ppixiv for Pixiv

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< Feedback op ppixiv for Pixiv

Recensie: Goed - het script werkt zoals het hoort

Geplaatst: 23-07-2022

Hello, love the script !

Is it possible to add the option to hide liked picture ? and the reverse show only liked picture ?

thank you for the amazing script anyway !!

Geplaatst: 23-07-2022

Pixiv only remembers that you've liked an image for a day or so (that's why you can re-like an image every day), so it wouldn't do much. You can tell if we think we've liked an image recently by the like icon when you right-click, but it's not very precise. Bookmarks work better, you can see if you've bookmarked an image from the bookmark icon in the corner.

Geplaatst: 25-07-2022
Bijgewerkt: 25-07-2022

Sorry i forgot about the like system, i was talking about the bookmark system, with the heart logo

i would like to see every picture i haven't bookmarked on an artist pixiv, same with vice-versa

Geplaatst: 25-07-2022

It could be in the Tags Menu under All with show bookmark only, hide bookmark
I'll show you an example in an edited picture,
of course it's for demonstration purpose, you can put the option anywhere you want even in preference

Geplaatst: 31-07-2022

The only problem is if you've bookmarked lots of an artist's posts, it may need to load lots of pages to fill the screen. That could hammer the server with API requests and annoy Pixiv. Currently it'll delay for a while if that happens as a safety, but it might want to show a "Load more results" button if it's loading too much at once...

Geplaatst: 01-08-2022

I haven't thought about the API spam.
The delay/button is a very good idea to mitigate this problem!
Thanks a lot for your consideration

If you were to implement it, i would be very grateful

Geplaatst: 16-09-2022

Hello !

I just wanted to show you my script which does what I wanted

I'm new to scripts, so it won't be good for public, but for my personnal use is just what i need

Thanks again for your amazing work

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