Flight Rising - Jicky's Auction House Improvements (Seller)

Adds auction house link for selected items, sets currency to gems, duration to 7 days. Original version by necramancy.

< Feedback op Flight Rising - Jicky's Auction House Improvements (Seller)

Recensie: Goed - het script werkt zoals het hoort

Geplaatst: 15-05-2022

could you possibly add a feature that adds a button to open an item's AH search page so the user can see an item's AH listings from the AH without typing the item name into the search bar? I tend to view AH listings based on most recently listed and it would be helpful to have a button to see if an item listed is a good price without having to do a new search (and then having to get back to the recent listings page I was at. I hope this makes sense n_n

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