- // ==UserScript==
- // @name wsmud_Raid
- // @namespace cqv
- // @version 2.4.65
- // @date 23/12/2018
- // @modified 26/7/2024
- // @homepage https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/375851
- // @description 武神传说 MUD
- // @author Bob.cn, 初心, 白三三
- // @match http://*.wsmud.com/*
- // @match http://*.wamud.com/*
- // @run-at document-end
- // @require https://s4.zstatic.net/ajax/libs/vue/2.2.2/vue.min.js
- // @grant unsafeWindow
- // @grant GM_getValue
- // @grant GM_setValue
- // @grant GM_deleteValue
- // @grant GM_listValues
- // @grant GM_setClipboard
- // ==/UserScript==
- (function () {
- 'use strict';
- /***********************************************************************************\
- 工具层
- \***********************************************************************************/
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Message Output
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var Message = {
- append: function (msg) {
- console.log(msg);
- },
- clean: function () { },
- cmdLog: function (title, cmd) {
- let msg = ` <hic>${title}</hic>`
- if (cmd != null) {
- msg += `: ${cmd}`;
- }
- this.append(msg);
- }
- };
- function CopyObject(obj) {
- return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj));
- }
- /**
- * @param {Array} list
- * @param {*} value
- * @param {Function} assert function(previous, current)
- */
- const SortInsert = function (list, value, assert) {
- let index = list.length;
- while (index >= 0) {
- if (index == 0) {
- list.splice(index, 0, value);
- break;
- }
- const previous = list[index - 1];
- if (assert(previous, value)) {
- list.splice(index, 0, value);
- break;
- }
- index -= 1;
- }
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Source Split Helper
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- const SourceCodeHelper = {
- split: function (source) {
- var cmds = source.split(/\s*\n+/g);
- var first = cmds[0];
- if (first != null && /\S/.test(first) == false) {
- cmds.splice(0, 1);
- }
- var last = cmds[cmds.length - 1];
- if (last != null && /\S/.test(last) == false) {
- cmds.splice(cmds.length - 1, 1);
- }
- return cmds;
- },
- appendHeader: function (header, text) {
- let result = `\n${text}`;
- result = result.replace(/(\n)/g, `$1${header}`);
- result = result.replace(/\n\s*\n/g, "\n");
- result = result.replace(/^\s*\n/, "");
- return result;
- }
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Persistent Cache Interface
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class PersistentCache {
- constructor(save, getAll, remove) {
- this._save = save;
- this._getAll = getAll;
- this._remove = remove;
- }
- save(key, value) {
- this._save(key, value);
- }
- get(key) {
- return this.getAll()[key];
- }
- getAll() {
- return this._getAll();
- }
- remove(key) {
- this._remove(key);
- }
- }
- /***********************************************************************************\
- 控制逻辑编译层
- \***********************************************************************************/
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Precompiler
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class PrecompileRule {
- constructor(handle, priority) {
- this._handle = handle;
- this.priority = priority;
- }
- handle(cmds) {
- return this._handle(cmds);
- }
- }
- class PrecompileRuleCenter extends PrecompileRule {
- constructor() {
- const handle = function (cmds) {
- var result = cmds;
- for (const rule of this._rules) {
- result = rule.handle(result);
- }
- return result;
- };
- super(handle, -1);
- this._rules = [];
- this.instance = this;
- }
- static shared() {
- if (!this.instance) {
- this.instance = new PrecompileRuleCenter();
- }
- return this.instance;
- }
- addRule(rule) {
- SortInsert(this._rules, rule, (p, c) => {
- return p.priority >= c.priority;
- });
- }
- };
- class Precompiler {
- precompile(source) {
- var cmds = SourceCodeHelper.split(source);
- if (cmds.length <= 0) return cmds;
- var result = PrecompileRuleCenter.shared().handle(cmds);
- // console.log("<<<============================");
- // console.log("预编译最终代码:");
- // for (let k = 0; k < result.length; k++) {
- // console.log(k + " " + result[k]);
- // }
- // console.log("============================>>>");
- return result;
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Compiler
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- const ControlKeys = {
- while: "while",
- continue: "continue",
- break: "break",
- if: "if",
- elseif: "elseif",
- else: "else",
- exit: "exit",
- };
- class Compiler {
- constructor() {
- this._cc = "CC";
- this._pc = "PC";
- this._breakStacks = [];
- }
- compile(source) {
- if (source == null) return [];
- var precompiler = new Precompiler();
- var cmds = precompiler.precompile(source);
- var blockCmds = ["[if] true"];
- cmds.forEach(cmd => {
- blockCmds.push(" " + cmd);
- });
- var result = this._handleBlock(blockCmds, 0).cmds;
- result.push("%exit");
- // console.log("<<<============================");
- // console.log("编译最终代码:");
- // for (let k = 0; k < result.length; k++) {
- // console.log(k + " " + result[k]);
- // }
- // console.log("============================>>>");
- return result;
- }
- /**
- * @param {string[]} cmds
- * @param {number} start block 首句在的 index
- * @param {number} loopStart 最邻近的 while 的首句索引
- */
- _handleBlock(cmds, start, loopStart) {
- var realLoopStart = loopStart;
- var result = [];
- var r = this._handleCondition(cmds[0]);
- var callback = function () { };
- var self = this;
- switch (r.type) {
- case ControlKeys.while:
- this._breakStacks.push([]);
- result.push(r.cmd);
- result.push(null);
- callback = function () {
- result.push(`%${self._pc}=${start}`);
- var truePC = start + 2;
- var falsePC = result.length + start;
- result[1] = `%${self._pc}=${self._cc}?${truePC}:${falsePC}`;
- var breakStack = self._breakStacks.pop();
- breakStack.forEach(index => {
- result[index - start] = `%${self._pc}=${falsePC}`;
- });
- };
- realLoopStart = start;
- break;
- case ControlKeys.if:
- result.push(r.cmd);
- result.push(null);
- callback = function () {
- result.push("%pass");
- var truePC = start + 2;
- var falsePC = result.length + start;
- result[1] = `%${self._pc}=${self._cc}?${truePC}:${falsePC}`;
- };
