Bypass Wszystkie Krótkie linki

Pomijaj wszystkie strony z krótkimi linkami automatycznie pomija irytujące skracacze linków, bezpośrednio do miejsca docelowego

< Opinie na Bypass Wszystkie Krótkie linki

Ocena: OK - skrypt działa, ale ma błędy

Napisano: 09-10-2022

Thanks for the script but if it could do the shortlinks more quickly it would be very good.
Please add the fly family shortlink and i hope you will add more sites...

Thanks again...

Napisano: 10-10-2022

Please Read Script Info before leaving your feedback
more quickly very good for you but not for me , please respect
and if you think my script become worst like this feedback
more better if you don't use my script, Thanks for understanding

Napisano: 10-10-2022

Ok i understand...
Could you add and please?

Napisano: 11-10-2022
Edytowano: 11-10-2022

Hello, is there something wrong? why was your blog deleted?

Napisano: 11-10-2022

@Selfboss update to the latest version, if it still error clear your cache browser


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