Greasy Fork is available in English.


为 B 站首页添加像 App 一样的推荐

Dette er versjoner av dette scriptet hvor koden ble oppdatert. Vis alle versjoner.

  • v0.17.8 13.09.2023

    deploy: 4bb5f5a80d4e72114ff6c52a94b1069ab122fc0e

  • v0.17.7 09.09.2023

    deploy: 427d8eb394f71a830b70bce436f6ed42574d5902

  • v0.17.6 08.09.2023

    deploy: 7795c1e07332ed03a9adde831265207727a7829f

  • v0.17.5 20.08.2023

    deploy: 6efab007e6ed9657c206842f55740f1a4445a1ff

  • v0.17.4 19.08.2023

    deploy: 9d2c455b9984730a717e2d7177079de03fffeff4

  • v0.17.3 18.08.2023

    deploy: 5bb6ad1b81ef82dbe730fb09f78c48dc89ad7161

  • v0.17.2 14.08.2023

    deploy: 771e6adcf116a9a691c7a278a9f85bc3bafbbe97

  • v0.17.1 05.08.2023

    deploy: 555963c8564942c6a7291c4d744621506161af54

  • v0.17.0 24.07.2023

    deploy: 51c3ff16594b0ff611fc5076dad6064272d512a8

  • v0.16.8 23.07.2023

    deploy: e501833933cc0b7315133bf8fdfa2e0736c9c336

  • v0.16.7 15.07.2023

    deploy: 6aada0564ee582182e01d70c1363b16fbc2d8901

  • v0.16.6 15.07.2023

    deploy: 9f80dc8fd4b13cd1aff996beefe1dbc960ea5383

  • v0.16.5 13.07.2023

    deploy: 1ab51f6e02af54dfd3d394fb777746c7b8e22e0b

  • v0.16.4 03.07.2023

    deploy: 4d677ffe9bc86d54dbdab5736a7c6a3491d848f9

  • v0.16.3 30.06.2023

    deploy: 1a2dc225df8dbdef657fd2cf40289d38dd6cff2a

  • v0.16.2 28.06.2023

    deploy: 23cc83bdb2e27fb309d0f17754e1835cf3ffd9f1

  • v0.16.1 25.06.2023

    deploy: acc59e5ca95ac3163af42ea23f0a4c16e680ffdd

  • v0.16.0 24.06.2023

    deploy: 6c60a5da69905ac16888242c97cfb0eb0939f6ac

  • v0.15.1 23.06.2023

    deploy: 11b07dbb0a80c76699f80db9e73f9482deca8ee9

  • v0.15.0 20.06.2023

    deploy: bc1bbd959bae8468b0ba2bb33820f38ef53c1226

  • v0.14.5 18.06.2023

    deploy: b7d65b1c891230ea3b20e8477fbc9370768e4946

  • v0.14.4 17.06.2023

    deploy: f6bf0eae1d707b4b90c4d74410791467f4b35d3b

  • v0.14.3 16.06.2023 deploy: 75fde07a354eb4fabbe7772581ee7f4e9ec06638
  • v0.14.2 16.06.2023 Imported from URL
  • v0.14.1 16.06.2023 Imported from URL
  • v0.14.0 15.06.2023

    v0.14.0 2023-06-16

    • 移除 API 切换设置, 变成 Tab. 加了手机 & 电脑 icon, 方便区分
    • 稍后再看 Tab, 增加容量提示
    • 优化 bundle
    • icon park 图标使用 currentColor
    • 其他的 fix


    • 8ae9cae feat: add more icons
    • 87e7a64 feat: add icons to rec tabs
    • e95749c refactor: use tab parameter
    • 545409b feat: remove usePcDesktopApi
    • 572e74a fix react-use-sticky
    • 889eee1 chore: fix typecheck
    • 06e73f3 feat: show watchlater capacity
    • c788082 fix: [watchlater] open-in-iina url
    • 4303f10 chore: icon-park related tweak
    • 8b29876 chore: optimize bundle size
  • v0.13.3 14.06.2023

    v0.13.3 2023-06-15

    • chore: add delay to safari
  • v0.13.2 14.06.2023

    v0.13.2 2023-06-14

    • 支持 safari + Userscripts


    • f125768 feat: add readme
    • 0721518 feat: support safari UserScripts
    • 1b520f9 feat: show watchlater detail time in title attr
    • d9349b2 chore: clean up dist
    • 963e38f feat: [watchlater] slice when used in home
    • e8253ca chore: explore no-minify
    • 30accc2 refactor: tweak
  • v0.13.1 12.06.2023

