Greasy Fork is available in English.

YouTube - Hide Controls Until Hover

Automatically hides the top and bottom bar when paused. Makes it easier to read text on the top/bottom that is normally hidden by the controls.

/* ==UserStyle==
@name          YouTube - Hide Controls Until Hover
@namespace     q1k
@version       1.0.0
@description   Automatically hides the top and bottom bar when paused. Makes it easier to read text on the top/bottom that is normally hidden by the controls.
@type          less
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document domain("") {
.html5-video-player.paused-mode .ytp-chrome-top, 
.html5-video-player.paused-mode .ytp-gradient-top, 
.html5-video-player.paused-mode .ytp-chrome-bottom, 
.html5-video-player.paused-mode .ytp-gradient-bottom {
  visibility: hidden;
.html5-video-player.paused-mode:hover .ytp-chrome-top, 
.html5-video-player.paused-mode:hover .ytp-gradient-top, 
.html5-video-player.paused-mode:hover .ytp-chrome-bottom, 
.html5-video-player.paused-mode:hover .ytp-gradient-bottom {
  visibility: visible;
