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FB - Clean my feeds

Hide Sponsored and Suggested posts in FB's News Feed, Groups Feed, Watch Videos Feed and Marketplace Feed

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Ocena: Dobry - skrypt działa

Napisano: 02-04-2023

As of April 2nd and version 4.17, the script stopped working for me, ads is showing everywhere, hope we can get a fix soon

Napisano: 02-04-2023

Thanks for the feedback.

Sponsored posts are still being hidden for me.

In order for me to figure out what is going on, can you answer the following questions:

1) Which device are you using? (computer? mobile-phone?)

2) Which browser and version?

3) Which script-manager are you using? Tampermonkey? Greasemoneky? Firemonkey? Violentmonkey? Other?

4) Which language are you using in FB?

5) Can you provide me some HTML code snippet of a sponsored post?

How to get the HTML code snippet of a sponsored post:

1) Visit FB - but don't hover your mouse over a Sponsored post - that can change its structure.

2) Move the mouse to the top-right corner of the sponsored post (keeping the mouse away from the text on the top left)

3) Using the mouse's Right-click action, select "inspect element" from the menu popup.

4) In the inspector window, hover your mouse over the lines, going up, until you find the uppermost line before the highlight moves to another post.

5) Once you've found the top line of the sponsored post, right-click, choose "Copy > Copy outer HTML" from the pop-up menu.

6) Go to,, or another such website, paste the code, save and share the link.

Napisano: 04-04-2023

1. I'm using the script on my computer
2. I'm on my Firefox browser, currently at the latest version 111.0.1
3. I'm using Tampermonkey as my script manager
4. I'm using Vietnamese
5. here's the HTML of the post
i ticked the function that show when the post is hidden, a notification will replace the post (not sure what's setting is called in English) to see if it detect the post and it doesn't work, it still can hide ads in the top right corner though ( under the messenger icon )

Napisano: 04-04-2023

Thanks for the feedback and code snippet.

I haven't seen a sponsored live video post in the news feed before.

After viewing the code snippet you've provided, I've added a possible rule to catch them. However, you will need to do the testing as I don't see sponsored live video posts in my news feed.

The test code in github :

Let me know whether this update works or not.

Napisano: 06-04-2023

Thanks for the update, after installing the beta i no longer get ads

Napisano: 07-04-2023

Good to hear that 4.17.2 (beta) is working for you.

Just to confirm it is working correctly, did you enable the option 'Highlight "hidden" posts' / 'Đánh dấu các bài đăng "ẩn"' to confirm that the script is hiding the Sponsored posts and not any of the good ones?

NB: I just realised I've translated 'Highlight "hidden posts"' from English to Vietnamese incorrectly. I change it to 'Làm nổi bật bài viết "ẩn"' in the next version.


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