- break;
- case ControlKeys.elseif:
- result.push(r.cmd);
- result.push(null);
- callback = function () {
- result.push("%pass");
- var truePC = start + 2;
- var falsePC = result.length + start;
- result[1] = `%${self._pc}=${self._cc}?${truePC}:${falsePC}`;
- };
- break;
- case ControlKeys.else:
- result.push(null);
- callback = function () {
- var truePC = start + 1;
- var falsePC = result.length + start;
- result[0] = `%${self._pc}=${self._cc}?${falsePC}:${truePC}`;
- };
- break;
- case ControlKeys.continue:
- result.push(`%${self._pc}=${loopStart}`);
- return { type: "continue", cmds: result };
- case ControlKeys.break:
- result.push(null);
- var breakStack = this._breakStacks[this._breakStacks.length - 1];
- breakStack.push(start);
- return { type: "break", cmds: result };
- case ControlKeys.exit:
- result.push("%exit");
- return { type: "exit", cmds: result };
- default:
- throw "未知的控制关键字: " + r.type;
- }
- var cmdsLength = cmds.length;
- var i = 1;
- while (i < cmdsLength) {
- var cmd = cmds[i];
- var header = /^\s*/g.exec(cmd)[0];
- var headerLength = header.length;
- if (cmd[headerLength] == "[") {
- var blockCmds = [cmd];
- var j = i + 1;
- while (j < cmdsLength) {
- var next = cmds[j];
- if (next[headerLength] != " ") break;
- blockCmds.push(next);
- j += 1;
- }
- var lastCmdIndex = result.length - 1;
- var blockStart = result.length + start;
- var k = this._handleBlock(blockCmds, blockStart, realLoopStart);
- k.cmds.forEach(cmd1 => {
- result.push(cmd1);
- });
- if (k.type == "elseif") {
- result[lastCmdIndex] = `%${this._pc}=${result.length + start - 1}`;
- } else if (k.type == "else") {
- result[lastCmdIndex] = `%${this._pc}=${result.length + start}`;
- }
- i = j;
- } else {
- result.push(cmd.substring(headerLength));
- i += 1;
- }
- }
- callback();
- return { type: r.type, cmds: result };
- }
- _handleCondition(condition) {
- var type = null;
- var cmd = null;
- var formats = [
- { type: ControlKeys.while, regexp: /^\s*\[while\]/g },
- { type: ControlKeys.if, regexp: /^\s*\[if\]/g },
- { type: ControlKeys.elseif, regexp: /^\s*\[else\s?if\]/g },
- { type: ControlKeys.else, regexp: /^\s*\[else\]/g },
- { type: ControlKeys.continue, regexp: /^\s*\[continue\]/g },
- { type: ControlKeys.break, regexp: /^\s*\[break\]/g },
- { type: ControlKeys.exit, regexp: /^\s*\[exit\]/g },
- ];
- for (const format of formats) {
- var r = format.regexp.exec(condition);
- if (r) {
- type = format.type;
- var exp = condition.substring(r[0].length);
- cmd = `%${this._cc}=${exp}`
- break;
- }
- }
- if (type == null) {
- throw "编译失败: " + condition;
- }
- return { type: type, cmd: cmd };
- }
- }
- /***********************************************************************************\
- 预编译实现层
- \***********************************************************************************/
- const PrecompileRulePriority = {
- subflow: 100,
- call: 90,
- annatition: 80,
- compatible: 70,
- guard: 60,
- emptyLine: 50,
- // 层外使用
- high: 30,
- ordinary: 20,
- low: 10
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Precompile Annatitions
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (function () {
- const handle = function (cmds) {
- var result = [];
- for (const cmd of cmds) {
- if (/^\s*\/\//.test(cmd)) continue;
- result.push(cmd);
- }
- return result;
- };
- const rule = new PrecompileRule(handle, PrecompileRulePriority.annatition);
- PrecompileRuleCenter.shared().addRule(rule);
- })();
- (function () {
- const handle = function (cmds) {
- var result = [];
- var ignore = false;
- for (const cmd of cmds) {
- if (/^\s*\/\*/.test(cmd)) {
- ignore = true;
- continue;
- }
- if (ignore && /\*\/\s*$/.test(cmd)) {
- ignore = false;
- continue;
- }
- if (!ignore) {
- result.push(cmd);
- }
- }
- return result;
- };
- const rule = new PrecompileRule(handle, PrecompileRulePriority.annatition);
- PrecompileRuleCenter.shared().addRule(rule);
- })();
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Precompile Subflows
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (function () {
- const handle = function (cmds) {
- let result = [];
- let collecting = false;
- let subflowCmd = null;
- for (const cmd of cmds) {
- var r = /^(\s*)<===+\s*$/.exec(cmd);
- if (r != null) {
- collecting = true;
- subflowCmd = "<===";
- continue;
- }
- if (collecting) {
- var r2 = /^\s*=+==>\s*$/.exec(cmd);
- if (r2 != null) {
- collecting = false;
- subflowCmd += "===>";
- result.push(subflowCmd);
- } else {
- subflowCmd += `\n${cmd}`;
- }
- continue;
- }
- result.push(cmd);
- }
- return result;
- };
- const rule = new PrecompileRule(handle, PrecompileRulePriority.subflow);
- PrecompileRuleCenter.shared().addRule(rule);
- })();
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Precompile Guards
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (function () {
- const handle = function (cmds) {
- var result = [];
- // {headerLength: Number, cmds: [String]}
- var guards = [];
- var guarding = false;
- for (const cmd of cmds) {
- var r = /^(\s*)<---+/.exec(cmd);
- if (r != null) {
- guarding = true;
- const guard = {
- headerLength: r[1].length,
- cmds: []
- }
- guards.push(guard);
- continue;
- }
- if (guarding) {
- var r2 = /^\s*-+-->/.exec(cmd);
- if (r2 == null) {
- const guard = guards[guards.length - 1];
- guard.cmds.push(cmd.substring(guard.headerLength));
- } else {
- guarding = false;
- }
- continue;
- }
- result.push(cmd);
- var r3 = /^(\s*)[^\[\s]/.exec(cmd);
- if (r3 != null) {
- var header = r3[1];
- var hasGuard = false;
- for (let j = guards.length; j > 0; j--) {
- const guard = guards[j - 1];
- if (header.length < guard.headerLength) {
- guards.pop();
- continue;
- }
- if (!hasGuard) {
- result.push(`${header}%guardStart`);
- hasGuard = true;
- }
- guard.cmds.forEach(cmd1 => {
- result.push(`${header}${cmd1}`);
- });
- }
- if (hasGuard) result.push(`${header}%guardEnd`);
- }
- }
- return result;
- };
- const rule = new PrecompileRule(handle, PrecompileRulePriority.guard);
- PrecompileRuleCenter.shared().addRule(rule);
- })();
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Precompile Calls
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var __CallCounter = 0;
- var FlowStore = null; // PersistentCache
- // TODO: 尚不支持嵌套调用
- // @call 函数名 参数1,参数2,参数3,...
