// ==UserScript==
// @name Nitro Type XP Tracker
// @version 3.8
// @description Tracks and estimates hourly XP rate in Nitro Type races
// @author TensorFlow - Dvorak
// @match *://*.nitrotype.com/race
// @match *://*.nitrotype.com/race/*
// @grant none
// @require https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/dexie/3.2.1/dexie.min.js
// @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/501960/1418069/findReact.js
// @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/501961/1418070/CreateLogger.js
// @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/501962/1418071/drawXpPieChart.js
// @license MIT
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/1331131-tensorflow-dvorak
// ==/UserScript==
/* globals Dexie, findReact, createLogger, drawXpPieChart */
const logging = createLogger("Nitro Type XP Tracker");
// Config storage
const db = new Dexie("XPTracker");
races: "++id, timestamp, xp, placement, accuracy, wampus, friends, goldBonus, speed, other",
totalXp: "key, value",
session: "key, value"
db.open().catch(function (e) {
logging.error("Init")("Failed to open up the config database", e);
// Initialize variables for XP tracking
let xpAtStartOfRace = 0;
let totalXpEarned = 0;
let raceStartTime = 0;
let firstRaceStartTime = null;
let drawerOpen = true;
const xpCategories = {
"placement": 0,
"accuracy": 0,
"wampus": 0,
"friends": 0,
"goldBonus": 0,
"speed": 0,
"other": 0
const cumulativeXpCategories = {
"placement": 0,
"accuracy": 0,
"wampus": 0,
"friends": 0,
"goldBonus": 0,
"speed": 0,
"other": 0
function createXpInfoUI() {
let xpInfoContainer = document.getElementById("xp-info-container");
if (!xpInfoContainer) {
xpInfoContainer = document.createElement("div");
xpInfoContainer.id = "xp-info-container";
xpInfoContainer.style.zIndex = "1000";
xpInfoContainer.style.backgroundColor = "rgba(34, 34, 34, 0.9)";
xpInfoContainer.style.color = "#fff";
xpInfoContainer.style.padding = "20px";
xpInfoContainer.style.fontFamily = "'Roboto', sans-serif";
xpInfoContainer.style.fontSize = "16px";
xpInfoContainer.style.boxShadow = "0 6px 12px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15)";
xpInfoContainer.style.position = "fixed";
xpInfoContainer.style.top = "20px";
xpInfoContainer.style.right = "0px";
xpInfoContainer.style.width = "300px";
xpInfoContainer.style.transition = "right 0.3s ease-in-out";
xpInfoContainer.innerHTML = `
<div id="xp-drawer-tab" style="position: absolute; top: 0; left: -40px; width: 40px; height: 100%; background-color: rgba(34, 34, 34, 0.9); border-radius: 10px 0 0 10px; cursor: pointer;"></div>
<h3 style="margin-top: 0; font-size: 18px; text-align: center;">XP Meter</h3>
<table style="width: 100%; margin-top: 10px;">
<td>Total XP Earned:</td>
<td id='total-xp-earned'>0</td>
<td>Estimated Hourly XP:</td>
<td id='hourly-xp-rate'>0</td>
<td>Average XP per Race:</td>
<td id='avg-xp-per-race'>0</td>
<td>Races in Last Hour:</td>
<td id='races-last-hour'>0</td>
<td>Estimated Hourly Races:</td>
<td id='hourly-races-rate'>0</td>
<button id="reset-xp-tracker" style="margin-top: 10px; padding: 8px 15px; width: 100%; background-color: #ff4d4d; border: none; color: #fff; border-radius: 5px; cursor: pointer;">Reset</button>
<canvas id="xpPieChart" style="margin-top: 20px;" width="300" height="300"></canvas> <!-- Updated width and height -->
// Add event listener for drawer tab
document.getElementById("xp-drawer-tab").addEventListener("click", toggleDrawer);
// Add event listener for reset button
document.getElementById("reset-xp-tracker").addEventListener("click", resetXpTracker);
// Draw initial pie chart
function toggleDrawer() {
const xpInfoContainer = document.getElementById("xp-info-container");
if (xpInfoContainer.style.right === "0px") {
xpInfoContainer.style.right = "-320px";
drawerOpen = false;
} else {
xpInfoContainer.style.right = "0px";
drawerOpen = true;
async function loadSessionData() {
logging.info("LoadSessionData")("Loading session data...");
const totalXpResult = await db.totalXp.get("totalXpEarned");
if (totalXpResult) {
totalXpEarned = totalXpResult.value;
document.getElementById('total-xp-earned').textContent = formatNumber(totalXpEarned);
} else {
totalXpEarned = 0;
logging.info("Total XP Earned")(totalXpEarned);
const firstRaceStartTimeResult = await db.session.get("firstRaceStartTime");
if (firstRaceStartTimeResult) {
firstRaceStartTime = firstRaceStartTimeResult.value;
