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BraveGPT 🤖

Legger til AI-svar på Brave Search (drevet av GPT-4o!)

Dette er versjoner av dette scriptet hvor koden ble oppdatert. Vis alle versjoner.

  • v2024.6.26.3 26.06.2024

    Abstracted promptReplyLang() ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.26.2 26.06.2024

    Added stroke support to icons methods ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.26.1 26.06.2024

    Appended '...' to settingsProps.about.label ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/userscripts]

  • v2024.6.26.1 26.06.2024

    Appended '...' to settingsProps.about.label ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.26 26.06.2024

    Converted path props of icons.widescreen to funcs to support multi-icons ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.25.1 26.06.2024

    Added type props to settingsLabels, renamed to settingsProps ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.25 26.06.2024

    Corrected config key name for autoGetDisabled

  • v2024.6.24.9 25.06.2024

    Improved dataProcess.text()

    • Initted respText as string to avoid leading 'undefined' in AIchatOS replies
    • Removed unneeded throws ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]
  • v2024.6.24.8 25.06.2024

    Created icons methods ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.24.7 25.06.2024

    Moved modal methods into modals obj for improved organization ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.24.6 25.06.2024

    Converted obj method defs to shorter ES6 syntax ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.24.5 25.06.2024

    Abstracted settingsLabels ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.24.4 24.06.2024

    Moved related query parsing logic from get.related() to dataProcess.text() + added log prefixes ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.24.3 24.06.2024

    Moved GM_deleteValue(config.keyPrefix + '_openAItoken') from dataProcess.text() to deleteOpenAIcookies() for consolidation ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.24.2 24.06.2024

    Corrected API conditions in get.related() ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.24.1 24.06.2024

    Replaced get.reply refs in dataProcess methods w/ caller arg ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.24 24.06.2024

    Fixed OpenAI key missing from get.related() if OpenAI picked ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.23 23.06.2024

    Booleanized browser flags for expected conditionals ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.22.3 22.06.2024

    Added refresh page instruction to login/Cloudflare alerts ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.22.2 22.06.2024

    Replaced - w/ as entry marker in dependencies list of header comment for improved aesthetics ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.22.1 22.06.2024

    Replaced .addEventListener()s w/ .on<event>s to shorten codebase + widen browser support ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.22 22.06.2024

    Fixed Proxy Mode link to work in Streaming Mode menu toggle alert in OpenAI mode ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.21.15 22.06.2024

    Removed highlight-to-search from any site to revert to specific // @match to show on GF /for-site pages ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.21.14 22.06.2024

    Corrected arg name in dataProcess.text() ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.21.13 22.06.2024

    Moved docs URL down for readability ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.21.12 22.06.2024

    Corrected docs URL in header comment, added all dependencies' URLs + copyright notices ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.21.11 22.06.2024

    Added Chrome to browsers that auto-disable Streaming Mode in TM config/menu toggle since latest Google update broke it ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.21.10 22.06.2024

    Added ScriptCat to @compatible meta + supported UM in streaming auto-disable + menu toggle alerts ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.21.9 22.06.2024

    Added escaping of special chars in new RegExp() concatenations ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.21.8 22.06.2024

    Reverted // @match to *://*/* after hours testing new individual matches per GF owner's encouragement because he changed his mind ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.21.7 21.06.2024

    Added post-installation instructions to // @compatible opera ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.21.6 21.06.2024

    Added auto-disable/alert Streaming Mode unavailable to Brave users ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.21.5 21.06.2024

    Added optional chaining to isEdge to support non-Chromium envs ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.21.4 21.06.2024

    Replaced deprecated navigator.userAgent w/ .userAgentData.brands in isEdge ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.21.3 21.06.2024

    Disabled auto-reload on update now that script matches many possible pages ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.21.2 21.06.2024

    Added AI greeting on first run ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.21.1 21.06.2024

    Utilized window.scrollY as primary addend in asktip visibility menu style since window.pageYOffset deprecated ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.21 21.06.2024

    Condensed clientX assignment in Font Size slider's seek listener w/ optional chaining ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.20.9 20.06.2024

    Reduced icon/font size of asktip + visibility menu ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.20.8 20.06.2024

    Changed load/save of asktipDisabled to not rely on unreliable localStorage ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.20.7 20.06.2024

    Added localization of 'Auto' btn label of Color Schemee modal ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.20.6 20.06.2024

    Replaced // @match *://*/* w/ a gazillion matches instead due to GF owner policy (greasyfork-org/greasyfork#1281) ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.20.5 20.06.2024

    Added // @contributionURL ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.20.4 20.06.2024

    Added compatibility note to // @compatible edge ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.20.3 20.06.2024

    Changed msgs.menuLabel_always to msgs.menuLabel_fromAllSites ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.20.2 20.06.2024

    Raised z-index of asktip visibility menu higher than asktip for improved 3D ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.20.1 20.06.2024

    Moved endpoint before expectedOrigin in apis entries for readability ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.20 20.06.2024

    Updated meta descriptions ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.19.4 20.06.2024

    Added highlight-to-ask from any site ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.19.3 19.06.2024

    Added X-Real-IP to createHeaders() ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

Show all script versions