- (function () {
- const handle = function (cmds) {
- let result = [];
- cmds.forEach(cmd => {
- var r = /^(\s*)@call\s(\S+)(\s*(\S.*)+\s*|\s*)$/.exec(cmd);
- if (r == null) {
- result.push(cmd);
- return;
- }
- const paramsField = r[4];
- let args = "";
- if (paramsField != null && paramsField.length > 0) {
- const params = paramsField.split(",");
- for (let i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
- const param = params[i];
- args += `($arg${i})=${param}\n`;
- }
- }
- const flowName = r[2];
- let source = FlowStore.get(flowName);
- if (source == null) {
- Message.append(`<ord>未找到调用的流程 ${flowName}</ord>`);
- //throw `未找到调用的流程 ${flowName}`;
- }
- let callSource = `[if] true\n` + SourceCodeHelper.appendHeader(" ", `${args}\n${source}`);
- const callId = __CallCounter; __CallCounter += 1;
- callSource = callSource.replace(/\(\$([_a-z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*?)\)/g, `($__x${callId}_$1)`);
- callSource = callSource.replace(/\(([_a-z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*?)\)/g, `(__x${callId}_$1)`);
- const callCmds = SourceCodeHelper.split(callSource);
- const header = r[1];
- for (const callCmd of callCmds) {
- if (/^\s*#/.test(callCmd)) continue;
- result.push(`${header}${callCmd}`);
- }
- });
- return result;
- };
- const rule = new PrecompileRule(handle, PrecompileRulePriority.call);
- PrecompileRuleCenter.shared().addRule(rule);
- })();
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Precompile Empty Line
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (function () {
- const handle = function (cmds) {
- var result = [];
- for (const cmd of cmds) {
- if (!/\S+/.test(cmd)) continue;
- result.push(cmd);
- }
- return result;
- };
- const rule = new PrecompileRule(handle, PrecompileRulePriority.emptyLine);
- PrecompileRuleCenter.shared().addRule(rule);
- })();
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Precompile Raid 1.x.x
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (function addCompatibleGuardRule() {
- const handle = function (cmds) {
- var result = [];
- cmds.forEach(cmd => {
- var r = /^\s*#(\[.*)$/.exec(cmd);
- if (r == null) {
- result.push(cmd);
- return;
- }
- var c1 = `<---`;
- var c2 = r[1];
- var c3 = `--->`;
- result.push(c1, c2, c3);
- });
- return result;
- };
- const rule = new PrecompileRule(handle, PrecompileRulePriority.compatible);
- PrecompileRuleCenter.shared().addRule(rule);
- })();
- function CompatibleOperator(exp) {
- var result = exp;
- result = result.replace(/([^&])[&]([^&])/g, "$1&&$2");
- result = result.replace(/([^\|])[\|]([^\|])/g, "$1||$2");
- result = result.replace(/([^=<>!])[=]([^=])/g, "$1==$2");
- return result;
- }
- (function addCompatibleUntilRule() {
- const handle = function (cmds) {
- var result = [];
- cmds.forEach(cmd => {
- var r = /^(\s*)\[=(.+?)\](.*)$/.exec(cmd);
- if (r == null) {
- result.push(cmd);
- return;
- }
- var header = r[1];
- var condition = r[2];
- condition = CompatibleOperator(condition);
- var command = r[3];
- var c1 = `${header}@until ${condition}`;
- result.push(c1);
- if (!/\S/.test(command)) return;
- var c2 = `${header}${command}`;
- result.push(c2);
- });
- return result;
- };
- const rule = new PrecompileRule(handle, PrecompileRulePriority.compatible);
- PrecompileRuleCenter.shared().addRule(rule);
- })();
- (function addCompatibleIfRule() {
- const handle = function (cmds) {
- var result = [];
- cmds.forEach(cmd => {
- var r = /^(\s*)\[(.*?[=<>].*?|true|false)\](.*)$/i.exec(cmd);
- if (r == null) {
- result.push(cmd);
- return;
- }
- var command = r[3];
- if (!/\S/.test(command)) return;
- var header = r[1];
- var condition = r[2];
- condition = CompatibleOperator(condition);
- var c1 = `${header}[if] ${condition}`;
- var c2 = `${header} ${command}`;
- result.push(c1, c2);
- });
- return result;
- };
- const rule = new PrecompileRule(handle, PrecompileRulePriority.compatible);
- PrecompileRuleCenter.shared().addRule(rule);
- })();
- (function addCompatibleNextRule() {
- const handle = function (cmds) {
- var result = [];
- cmds.forEach(cmd => {
- var r = /^(\s*)@next(.*)$/i.exec(cmd);
- if (r == null) {
- result.push(cmd);
- return;
- }
- var header = r[1];
- result.push(`${header}[continue]`);
- });
- return result;
- };
- const rule = new PrecompileRule(handle, PrecompileRulePriority.compatible);
- PrecompileRuleCenter.shared().addRule(rule);
- })();
- (function addCompatibleExitRule() {
- const handle = function (cmds) {
- var result = [];
- cmds.forEach(cmd => {
- var r = /^(\s*)@exit(.*)$/i.exec(cmd);
- if (r == null) {
- result.push(cmd);
- return;
- }
- var header = r[1];
- result.push(`${header}[break]`);
- });
- return result;
- };
- const rule = new PrecompileRule(handle, PrecompileRulePriority.compatible);
- PrecompileRuleCenter.shared().addRule(rule);
- })();
- /***********************************************************************************\
- 代码执行器层
- \***********************************************************************************/
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Handle Condition
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var AssertLeftMarkHandlerCenter = {
- /**
- * @param {Function} handler function(leftMark)->{handle: Bool, value: string}
- */
- addHandler: function (handler) {
- this._leftMarkHandlers.push(handler);
- },
- getValue(leftMark) {
- for (let i = 0; i < this._leftMarkHandlers.length; i++) {
- const handler = this._leftMarkHandlers[i];
- var result = handler.handle(leftMark);
- if (!result.handle) continue;
- return result.value;
- }
- return leftMark;
- },
- _leftMarkHandlers: []
- };
- class AssertWrapper {
- /**
- * @param {Function} assert1 function(string)->Bool
- * @param {string} text
- */
- constructor(assert1) {
- var theSelf = this;
- this.assert = function () {
- return assert1(theSelf.text);
- };
- }
- setText(text) {
- this.text = text;
- }
- }
- class AssertHolder {
- /**
- * @param {Function} match function(expression)->Bool
- * @param {Function} getAssertWrapper function()->AssertWrapper
- */
- constructor(match, getAssertWrapper) {
- this.match = match;
- this._getAssertWrapper = getAssertWrapper;
- }
- getAssertWrapper() {
- return this._getAssertWrapper();
- }
- }
- var AssertHolderCenter = {
- /**
- * @param {AssertHolder} holder
- */
- addAssertHolder: function (holder) {
- this._assertHolders.push(holder);
- },
- /**
- * @param {string} expression
- * @returns {Function} assert: function()
- */
- get: function (expression) {
- var exp = expression.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g, "");
- var theSelf = this;
- var relationIndex = exp.search(/&&|\|\|/g);
- if (relationIndex != -1) {
- var relation = exp.substring(relationIndex, relationIndex + 2);
- var left = exp.substring(0, relationIndex);
- var right = exp.substring(relationIndex + 2);
- var assert = function () {
- var leftAssert = theSelf.get(left);
- var rightAssert = theSelf.get(right);
- switch (relation) {
- case "&&":
- return leftAssert() && rightAssert();
- case "||":
- return leftAssert() || rightAssert();
