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Can't update library script - Name already taken error
Am renaming the script with every version update with the version string suffixed to the name. Sure makes the versioning system seem redundant.
I've posted this issue the GitHub repo: "Name has already been taken" error when updating specific libraries
Can't update library script - Name already taken error
I am getting this error: Name already taken
When I am updating an existing script with same name. Or is this a new policy to change the script's name for each new version?
Name of Script: Brazenvoid's Base Resource
User-Script block in new script:
// ==UserScript== // @name Brazenvoid's Base Resource // @namespace brazenvoid // @version 1.5.0 // @author brazenvoid // @license GPL-3.0-only // @description Base library for my scripts // @grant GM_addStyle // @run-at document-end // ==/UserScript==