Pomijaj wszystkie strony z krótkimi linkami automatycznie pomija irytujące skracacze linków, bezpośrednio do miejsca docelowego
< Opinie na Bypass Wszystkie Krótkie linki
Please Read Script Info before leaving your feedback
more quickly very good for you but not for me , please respect
and if you think my script become worst like this feedback https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/431691-bypass-all-shortlinks/discussions/148946
more better if you don't use my script, Thanks for understanding
Ok i understand...
Could you add bitlinks.pw and shortit.pw please?
@Selfboss update to the latest version, if it still error clear your cache browser
Thanks for the script but if it could do the shortlinks more quickly it would be very good.
Please add the fly family shortlink and i hope you will add more sites...
Thanks again...