- }
- };
- return assert;
- }
- var not = exp[0];
- if (not == "!") {
- var assert = function () {
- return !theSelf.get(exp.substring(1))();
- }
- return assert;
- }
- for (let i = 0; i < this._assertHolders.length; i++) {
- const holder = this._assertHolders[i];
- if (holder.match(exp)) {
- var wrapper = holder.getAssertWrapper();
- wrapper.setText(exp);
- return wrapper.assert;
- }
- }
- return null;
- },
- _assertHolders: []
- };
- (function addTureAssertHolder() {
- var match = function (text) {
- return text == "true";
- };
- var assert = function (text) {
- return true;
- };
- var holder = new AssertHolder(match, function () { return new AssertWrapper(assert); });
- AssertHolderCenter.addAssertHolder(holder);
- })();
- (function addFalseAssertHolder() {
- var match = function (text) {
- return text == "false";
- };
- var assert = function (text) {
- return false;
- };
- var holder = new AssertHolder(match, function () { return new AssertWrapper(assert); });
- AssertHolderCenter.addAssertHolder(holder);
- })();
- (function addPresetConfigAssertHolder() {
- var patt = new RegExp(">=?|<=?|!=|==?");
- var match = function (text) {
- return patt.test(text);
- };
- var assert = function (text) {
- let validText = text;
- validText = validText.replace(/<(\w+)>/g, "「$1」");
- validText = validText.replace(/<(\/\w+)>/g, "「¿$1」");
- var result = patt.exec(validText);
- var opt = result[0];
- var parts = validText.split(opt);
- var left = parts[0].replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g, "");
- var lvalue = AssertLeftMarkHandlerCenter.getValue(left);
- var rvalue = parts[1].replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g, "");;
- var lfloat = parseFloat(lvalue);
- var rfloat = parseFloat(rvalue);
- var byDigit = false;
- if (!isNaN(lfloat) && !isNaN(rfloat)) {
- lvalue = lfloat;
- rvalue = rfloat;
- byDigit = true;
- }
- switch (opt) {
- case "=":
- case "==":
- if (byDigit) {
- return Math.abs(lvalue - rvalue) < 0.001;
- } else {
- return lvalue == rvalue;
- }
- case ">":
- return lvalue > rvalue;
- case "<":
- return lvalue < rvalue;
- case ">=":
- return lvalue >= rvalue;
- case "<=":
- return lvalue <= rvalue;
- case "!=":
- if (byDigit) {
- return Math.abs(lvalue - rvalue) > 0.001;
- } else {
- return lvalue != rvalue;
- }
- default:
- return false;
- }
- };
- var holder = new AssertHolder(match, function () { return new AssertWrapper(assert); });
- AssertHolderCenter.addAssertHolder(holder);
- })();
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Cmd Prehandler
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- const CmdPrehandlerPriority = {
- ordinary: 50,
- };
- class CmdPrehandler {
- /**
- * @param {Function} handle function(performer: Performer, cmd: String) -> String
- * @param {Number} [priority]
- */
- constructor(handle, priority) {
- this._handle = handle;
- this.priority = priority ? priority : CmdPrehandlerPriority.ordinary;
- }
- handle(performer, cmd) {
- return this._handle(performer, cmd);
- }
- }
- class CmdPrehandleCenter extends CmdPrehandler {
- constructor() {
- const handle = function (performer, cmd) {
- var result = cmd;
- for (const handler of this._handlers) {
- result = handler.handle(performer, result);
- }
- return result;
- };
- super(handle, -1);
- this._handlers = [];
- this.instance = this;
- }
- static shared() {
- if (!this.instance) {
- this.instance = new CmdPrehandleCenter();
- }
- return this.instance;
- }
- addHandler(handler) {
- SortInsert(this._handlers, handler, (p, c) => {
- return p.priority >= c.priority;
- });
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Cmd Executor
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- const CmdExecutorPriority = {
- compiler: 90,
- // 层外使用
- high: 30,
- ordinary: 20,
- low: 10
- };
- class CmdExecutor {
- /**
- * @param {Function} appropriate function(cmd: String) -> Boolean
- * @param {Function} execute function(performer: Performer, cmd: String)
- * @param {Number} priority
- */
- constructor(appropriate, execute, priority) {
- this._appropriate = appropriate;
- this._execute = execute;
- this.priority = priority ? priority : CmdExecutorPriority.ordinary;
- }
- appropriate(cmd) {
- return this._appropriate(cmd);
- }
- execute(performer, cmd) {
- return this._execute(performer, cmd);
- }
- }
- var CmdExecuteCenter = {
- addExecutor: function (executor) {
- SortInsert(this._executors, executor, (p, c) => {
- return p.priority >= c.priority;
- });
- },
- execute: function (performer, cmd) {
- var valid = null;
- for (const executor of this._executors) {
- if (executor.appropriate(cmd)) {
- valid = executor;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (valid == null) {
- throw `无法处理此命令: ${cmd}`;
- }
- return valid.execute(performer, cmd);
- },
- _executors: []
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Performer
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class Performer {
- /**
- * @param {String} source
- */
- constructor(name, source) {
- this._name = name;
- this._source = source;
- this._log = false;
- this._running = false;
- this._pausing = false;
- }
- name() {
- return this._name;
- }
- runing() {
- return this._running;
- }
- pausing() {
- return this._pausing;
- }
- log(value) {
- if (value == null) return this._log;
- if (/\/\/\s*~silent\s*\n/.test(this._source) == true) return this._log;
- this._log = value;
- }
- start(callback) {
- if (this._running) return;
- try {
- var compiler = new Compiler();
- var start = new Date().getTime();
- this._cmds = compiler.compile(this._source);
- var end = new Date().getTime();
- console.log(`编译总耗时: ${end - start} 毫秒`);
- } catch (err) {
- Message.append(`<ord>编译错误</ord>: ${err}`);
- return;
- }
- if (this._log) Message.append(`<hiy>开始执行,流程: ${this._name}...</hiy>`);
- this._running = true;
- this._pausing = false;
- this._callback = callback;
- this._pc = 0;
- this._cc = true;
- this._guarding = false;
- this._subflows = [];
- this._perform();
- }
- stop() {
- if (!this._running) return;
- this._running = false;
- for (const subflow of this._subflows) {
- subflow.stop();
- }
- if (this._log) Message.append(`<hiy>执行完毕,流程: ${this._name}。</hiy>`);
- if (this._callback) this._callback();
- }
- pause() {
- if (!this._running) return;
- if (this._log) Message.append(`<hiy>暂停执行,流程: ${this._name}...</hiy>`);
- this._pausing = true;
- for (const subflow of this._subflows) {
- subflow.pause();
- }
- }
- resume() {
- if (!this._running || !this._pausing) return;
- if (this._log) Message.append(`<hiy>恢复执行,流程: ${this._name}。</hiy>`);
- this._pausing = false;
- for (const subflow of this._subflows) {
- subflow.resume();
- }
- this._perform();
- }
- guarding() {
- return this._guarding;
- }
- timeSeries(timestamp) {
- if (timestamp != null) {
- if (!this.guarding()) this._systemCmdTimeSeries = timestamp;
- return;
- }
- return this._systemCmdTimeSeries;
- }
- async _perform() {
- if (!this._running || this._pausing) return;
- if (this._doing) return;
- var cmd = this._cmds[this._pc];
- // console.log(`>>> ${this._name}, ${this._pc}, ${this._cc}, ${cmd}`);
