      var config = getObserverConfig(registrationData.options);

      observer.observe(target, config); = observer; = me;

    // cleanup/unregister before removing an event
    eventsBucket.beforeRemoving(function (eventData) {;

    this.bindEvent = function(selector, options, callback) {
      options = utils.mergeArrays(defaultOptions, options);

      var elements = utils.toElementsArray(this);

      for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
        const data = {};

      // Add timeout handling
        me.addTimeoutHandler(elements[i], selector, callback, options, data);

        eventsBucket.addEvent(elements[i], selector, options, callback, data);

    this.unbindEvent = function() {
      var elements = utils.toElementsArray(this);
      eventsBucket.removeEvent(function(eventObj) {
        for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
          if (this === undefined || === elements[i]) {
            return true;
        return false;

    this.unbindEventWithSelectorOrCallback = function(selector) {
      var elements = utils.toElementsArray(this),
          callback = selector,

      if (typeof selector === "function") {
        compareFunction = function(eventObj) {
          for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
            if ((this === undefined || === elements[i]) && eventObj.callback === callback) {
              return true;
          return false;
      else {
        compareFunction = function(eventObj) {
          for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
            if ((this === undefined || === elements[i]) && eventObj.selector === selector) {
              return true;
          return false;

    this.unbindEventWithSelectorAndCallback = function(selector, callback) {
      var elements = utils.toElementsArray(this);
      eventsBucket.removeEvent(function(eventObj) {
          for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
            if ((this === undefined || === elements[i]) && eventObj.selector === selector && eventObj.callback === callback) {
              return true;
          return false;

    this.addTimeoutHandler = function(target, selector, callback, options, data) {
      if (!options.timeout || options.timeout <= 0) {
      if (data.timeoutId) {
      data.timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {, selector, callback);, null);
      }, options.timeout);

    return this;

   * @constructor
   * Processes 'arrive' events
  var ArriveEvents = function() {
    // Default options for 'arrive' event
    var arriveDefaultOptions = {
      fireOnAttributesModification: false,
      onceOnly: false,
      existing: false,
      timeout: 0  // default 0 (no timeout)

    function getArriveObserverConfig(options) {
      var config = {
        attributes: false,
        childList: true,
        subtree: true

      if (options.fireOnAttributesModification) {
        config.attributes = true;

      return config;

    function onArriveMutation(mutations, registrationData) {
      mutations.forEach(function( mutation ) {
        var newNodes    = mutation.addedNodes,
            targetNode =,
            callbacksToBeCalled = [],

        // If new nodes are added
        if( newNodes !== null && newNodes.length > 0 ) {
          utils.checkChildNodesRecursively(newNodes, registrationData, nodeMatchFunc, callbacksToBeCalled);
        else if (mutation.type === "attributes") {
          if (nodeMatchFunc(targetNode, registrationData, callbacksToBeCalled)) {
            callbacksToBeCalled.push({ callback: registrationData.callback, elem: targetNode });

        utils.callCallbacks(callbacksToBeCalled, registrationData, arriveEvents);

    function nodeMatchFunc(node, registrationData, callbacksToBeCalled) {
      // check a single node to see if it matches the selector
      if (utils.matchesSelector(node, registrationData.selector)) {
        if(node._id === undefined) {
          node._id = arriveUniqueId++;
        // make sure the arrive event is not already fired for the element
        if (registrationData.firedElems.indexOf(node._id) == -1) {

          return true;

      return false;

    arriveEvents = new MutationEvents(getArriveObserverConfig, onArriveMutation);

    var mutationBindEvent = arriveEvents.bindEvent;

    // override bindEvent function
    arriveEvents.bindEvent = function(selector, arg2, arg3) {

      var options = (typeof arg2 === 'object') ? utils.mergeArrays(arriveDefaultOptions, arg2) : { ...arriveDefaultOptions };
      var callback = (typeof arg3 === 'function') ? arg3 : (typeof arg2 === 'function') ? arg2 : undefined;
      var elements = utils.toElementsArray(this);

      // For promise and async support, we can only do onceOnly=true
      if (!callback)
        options.onceOnly = true;
      if (options.existing) {
        var existing = [];

        for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
          var nodes = elements[i].querySelectorAll(selector);
          for (var j = 0; j < nodes.length; j++) {
            existing.push({ callback: callback, elem: nodes[j] });

        // no need to bind event if the callback has to be fired only once and we have already found the element
        if (options.onceOnly && existing.length) {
          if (callback) {
            return[0].elem, existing[0].elem);
          } else {
            return Promise.resolve(existing[0].elem);

        setTimeout(utils.callCallbacks, 1, existing);

      if (callback) {, selector, options, callback);
      } else {
        var a = this;
        return new Promise(resolve =>, selector, options, resolve));

    return arriveEvents;

   * @constructor
   * Processes 'leave' events
  var LeaveEvents = function() {
    // Default options for 'leave' event
    var leaveDefaultOptions = {
      onceOnly: false,
      timeout: 0,  // default 0 (no timeout)

    function getLeaveObserverConfig() {
      var config = {
        childList: true,
        subtree: true

      return config;

    function onLeaveMutation(mutations, registrationData) {
      mutations.forEach(function( mutation ) {
        var removedNodes  = mutation.removedNodes,
            callbacksToBeCalled = [];

        if( removedNodes !== null && removedNodes.length > 0 ) {
          utils.checkChildNodesRecursively(removedNodes, registrationData, nodeMatchFunc, callbacksToBeCalled);

        utils.callCallbacks(callbacksToBeCalled, registrationData, leaveEvents);

    function nodeMatchFunc(node, registrationData) {
      return utils.matchesSelector(node, registrationData.selector);

    leaveEvents = new MutationEvents(getLeaveObserverConfig, onLeaveMutation);

    var mutationBindEvent = leaveEvents.bindEvent;

    // override bindEvent function
    leaveEvents.bindEvent = function(selector, arg2, arg3) {

      var options = (typeof arg2 === 'object') ? utils.mergeArrays(leaveDefaultOptions, arg2) : { ...leaveDefaultOptions };
      var callback = (typeof arg3 === 'function') ? arg3 : (typeof arg2 === 'function') ? arg2 : undefined;

      if (callback) {, selector, options, callback);
      } else {
        // For promise and async support, we can only do onceOnly=true
        options.onceOnly = true;

        var a = this;
        return new Promise(resolve =>, selector, options, resolve));

    return leaveEvents;

  var arriveEvents = new ArriveEvents(),
      leaveEvents  = new LeaveEvents();

  function exposeUnbindApi(eventObj, exposeTo, funcName) {
    // expose unbind function with function overriding
    utils.addMethod(exposeTo, funcName, eventObj.unbindEvent);
    utils.addMethod(exposeTo, funcName, eventObj.unbindEventWithSelectorOrCallback);
    utils.addMethod(exposeTo, funcName, eventObj.unbindEventWithSelectorAndCallback);

  /*** expose APIs ***/
  function exposeApi(exposeTo) {
    exposeTo.arrive = arriveEvents.bindEvent;
    exposeUnbindApi(arriveEvents, exposeTo, "unbindArrive");

    exposeTo.leave = leaveEvents.bindEvent;
    exposeUnbindApi(leaveEvents, exposeTo, "unbindLeave");

  if ($) {

  var Arrive = {};
  // expose functions to unbind all arrive/leave events
  exposeUnbindApi(arriveEvents, Arrive, "unbindAllArrive");
  exposeUnbindApi(leaveEvents, Arrive, "unbindAllLeave");

  return Arrive;

})(window, typeof jQuery === 'undefined' ? null : jQuery, undefined);