Facebook All Comments Helper

Easy way to show all comments.

< Opinie na Facebook All Comments Helper


Napisano: 21-04-2024

First of all: Thank you!
But this doesn't works for me at all. I using it with Chrome and Tampermonkey.

Napisano: 22-04-2024

What Language do you use for facebook? Or chrome dev's console get any error? Please let me know.

Thanks for your report!

Napisano: 24-04-2024
Edytowano: 24-04-2024

I using hungarian language for facebook. I didn't read it's not supported and it's need to work. Sorry

Napisano: 24-04-2024

I using hungarian language for facebook. I didn't read it's not supported and it's need to work. Sorry

Please update to version 1.4 for Hungarian support


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