} else {
firstRaceStartTime = Date.now();
await db.session.put({ key: "firstRaceStartTime", value: firstRaceStartTime });
logging.info("First Race Start Time")(new Date(firstRaceStartTime).toLocaleString());
async function updateXpInfo() {
const raceEndTime = Date.now();
const currentXp = getCurrentXp();
const xpEarned = currentXp - xpAtStartOfRace;
totalXpEarned += xpEarned;
logging.info("XP Earned This Race")(xpEarned);
logging.info("Total XP Earned")(totalXpEarned);
// Save race data
const reactFiberNode = getReactFiberNode();
const categorizedXp = categorizeXp(reactFiberNode.state.rewards);
await db.races.add({
timestamp: raceEndTime,
xp: xpEarned,
placement: categorizedXp.placement,
accuracy: categorizedXp.accuracy,
wampus: categorizedXp.wampus,
friends: categorizedXp.friends,
goldBonus: categorizedXp.goldBonus,
speed: categorizedXp.speed,
other: categorizedXp.other
await db.totalXp.put({ key: "totalXpEarned", value: totalXpEarned });
// Update the XP categories
Object.keys(categorizedXp).forEach(category => {
xpCategories[category] += categorizedXp[category];
// Update cumulative XP categories for the last hour
const currentTime = Date.now();
const oneHourAgo = currentTime - (60 * 60 * 1000);
const recentRaces = await db.races.where("timestamp").above(oneHourAgo).toArray();
cumulativeXpCategories.placement = recentRaces.reduce((acc, race) => acc + race.placement, 0);
cumulativeXpCategories.accuracy = recentRaces.reduce((acc, race) => acc + race.accuracy, 0);
cumulativeXpCategories.wampus = recentRaces.reduce((acc, race) => acc + race.wampus, 0);
cumulativeXpCategories.friends = recentRaces.reduce((acc, race) => acc + race.friends, 0);
cumulativeXpCategories.goldBonus = recentRaces.reduce((acc, race) => acc + race.goldBonus, 0);
cumulativeXpCategories.speed = recentRaces.reduce((acc, race) => acc + race.speed, 0);
cumulativeXpCategories.other = recentRaces.reduce((acc, race) => acc + race.other, 0);
// Draw updated pie chart
// Update the hourly XP rate
// Prepare for the next race
raceStartTime = Date.now();
xpAtStartOfRace = getCurrentXp();
function getReactFiberNode() {
const xpElements = document.getElementsByClassName("raceResults-reward-xp tar tss");
if (xpElements.length > 0) {
const lastXpElement = xpElements[xpElements.length - 1];
const reactFiberNode = findReact(lastXpElement);
if (reactFiberNode) {
return reactFiberNode;
return null;
function getCurrentXp() {
const xpElements = document.getElementsByClassName("raceResults-reward-xp tar tss");
if (xpElements.length > 0) {
const lastXpElement = xpElements[xpElements.length - 1];
const reactFiberNode = findReact(lastXpElement);
if (reactFiberNode) {
logging.debug("React Fiber XP Rewards")(reactFiberNode.state.rewards);
const totalXp = reactFiberNode.state.rewards.reduce((acc, reward) => acc + reward.experience, 0);
return totalXp;
return 0; // Default value if XP element is not found
function categorizeXp(rewards) {
const categories = {
"placement": 0,
"accuracy": 0,
"wampus": 0,
"friends": 0,
"goldBonus": 0,
"speed": 0,
"other": 0
rewards.forEach(reward => {
const xp = reward.experience;
if (reward.label.includes("Place")) {
categories.placement += xp;
} else if (reward.label.includes("Accuracy")) {
categories.accuracy += xp;
} else if (reward.label.includes("Wampus")) {
categories.wampus += xp;
} else if (reward.label.includes("Friends")) {
categories.friends += xp;
} else if (reward.label.includes("Gold Bonus")) {
categories.goldBonus += xp;
} else if (reward.label.includes("Speed")) {
categories.speed += xp;
} else {
categories.other += xp;
return categories;
async function updateHourlyXpRate() {
const currentTime = Date.now();
const oneHourAgo = currentTime - (60 * 60 * 1000);
const recentRaces = await db.races.where("timestamp").above(oneHourAgo).toArray();
const racesCount = recentRaces.length;
if (racesCount > 0) {
const totalPlacementXp = recentRaces.reduce((acc, race) => acc + race.placement, 0);
const totalAccuracyXp = recentRaces.reduce((acc, race) => acc + race.accuracy, 0);
const totalWampusXp = recentRaces.reduce((acc, race) => acc + race.wampus, 0);
const totalFriendsXp = recentRaces.reduce((acc, race) => acc + race.friends, 0);
const totalGoldBonusXp = recentRaces.reduce((acc, race) => acc + race.goldBonus, 0);
const totalSpeedXp = recentRaces.reduce((acc, race) => acc + race.speed, 0);