- this._pc += 1;
- try {
- this._doing = true;
- await CmdExecuteCenter.execute(this, cmd);
- } catch (err) {
- Message.append(`<ord>执行错误</ord>: ${err}`);
- this.stop();
- return;
- } finally {
- this._doing = false;
- }
- this._perform();
- }
- }
- // Compile Cmd Executor
- (function () {
- const appropriate = function (cmd) {
- return cmd == "%exit";
- };
- const execute = function (performer, cmd) {
- performer.stop();
- };
- const executor = new CmdExecutor(appropriate, execute, CmdExecutorPriority.compiler);
- CmdExecuteCenter.addExecutor(executor);
- })();
- (function () {
- const appropriate = function (cmd) {
- return cmd == "%pass";
- };
- const execute = function (performer, cmd) { };
- const executor = new CmdExecutor(appropriate, execute, CmdExecutorPriority.compiler);
- CmdExecuteCenter.addExecutor(executor);
- })();
- (function () {
- const appropriate = function (cmd) {
- return cmd.indexOf("%PC=CC") == 0;
- };
- const execute = function (performer, cmd) {
- performer._pc = eval(`performer._cc${cmd.substring(6)}`);
- };
- const executor = new CmdExecutor(appropriate, execute, CmdExecutorPriority.compiler);
- CmdExecuteCenter.addExecutor(executor);
- })();
- (function () {
- const appropriate = function (cmd) {
- return cmd.indexOf("%PC=") == 0;
- };
- const execute = function (performer, cmd) {
- performer._pc = eval(cmd.substring(4));
- };
- const executor = new CmdExecutor(appropriate, execute, CmdExecutorPriority.compiler);
- CmdExecuteCenter.addExecutor(executor);
- })();
- (function () {
- const appropriate = function (cmd) {
- return cmd.indexOf("%CC=") == 0;
- };
- const execute = function (performer, cmd) {
- const validCmd = CmdPrehandleCenter.shared().handle(performer, cmd);
- var assert = AssertHolderCenter.get(validCmd.substring(4));
- performer._cc = assert();
- };
- const executor = new CmdExecutor(appropriate, execute, CmdExecutorPriority.compiler);
- CmdExecuteCenter.addExecutor(executor);
- })();
- (function () {
- const appropriate = function (cmd) {
- return cmd == "%guardStart";
- };
- const execute = function (performer, cmd) {
- performer._guarding = true;
- };
- const executor = new CmdExecutor(appropriate, execute, CmdExecutorPriority.compiler);
- CmdExecuteCenter.addExecutor(executor);
- })();
- (function () {
- const appropriate = function (cmd) {
- return cmd == "%guardEnd";
- };
- const execute = function (performer, cmd) {
- performer._guarding = false;
- };
- const executor = new CmdExecutor(appropriate, execute, CmdExecutorPriority.compiler);
- CmdExecuteCenter.addExecutor(executor);
- })();
- (function () {
- const appropriate = function (cmd) {
- return /^<===[^爫]*===>$/.test(cmd);
- };
- const execute = function (performer, cmd) {
- const source = cmd.slice(4, -4);
- const p = new Performer("subflow", source);
- performer._subflows.push(p);
- p.start();
- };
- const executor = new CmdExecutor(appropriate, execute, CmdExecutorPriority.compiler);
- CmdExecuteCenter.addExecutor(executor);
- })();
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Variable
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function TryCalculate(expression) {
- if (/^[0-9\+\-\*\/% ]*$/g.test(expression)) {
- return eval(expression);
- }
- return expression;
- }
- var PersistentVariables = null; // PersistentCache
- function UpdateVariable(performer, name, exp) {
- if (/^_*[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$/.test(name)) {
- PersistentVariables.save(name, TryCalculate(exp));
- } else if (/^_*[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$/.test(name)) {
- if (performer.tempParams == null) {
- performer.tempParams = {};
- }
- performer.tempParams[name] = TryCalculate(exp);
- }
- }
- (function () {
- var patt = /^\(\$([A-Za-z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*?)\)\s*=\s*(.+)\s*/;
- const appropriate = function (cmd) {
- return patt.test(cmd);
- };
- const execute = function (performer, cmd) {
- const validCmd = CmdPrehandleCenter.shared().handle(performer, cmd);
- var result = patt.exec(validCmd);
- var name = result[1];
- var exp = result[2];
- UpdateVariable(performer, name, exp);
- };
- const executor = new CmdExecutor(appropriate, execute);
- CmdExecuteCenter.addExecutor(executor);
- })();
- var VariableStore = {
- register: function (getAll) {
- this._allGetAll.push(getAll);
- },
- getAll: function () {
- var result = {};
- for (const getAll of this._allGetAll) {
- const all = getAll();
- for (const key in all) {
- if (!all.hasOwnProperty(key)) continue;
- result[key] = all[key];
- }
- }
- return result;
- },
- _allGetAll: []
- };
- (function () {
- const _assignVariables = function (expression, params) {
- var placeholders = [];
- var patt = /\([:a-zA-Z0-9_]+?\)/g;
- var result = patt.exec(expression);
- while (result != null) {
- placeholders.push(result[0]);
- result = patt.exec(expression);
- }
- let assignedExp = expression;
- for (let i = 0; i < placeholders.length; i++) {
- const placeholder = placeholders[i];
- var key = placeholder.substring(1, placeholder.length - 1);
- var value = params[key];
- if (value == null) value = "null";
- assignedExp = assignedExp.replace(placeholder, value);
- }
- let placeholders2 = [];
- let patt2 = /\((:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+?)\s+([^\(\)\s][^\(\)]*?)\s*\)/g;
- let r2 = patt2.exec(assignedExp);
- while (r2 != null) {
- placeholders2.push({ value: r2[0], key: `${r2[1]} `, params: r2[2] });
- r2 = patt2.exec(assignedExp);
- }
- for (const p of placeholders2) {
- const func = params[p.key];
- let value = "null";
- if (func != null && typeof func == "function") {
- value = func(p.params);
- }
- assignedExp = assignedExp.replace(p.value, value);
- }
- return assignedExp;
- };
- const assignVariables = function (expression, params) {
- let result = expression;
- while (true) {
- const assigned = _assignVariables(result, params);
- if (assigned == result) return result;
- result = assigned;
- }
- };
- const handle = function (performer, cmd) {
- let allParam = {};
- Object.assign(allParam, VariableStore.getAll(), performer.tempParams);
- const result = assignVariables(cmd, allParam);
- return result;
- };
- const handler = new CmdPrehandler(handle)
- CmdPrehandleCenter.shared().addHandler(handler);
- })();
- /***********************************************************************************\
- System Library
- \***********************************************************************************/
- class AtCmdExecutor extends CmdExecutor {
- constructor(key, execute, priority) {
- const appropriate = function (cmd) {
- return cmd.indexOf(`@${key}`) == 0;
- };
- const superExecute = function (performer, cmd) {
- const validCmd = CmdPrehandleCenter.shared().handle(performer, cmd);
- let param = /^\s*(.*)\s*$/.exec(validCmd.substring(key.length + 1))[1];
- if (param && param.length == 0) param = null;
- return execute(performer, param);
- };
- super(appropriate, superExecute, priority);
- }
- }
- (function () {
- const executor = new AtCmdExecutor("wait", function (performer, param) {