    v0.13.1 2023-06-13

    • fcd25f1 chore: watchlater text tweak
    • 7314ddd fix BaseModal z-index
    • f5f7481 feat: more items on video-card context-menu
    • 5989bed feat: remove parallelRequest setting item
    • 3265fc7 feat: increase onlyFollow loadMore api call
    • 92256f1 chore: update deps
    • 1aa2627 chore: tweak
    • 9fc82d6 feat: import vitest
    • d9739cd chore: style tweak
    • c660304 chore: tweak
    • 80736f9 chore: tweak watchlater card display
    • ee3cfc0 chore: tweak no-shuffle threshold value
  • v0.13.0 09.06.2023

    v0.13.0 2023-06-09

    • 稍后再看 Tab
  • v0.12.7 08.06.2023

    v0.12.7 2023-06-08

    • 8a8f822 feat: add Tab key support
    • 9129f9d feat: use default font, close #36
    • b3140ea refactor: a lot
    • a87830e fix: VideoSourceTab focus issue
    • 25eeda3 chore: more tweaks
  • v0.12.6 08.06.2023

    v0.12.6 2023-06-08

    • feat: support abort refresh request, close #34
  • v0.12.5 07.06.2023

    v0.12.5 2023-06-07

    • 6ecadfc fix: remove antd.App wrapper, close #35
    • b3944bf feat: video-card context-menu on img only
  • v0.12.4 06.06.2023

    v0.12.4 2023-06-07

    • feat: 视频卡片右键菜单
    • chore: 改善 RecGrid 刷新 scrollTop 抖动的问题
  • v0.12.3 03.06.2023

    v0.12.3 2023-06-03

    • 修复快速切换 Tab, 可能出现卡住的情况


    • chore: add toast on pc api no items
    • 281924a feat: fix requesting.current check
  • v0.12.2 03.06.2023

    v0.12.2 2023-06-03

    • feat: improve compatiblity with Bilibili-Evolved
  • v0.12.1 01.06.2023

    v0.12.1 2023-06-01

    • 838c0a2 feat: tab btn style tweak
    • 3c8b702 chore: scroll back 4px
    • 85c00ad feat: refresh 滚动逻辑优化
    • 68b1336 chore: refactor
    • 249c9c7 chore: rename
    • 5e85445 feat: unify using getCurrentSourceTab & useCurrentSourceTab
  • v0.12.0 31.05.2023

    v0.12.0 2023-05-31

    • feat: rename "动态模式" -> "已关注"
    • feat: 动态-视频投稿
  • v0.11.7 30.05.2023

    v0.11.7 2023-05-30

    • feat: 动态模式, 只保留「已关注」
  • v0.11.6 28.05.2023

    v0.11.6 2023-05-28

    • fix: 修复 内测模式首页 + SectionRecommend, channel header fixed 异常的问题(直接移除该 channel header)
  • v0.11.5 28.05.2023

    v0.11.5 2023-05-28

    • d2fc52f chore: add more readme
    • 866b40f chore: not supported note on safari
    • 39a86c6 chore: use global.less
    • 6c3cd45 chore: update deps
    • e965dfa fix tooltip link color
  • v0.11.4 22.05.2023
  • v0.11.4 22.05.2023

    v0.11.4 2023-05-22

    • feat: add more themes image
  • v0.11.3 21.05.2023

    v0.11.3 2023-05-21

    • 814243c feat: add color-picker theme
    • e2b758f chore: take care of antd z-index
    • de2c61d chore: prevent multiple refresh
  • v0.11.2 18.05.2023

    v0.11.2 2023-05-18

    • using BV id everywhere
    • clean up code
  • v0.11.1 17.05.2023

    v0.11.1 2023-05-17

    • UI tweak: 统一 button 实现到 antd.Button, toast 等会使用所选的主题色
  • v0.11.0 16.05.2023

    v0.11.0 2023-05-16

    • feat: 设置弹框使用 Tab 分割
    • feat: 引入 lx-music-desktop 中的主题选择, 墙裂推荐「重斤球紫」🤳


  • v0.10.10 13.05.2023

    v0.10.10 2023-05-13

    • feat(过滤器): 默认不过滤「已关注」,可以在设置中打开
  • v0.10.9 12.05.2023

    v0.10.9 2023-05-12

    • 这个版本是对 v0.10.7 的修复.
    • RecGrid「刷新」与「加载更多」逻辑修复, 之前 revert 是因为「加载更多」影响了「刷新」,导致换一换时闪烁.
    • 添加 /index.html 路径支持
  • v0.10.8 12.05.2023

    this is a revert update. same to v0.10.6

Show all script versions