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Automation of actions for the game Hero Wars

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34 598
135 33 11
Copyright ZingerY

Detailed description of the main script functions

1. Returning a spent attempt upon defeat in the following types of battles:
- Adventures
- Asgard's Servants
At the end of the battle, regardless of whether it was fully automated with skipping or done manually, a dialog box appears with the option to cancel the battle.

How does it work?

The client calculates the battle results and records the player's actions. If the battle is done manually, this data is sent to the server where the battle is recalculated. If the battle results match, the battle is counted, but if some values are different (which can happen in normal mode when the client version lags behind the server version), the battle is cancelled and the spent attempt is returned. This script proxies requests from the client to the server and in case of defeat in the battle, it replaces the battle results with random values, which leads to the cancellation of the battle.

2. Acceleration of battles without subscribing to the Favor of Valkyries.

How does it work?

Since battle acceleration in this game is implemented on the client side, activating this feature is simply a matter of making the game client think that the subscription has been purchased. This script proxies requests from the client to the server and changes the subscription status data transmitted to the client.

3. Infinite prophecy cards.

How does it work?

Regardless of how the battle in the dungeon was fought, manually or with a prophecy card, the client sends the battle results to the server. However, if a prophecy card was used, the client sends this information to the server. This script proxies requests from the client to the server and removes information about the use of prophecy cards from the request. Therefore, from the server's point of view, all battles are fought without using cards. To display the desired number of cards on the client side, data is changed in the server response to the request for the number of cards.

Settings: Checkboxes

Skip Battles - when enabled, allows you to fight automatically by pressing the retreat button in the Beyond and on the Titan Arena. In the tower and campaign, the battle result is immediately shown after its start, without loading and displaying the battle.
Infinite Cards - infinite prophecy cards. If you have no prophecy cards or they have run out, you need to reload the game after enabling this feature
Auto-Expeditions - automatically collects and sends expeditions when entering the game
Battle Recalculation - when enabled, performs a preliminary calculation of the battle results at the beginning of Adventure, Guild War, and World Clash battles, and displays it on the top drop-down panel. Calculation is performed for 11 battles, the first with the current random result will be displayed as "Victory" or "Defeat." This means that if you skip the battle at the very beginning or press F5, you will get this result. Another ten battles are calculated with random results and displayed as two numbers, for example, 4/10 means that out of 10 battles fought, there are 4 victories and 6 defeats.
This function allows you to estimate your chances of winning and understand whether you were unlucky or simply had no chance of winning in this battle. Moreover, if the script predicted defeat, but you managed to win manually, then you are a hero!)
Quantity Control - allows you to specify the quantity for titan spheres, pet eggs, titan artifact spheres, artifact chests, and golden boxes. The possibility of automatically opening nested dolls until they stop dropping.
Campaign Replay - allows you to automatically replay the mission in the campaign until the energy runs out or the function is turned off
Disable Donation - removes all annoying prompts to donate money to the game
Daily Quests - when starting the game, a window appears where you can select quests for automatic completion.
Brawls - when activated at the beginning of a fight in brawls, a dialogue appears to launch Auto Brawls, which automatically conduct battles in brawls with the last selected pack.

Input fields

1. Titanite - Input field allows you to specify how much titanite you want to collect.
2. Battle acceleration multiplier - Allows you to change the battle speed in accelerated mode. If you specify values from 0 to 1, you can slow down the battle.
NOTE: It is not recommended to slow down the battle too much or specify a very large number of test battles as the battle can end automatically on timeout.
3. Number of test battles - You can specify the number of battles conducted during pre-battle calculation. A large number can significantly increase the calculation time.
4. Number of auto-battle attempts - Allows you to specify the number of automatic battle attempts.


Do All - An input window appears where you can specify several different actions that will be automatically performed sequentially by the script.
ToE - Automatically fights the Titan Arena, attacks until victory is possible, otherwise leaves the results of the first battle.
Dungeon - Automatically goes through the dungeon until it reaches the specified amount of titanite or predicts defeat in battle.
Tower - Goes through the tower and collects rewards until the end or predicts defeat in battle. (now launched through the "Do All" button)
Expeditions - Collects and sends expeditions automatically without reloading the game.
Sync - Performs the "New Day" function of the game, which updates the client's game data when a new day starts. Allows you to synchronize the game client after running the Dungeon and Tower scripts.

Easter Eggs - Collects all available rewards or Easter eggs from events. (now launched through the "Do All" button)
Rewards - Collects rewards for all completed tasks except seasonal ones, including global, weekly, daily tasks, and special events.
Borderlands - Collects daily rewards from bosses and free chests in the Borderlands. (now launched through the "Do All" button)
Minions - Automatically attacks available minions in Asgard and cancels the battle in case of defeat.
Adventure - An input window appears where you can enter a path of points that the script will automatically pass through. You also need to specify the point where the hero is located.
Mail - Collects all mail, except for letters with energy, portal charges, heroes, hero souls, buff to accelerate energy gain, and VIP points.

It is not recommended to press buttons if a previous action has not been completed as there is a block, but it's possible to try anyway.
The 'Titan Arena', 'Dungeon', and 'Tower' buttons lead to a desynchronization of the client and server, which means that to display the received progress in the game, you need to reload the game or use the 'Synchronization' button for partial synchronization.

When defeated in battle, there is an "Auto" function that automatically cancels the battle and starts it again until victory or specified results are achieved.

Also, quiz questions are automatically copied to the clipboard and can be inserted with one click anywhere on the page here:

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