Youtube - dismiss sign-in

Hide the "sign-in" and cookies dialogs. Prevent the dialogs from pausing the video.

< Feedback op Youtube - dismiss sign-in

Recensie: Redelijk - het script werkt, maar bevat bugs

Geplaatst: 01-11-2020
Bijgewerkt: 01-11-2020

is pause with Switzerland ip

Geplaatst: 01-11-2020
Bijgewerkt: 02-11-2020

What are your browser, script extension and userscript version?

Is it always pausing, or only in a particular situation? This could be the exception I'm talking about in the script description.
When loading youtube without the script, which popups do you see? Both or only the "sign-in"?

Are you using a proxy server? Is it slow to load the page? (which might explain the problem)
So far I have only 2 CH proxies working (not very well), and I can't reproduce your problem. The one working better doesn't even display the 2 popups; only the small ones that don't pause/stop the video.

Note that youtube cookies must be cleared to test the efficiency of the script. Testing in an incognito/private window is the easiest solution.

Geplaatst: 02-11-2020

thank you

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