- if (performer.log()) Message.cmdLog(`等待 ${(param / 1000).toFixed(2)} 秒`);
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- setTimeout(() => resolve(), param);
- });
- });
- CmdExecuteCenter.addExecutor(executor);
- })();
- (function () {
- const executor = new AtCmdExecutor("await", function (performer, param) {
- function createWorker(f) {
- var blob = new Blob(['(function(){' + f.toString() + '})()']);
- var url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
- var worker = new Worker(url);
- return worker;
- }
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- var wa = createWorker("setTimeout(() => postMessage('0'), "+param+")")
- wa.onmessage = function (event) {
- // console.log(new Date,event.data);
- wa.terminate();
- resolve();
- };
- });
- });
- CmdExecuteCenter.addExecutor(executor);
- })();
- (function () {
- const executor = new AtCmdExecutor("debug", function (performer, param) {
- let text = param;
- if (text[0] == ">") {
- text = JSON.stringify(eval(text.substring(1)));
- }
- var message = ` [debug]: <hiz>${text}</hiz>`;
- Message.append(message);
- // console.log(message);
- });
- CmdExecuteCenter.addExecutor(executor);
- })();
- (function () {
- const executor = new AtCmdExecutor("print", function (performer, param) {
- Message.append(param);
- });
- CmdExecuteCenter.addExecutor(executor);
- })();
- class UntilAtCmdExecutor extends CmdExecutor {
- constructor(key, assert, priority, tryAgain, timeout) {
- const appropriate = function (cmd) {
- return cmd.indexOf(`@${key}`) == 0;
- };
- const superExecute = function (performer, cmd) {
- const tryExecute = function (callback) {
- const validCmd = CmdPrehandleCenter.shared().handle(performer, cmd);
- let param = /^\s*(.*)\s*$/.exec(validCmd.substring(key.length + 1))[1];
- if (param != null && param.length == 0) param = null;
- const result = assert(performer, param);
- if (result == true) {
- if (timeout != null) {
- setTimeout(_ => { callback(); }, timeout);
- } else {
- callback();
- }
- } else {
- setTimeout(_ => { tryExecute(callback); }, tryAgain != null ? tryAgain : 500);
- }
- };
- if (performer.log()) Message.cmdLog("等待,直至符合条件", cmd);
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- tryExecute(resolve);
- });
- };
- super(appropriate, superExecute, priority);
- this._key = key;
- this._assert = assert;
- }
- }
- (function () {
- const executor = new UntilAtCmdExecutor("until", function (performer, param) {
- const assert = AssertHolderCenter.get(param);
- return assert();
- });
- CmdExecuteCenter.addExecutor(executor);
- })();
- (function () {
- const appropriate = function (cmd) {
- return cmd.indexOf("@js ") == 0;
- };
- const execute = function (performer, cmd) {
- const validCmd = CmdPrehandleCenter.shared().handle(performer, cmd);
- let exp = validCmd.substring(4);
- if (performer.log()) Message.cmdLog("调用 js", exp);
- const result = /^\(\$([A-Za-z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*?)\)\s*=\s*/.exec(exp);
- if (result == null) {
- eval(exp);
- return;
- }
- const name = result[1];
- exp = exp.substring(result[0].length);
- UpdateVariable(performer, name, eval(exp));
- };
- const executor = new CmdExecutor(appropriate, execute);
- CmdExecuteCenter.addExecutor(executor);
- })();
- (function () {
- const appropriate = function (cmd) {
- return cmd.indexOf("@stop ") == 0;
- };
- const execute = function (performer, cmd) {
- const validCmd = CmdPrehandleCenter.shared().handle(performer, cmd);
- let exp = validCmd.substring(6);
- if (performer.log()) Message.cmdLog("停止流程", exp);
- const result = /^\(\$([A-Za-z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*?)\)\s*=\s*/.exec(exp);
- if (result == null) {
- ManagedPerformerCenter.getAll().filter(x => x.name() == exp).forEach(x => x.stop())
- return;
- }
- const name = result[1];
- exp = exp.substring(result[0].length);
- UpdateVariable(performer, name, ManagedPerformerCenter.getAll().filter(x => x.name() == exp).forEach(x => x.stop()));
- };
- const executor = new CmdExecutor(appropriate, execute);
- CmdExecuteCenter.addExecutor(executor);
- })();
- /***********************************************************************************\
- Time Variables
- \***********************************************************************************/
- VariableStore.register(_ => {
- return {
- ":date": new Date().getDate(),
- ":day": new Date().getDay(),
- ":hour": new Date().getHours(),
- ":minute": new Date().getMinutes(),
- ":second": new Date().getSeconds()
- }
- });
- /***********************************************************************************\
- Compatible With wsmud_pluginss
- \***********************************************************************************/
- /**
- * @param {String} source
- * @param {Function} callback function(resolve)->void
- */
- function PerformerPromise(source, callback, log) {
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- const p = new Performer("", source);
- if (log) p.log(log);
- p.start(_ => {
- if (callback) {
- callback(resolve);
- } else {
- resolve();
- }
- });
- });
- }
- (function () {
- const appropriate = function (cmd) {
- return cmd.indexOf("$wait ") == 0;
- };
- const execute = function (performer, cmd) {
- return PerformerPromise(`@wait ${cmd.substring(6)}`, null, performer.log());
- };
- const executor = new CmdExecutor(appropriate, execute);
- CmdExecuteCenter.addExecutor(executor);
- })();
- /***********************************************************************************\
- User Config Param
- \***********************************************************************************/
- var __ConfigDomIdCounter = 0;
- function GetConfigDomId() {
- const id = __ConfigDomIdCounter;
- __ConfigDomIdCounter += 1;
- return `wsmud_raid_config_dom_id_${id}`;
- }
- var __ConfigPanelHtml = "";
- var __ConfigPanelInits = [];
- var __ConfigPanelActions = [];
- class HashCmdExecutor extends CmdExecutor {
- constructor(key, handle) {
- const appropriate = function (cmd) {
- return cmd.indexOf(`#${key}`) == 0;
- };
- const superHandle = function (performer, cmd) {
- const validCmd = CmdPrehandleCenter.shared().handle(performer, cmd);
- const param = validCmd.substring(this._key.length + 2);
- const result = handle(performer, cmd, param);
- if (result == null) return;
- if (result.html) __ConfigPanelHtml += result.html;
- if (result.init) __ConfigPanelInits.push(result.init);
- if (result.action) __ConfigPanelActions.push(result.action);
- };
- super(appropriate, superHandle);
- this._key = key;
- }
- }
- (function () {
- const executor = new HashCmdExecutor("input", function (performer, cmd, param) {
- const result = /^\(\$([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\)\s?=\s?([^,]+?),(.*)\s*$/.exec(param);
- if (result == null) {
- throw `错误的格式: ${cmd}`;
- }
- const variableName = result[1];
- const desc = result[2];
- const defaultValue = result[3] == null ? "" : result[3];
- const id = GetConfigDomId();
- const html = `
- <p>
- <label for="${id}"> * ${desc}: </label><input style='width:80px' id ="${id}" type="text">