const totalOtherXp = recentRaces.reduce((acc, race) => acc + race.other, 0);
const totalXp = totalPlacementXp + totalAccuracyXp + totalWampusXp + totalFriendsXp + totalGoldBonusXp + totalSpeedXp + totalOtherXp;
const firstRecentRaceTime = recentRaces[0].timestamp;
const totalDurationInMinutes = (currentTime - firstRecentRaceTime) / 1000 / 60; // in minutes
const xpPerMinute = totalXp / totalDurationInMinutes;
const projectedHourlyXpRate = xpPerMinute * 60; // Projected XP for 60 minutes
const totalRaceTime = recentRaces.reduce((acc, race, index, array) => {
if (index === 0) return acc;
return acc + (array[index].timestamp - array[index - 1].timestamp);
}, 0);
const avgRaceTime = totalRaceTime / (racesCount - 1) / 1000; // in seconds
const avgXpPerRace = totalXp / racesCount; // Average XP per race
const estimatedHourlyRaces = 60 / (avgRaceTime / 60); // Estimated races per hour
document.getElementById('hourly-xp-rate').textContent = formatNumber(Math.round(projectedHourlyXpRate));
document.getElementById('avg-xp-per-race').textContent = formatNumber(avgXpPerRace.toFixed(2));
document.getElementById('hourly-races-rate').textContent = formatNumber(Math.round(estimatedHourlyRaces));
// Update the XP categories
xpCategories.placement = totalPlacementXp / racesCount;
xpCategories.accuracy = totalAccuracyXp / racesCount;
xpCategories.wampus = totalWampusXp / racesCount;
xpCategories.friends = totalFriendsXp / racesCount;
xpCategories.goldBonus = totalGoldBonusXp / racesCount;
xpCategories.speed = totalSpeedXp / racesCount;
xpCategories.other = totalOtherXp / racesCount;
// Update cumulative XP categories for the last hour
cumulativeXpCategories.placement = totalPlacementXp;
cumulativeXpCategories.accuracy = totalAccuracyXp;
cumulativeXpCategories.wampus = totalWampusXp;
cumulativeXpCategories.friends = totalFriendsXp;
cumulativeXpCategories.goldBonus = totalGoldBonusXp;
cumulativeXpCategories.speed = totalSpeedXp;
cumulativeXpCategories.other = totalOtherXp;
// Draw updated pie chart
} else {
document.getElementById('hourly-xp-rate').textContent = "0";
document.getElementById('avg-xp-per-race').textContent = "0";
document.getElementById('hourly-races-rate').textContent = "0";
document.getElementById('races-last-hour').textContent = formatNumber(racesCount);
async function resetXpTracker() {
await db.races.clear();
await db.totalXp.clear();
await db.session.clear();
totalXpEarned = 0;
xpCategories.placement = 0;
xpCategories.accuracy = 0;
xpCategories.wampus = 0;
xpCategories.friends = 0;
xpCategories.goldBonus = 0;
xpCategories.speed = 0;
xpCategories.other = 0;
cumulativeXpCategories.placement = 0;
cumulativeXpCategories.accuracy = 0;
cumulativeXpCategories.wampus = 0;
cumulativeXpCategories.friends = 0;
cumulativeXpCategories.goldBonus = 0;
cumulativeXpCategories.speed = 0;
cumulativeXpCategories.other = 0;
firstRaceStartTime = Date.now();
document.getElementById('total-xp-earned').textContent = "0";
document.getElementById('hourly-xp-rate').textContent = "0";
document.getElementById('races-last-hour').textContent = "0";
document.getElementById('avg-xp-per-race').textContent = "0";
document.getElementById('hourly-races-rate').textContent = "0";
// Draw updated pie chart
await db.session.put({ key: "firstRaceStartTime", value: firstRaceStartTime });
logging.info("Reset")("XP Tracker has been reset");
function initializeXpTracker() {
const raceContainer = document.getElementById("raceContainer");
if (raceContainer) {
const resultObserver = new MutationObserver(([mutation], observer) => {
for (const node of mutation.addedNodes) {
if (node.classList?.contains("race-results")) {
logging.info("Update")("Race Results received");
// Update XP info at the end of the race
observer.observe(raceContainer, { childList: true, subtree: true });
resultObserver.observe(raceContainer, { childList: true, subtree: true });
} else {
logging.error("Init")("Race container not found, retrying...");
setTimeout(initializeXpTracker, 1000);
window.addEventListener("load", async () => {
await loadSessionData();
// Start a new race session
raceStartTime = Date.now();
xpAtStartOfRace = getCurrentXp();
// Utility function to format timestamp
function formatTimestamp(timestamp) {
const date = new Date(timestamp);
return date.toString();
// Utility function to format numbers with commas
function formatNumber(num) {
return num.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",");