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< Opinie na Bypass Wszystkie Krótkie linki
Thanks for the feedback , Please update to the latest version and let me know if you find any other bugs
Wow, thank you for responding so quickly! Now it's working.
Can't bypass lopteapi.com:
Url test: https://lopteapi.com/full?api=9c81ecba1395c5305cf86ed9570757e571b01e0f&url=aHR0cHM6Ly9kcml2ZS5nb29nbGUuY29tL2ZpbGUvZC8xeVVzWjJhMzF1SkFXRm1CcWFWSWcxZVBvZmRXV0lJbG8vdmlldz91c3A9c2hhcmluZw==&type=2
Redirect to error page: https://da-chong-lo-link-vip1.com/
Using FF v120, violentmonkey