- </p>`;
- const init = function () {
- $(`#${id}`).val(defaultValue);
- };
- const action = function () {
- let result = {};
- result[variableName] = $(`#${id}`).val();
- return result;
- };
- return { html: html, init: init, action: action };
- });
- CmdExecuteCenter.addExecutor(executor);
- })();
- (function () {
- const executor = new HashCmdExecutor("select", function (performer, cmd, param) {
- const result = /^\(\$([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\)\s?=\s?([^,]+?),([^,]+?),([^,]+?)\s*$/.exec(param);
- if (result == null) {
- throw `错误的格式: ${cmd}`;
- }
- const variableName = result[1];
- const desc = result[2];
- const options = result[3].split("|");
- const defaultValue = result[4];
- const id = GetConfigDomId();
- let optionsHtml = "";
- options.forEach(option => {
- optionsHtml += `<option value="${option}">${option}</option>`;
- });
- const html = `
- <p>
- <label for="${id}"> * ${desc}: </label><select style='width:80px' id="${id}">
- ${optionsHtml}
- </select>
- </p>`;
- const init = function () {
- $(`#${id}`).val(defaultValue);
- };
- const action = function () {
- let result = {};
- result[variableName] = $(`#${id}`).val();
- return result;
- };
- return { html: html, init: init, action: action };
- });
- CmdExecuteCenter.addExecutor(executor);
- })();
- (function () {
- const appropriate = function (cmd) {
- return /^#config\s*$/.test(cmd);
- };
- const execute = function (performer, cmd) {
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- var index = layer.open({
- type: 1,
- skin: "layui-layer-rim", //加上边框
- area: "350px",
- title: "配置参数",
- content: __ConfigPanelHtml,
- offset: "auto",
- shift: 2,
- move: false,
- closeBtn: 0,
- success: function (layero, index) {
- __ConfigPanelInits.forEach(init => { init(); });
- for (const node of layero[0].children) {
- if (node.className != "layui-layer-content") continue;
- node.setAttribute("style", "max-height: 370px;color: rgb(0, 128, 0);");
- }
- },
- end: function () {
- __ConfigPanelHtml = "";
- __ConfigPanelInits = [];
- __ConfigPanelActions = [];
- },
- btn: ['运行流程', '取消'],
- yes: function () {
- __ConfigPanelActions.forEach(action => {
- const params = action();
- for (const key in params) {
- if (!params.hasOwnProperty(key)) continue;
- UpdateVariable(performer, key, params[key]);
- }
- });
- layer.close(index);
- resolve();
- },
- btn2: function () {
- performer.stop();
- resolve();
- }
- });
- });
- };
- const executor = new CmdExecutor(appropriate, execute);
- CmdExecuteCenter.addExecutor(executor);
- })();
- /***********************************************************************************\
- \***********************************************************************************/
- var WG = null;
- var messageAppend = null;
- var messageClear = null;
- var T = null;
- var L = null;
- Message.append = function (msg) {
- messageAppend(msg);
- };
- Message.clean = function () {
- messageClear();
- };
- const RoleState = {
- none: "发呆",
- liaoshang: "疗伤",
- dazuo: "打坐",
- wakuang: "挖矿",
- gongzuo: "工作",
- lianxi: "练习",
- xuexi: "学习",
- biguan: "闭关",
- lianyao: "炼药",
- lingwu: "领悟",
- dushu: "读书",
- juhun: "聚魂",
- tuiyan: "推演"
- };
- /**
- * @param {string} itemName
- * @param {Boolean} blurry
- * @param {string} [quality] white(w), green(g), blue(b), yellow(y), purple(p), orange(o), red(r)
- */
- function FindItem(list, itemName, blurry, quality, filterExp) {
- var pattStr = blurry ? itemName : "^" + itemName + "$";
- if (/<[a-zA-Z]{3}>.+<\/[a-zA-Z]{3}>/g.test(itemName)) {
- pattStr = "^" + itemName + "$";
- } else if (quality != null) {
- var map = {
- "white": "wht",
- "w": "wht",
- "green": "hig",
- "g": "hig",
- "blue": "hic",
- "b": "hic",
- "yellow": "hiy",
- "y": "hiy",
- "purple": "HIZ",
- "p": "HIZ",
- "orange": "hio",
- "o": "hio",
- "red": "ord",
- "r": "ord"
- };
- var tag = map[quality];
- if (tag != null) {
- if (blurry) {
- pattStr = "<" + tag + ">.*" + itemName + ".*</" + tag + ">";
- } else {
- pattStr = "<" + tag + ">" + itemName + "</" + tag + ">";
- }
- }
- }
- var patt = new RegExp(pattStr);
- for (const item of list) {
- if (patt.test(item.name) && !FilterCenter.filter(filterExp, item)) {
- return item;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- var Role = {
- id: null,
- name: null,
- grade: null,
- family: null,
- energy: 0,
- money: 0,
- hp: 0,
- maxHp: 0,
- mp: 0,
- maxMp: 0,
- status: {},
- equipments: [],
- items: {}, // {id: object}
- stores: {}, // {id: object}
- _weaponType: '',
- skills:{},
- profitInfo : null,
- kongfu: {
- quan: null,
- nei: null,
- zhao: null,
- qing: null,
- jian: null,
- dao: null,
- gun: null,
- zhang: null,
- bian: null,
- an: null
- },
- init: function () {
- WG.add_hook("login", function (data) {
- Role.id = data.id;
- Role.status = [];
- setTimeout(function () {
- $("span[command=skills]").click();
- setTimeout(_ => { $(".glyphicon-remove-circle").click(); }, 500);
- }, 2000); // 查看装备技能
- // if (GM_getValue(`###CodeTranslator@${Role.id}`, null) != "did") {
- // CodeTranslator.run();
- // GM_setValue(`###CodeTranslator@${Role.id}`, "did");
- // }
- UI.showToolbar();
- setTimeout(_ => { Server.getNotice(); }, 3000);
- });
- $("li[command=SelectRole]").on("click", function () {
- Role.name = $('.role-list .select').text().split(/\s+/).pop();
- //Role.grade = $('.role-list .select').text().split(/\s+/).slice(-2)[0];
- });
- Role._monitorHpMp();
- Role._monitorStatus();
- Role._monitorState();
- Role._monitorDeath();
- Role._monitorSkillCD();
- Role._monitorSkills();
- Role._monitorGains();
- Role._monitorItems();
- Role._monitorCombat();
- Role._monitorInfo();
- Role._monitorWeapon();
- },
- hasStatus: function (s) {
- var stamp = Role.status[s];
- if (stamp == null) return false;
- if (stamp < new Date().getTime()) return false;
- return true;
- },
- isFree: function () {
- return !Role.hasStatus("busy") && !Role.hasStatus("faint") && !Role.hasStatus("rash");
- },
- gains(from, to) {
- var theGains = Role._gains.slice();
- var start = -1;
- var end = -1;
- for (let i = 0; i < theGains.length; i++) {
- const gain = theGains[i];
- if (gain.timestamp >= from) { start = i; break; }
- }
- for (let j = theGains.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
- const gain = theGains[j];
- if (gain.timestamp <= to) { end = j; break; }
- }
- if (start == -1 || end == -1) return [];
- return theGains.slice(start, end + 1);
- },
- state: RoleState.none,
- wearing: function (eqId) {
- for (const eq of this.equipments) {
- if (eq != null && eq.id == eqId) return true;
- }
- return false;
- },
- getEqId: function (index) {
- const eq = this.equipments[index];
- if (eq == null) return null;
- return eq.id;
- },
- living: true,
- combating: false,
- rtime: false,
- shimen: function (callback) {
- var timestamp = new Date().getTime();
- Role._shimen(0, timestamp, callback);
- },
- atPath: function (p) {
- switch (arguments.length) {
- case 0:
- return Room.path;
- case 1:
- return p == Room.path;
- }
- },
- inRoom: function (n) {
- switch (arguments.length) {
- case 0:
- return Room.name;
- case 1:
- return n == Room.name;
- }
- },
- findItem: function (itemName, blurry, quality, filterExp) {
- return FindItem(Object.values(Role.items), itemName, blurry, quality, filterExp);
- },
- renew: function (callback) {
- const source = `
- stopstate;$to 扬州城-武庙
- @liaoshang
- [if] (:mpPer)<0.8
- @dazuo
- stopstate
- `;
- const p = new Performer("", source);
- p.start(callback);
- },
- cleanBag: function (callback) {
- WG.clean_all();
- if (callback) callback();
- },
- tidyBag: function (callback) {
- Role._tidyBag(0, callback);
- },
- hasCoolingSkill: function () {
- return Role._coolingSkills.length > 0;
- },
- coolingSkills: function () {
- var result = [];
- for (const mark of Role._coolingSkills) {
- result.push(mark.split("_")[0]);
- }
- return result;
- },
- coolingSkill: function (skill) {
- return this.coolingSkills().indexOf(skill) != -1
- },
- hasSkill: function (skill) {
- var combatStr = $('.combat-commands').html()
- if (combatStr.indexOf(skill) != -1) {
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- },
- weapon: function () {
- return Role._weaponType
- },
- _renewHookIndex: null,
- _renewStatus: "resting",
- _coolingSkills: [],
- _gains: [], // [{timestamp: number, name: string, count: number, unit: string}]
- _shimen: function (counter, timestamp, callback) {
- if (counter == 0) {
- WG.SendCmd("stopstate");
- WG.sm_button();
- }
- var result = SystemTips.search("你先去休息|和本门毫无瓜葛|你没有", timestamp);
- if (result != null) { callback(); return; }
- setTimeout(function () { Role._shimen(counter + 1, timestamp, callback) }, 1000);
- },
- _tidyBag: function (counter, callback) {
- if (counter == 0) WG.sell_all();
- if (!WG.packup_listener) {
- window.setTimeout(callback, 1000);
- return;
- }
- if (counter > 10) {
- if (WG.packup_listener) WG.sell_all();
- callback();
- return;
- }
- window.setTimeout(function () { Role._tidyBag(counter + 1, callback); }, 1000);
- },
- _monitorHpMp: function () {
- WG.add_hook(["items", "sc", "itemadd"], function (data) {
- switch (data.type) {
- case "items":
- if (data.items == null) break;
- for (var i = data.items.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- var item = data.items[i];
- if (item.id == Role.id) {
- Role.hp = item.hp;
- Role.maxHp = item.max_hp;
- Role.mp = item.mp;
- Role.maxMp = item.max_mp;
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- case "itemadd":
- case "sc":
- if (data.id != Role.id) break;
- if (data.hp != null) Role.hp = data.hp;
- if (data.max_hp != null) Role.maxHp = data.max_hp;
- if (data.mp != null) Role.mp = data.mp;
- if (data.max_mp != null) Role.maxMp = data.max_mp;
- break;
- }
- });
- },
- _monitorStatus: function () {
- WG.add_hook(["items", "status", "itemadd"], function (data) {
- switch (data.type) {
- case "items":
- if (data.items == null) break;
- for (var i = data.items.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- var item = data.items[i];
- if (item.id != Role.id) continue;
- if (item.status == null) break;
- Role.status = {};
- var timestamp = new Date().getTime();
- for (var j = item.status.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
- var s = item.status[j];
- Role.status[s.sid] = timestamp + s.duration - s.overtime;
- }
- break;
- }
- break;
- case "status":
- if (data.id != Role.id) break;
- var timestamp1 = new Date().getTime();
- if (data.action == "add") {
- Role.status[data.sid] = timestamp1 + data.duration;
- } else if (data.action == "remove") {
- delete Role.status[data.sid];
- }
- break;
- case "itemadd":
- if (data.id != Role.id) break;
- if (data.status == null) break;
- Role.status = {};
- var timestamp2 = new Date().getTime();
- for (var k = data.status.length - 1; k >= 0; k--) {
- var s1 = data.status[k];
- Role.status[s1.sid] = timestamp2 + s1.duration - s1.overtime;
- }
- break;
- }
- });
- },
- _monitorState: function () {
- WG.add_hook("state", function (data) {
- var text = data.state;
- if (text == null) {
- Role.state = RoleState.none;
- return;
- }
- for (const key in RoleState) {
- if (!RoleState.hasOwnProperty(key)) continue;
- const keyword = RoleState[key];
- if (text.indexOf(keyword) != -1) {
- Role.state = keyword;
- return;
- }
- }
- Role.state = RoleState.none;
- });
- },
- _monitorDeath: function () {
- WG.add_hook("die", function (data) {
- if (data.relive == true) {
- Role.living = true;
- } else {
- Role.living = false;
- }
- });
- },
- _monitorInfo: function () {
- WG.add_hook("dialog", function (data) {
- if (data.dialog == "score" && data.id == Role.id) {
- if (data.level != null) {
- var dd = data.level.replace(/<\/?.+?>/g, "");
- Role.grade = dd.replace(/ /g, "");
- }
- if (data.family != null) {
- Role.family = data.family;
- }
- if (data.jingli != null) {
- var dd = data.jingli.split("/");
- Role.energy = dd[0];
- }
- }
- });
- },
- _monitorItems: function () {
- WG.add_hook("dialog", function (data) {
- if (data.dialog == null) return;
- if (data.dialog == "pack") {
- if (data.items != null) {
- Role.items = {};
- for (const item of data.items) {
- if (item.id) Role.items[item.id] = item;
- }
- } else if (data.id != null) {
- if (data.remove == null && data.count != null) {
- Role.items[data.id] = data;
- return;
- } else if (data.remove != null) {
- var item = Role.items[data.id];
- if (item == null) return; // 从随从那里那回东西
- if (item.count != null) {
- item.count -= data.remove;
- } else {
- item.count = 0;
- }
- if (item.count == 0) delete Role.items[data.id];
- }
- }
- if (data.eqs != null) {
- Role.equipments = CopyObject(data.eqs);
- } else if (data.uneq != null && data.id != null) {
- let item = Role.equipments[data.uneq];
- item.count = 1;
- item.id = data.id;
- Role.items[item.id] = item;
- Role.equipments[data.uneq] = null;
- } else if (data.eq != null && data.id != null) {
- let item = Role.items[data.id];
- Role.equipments[data.eq] = item;
- delete Role.items[data.id];
- }
- if (data.money != null) {
- Role.money = data.money;
- }
- }
- if (data.dialog == "list") {
- if (data.stores != null) {
- Role.stores = {};
- for (const item of data.stores) {
- if (item.id) Role.stores[item.id] = item;
- }
- } else if (data.id != null && data.storeid != null && data.store != null) {
- var item = Role.items[data.id];
- var store = Role.stores[data.storeid];
- if (item == null) {
- item = Object.assign({}, store, { count: 0 });
- item.id = data.id;
- Role.items[item.id] = item;
- }
- if (store == null) {
- store = Object.assign({}, item, { count: 0 });
- Role.stores[store.id] = store;
- }
- item.count -= data.store;
- store.count += data.store;
- if (item.count <= 0) delete Role.items[data.id];
- if (store.count <= 0) delete Role.stores[data.storeid];
- }
- }
- });
- },
- _monitorGains: function () {
- WG.add_hook("dialog", function (data) {
- if (data.dialog != "pack" || data.id == null || data.name == null || data.unit == null || data.count == null || data.remove != null) return;
- var timestamp = new Date().getTime();
- // [{timestamp: number, name: string, count: number, unit: string}]
- var old = Role.items[data.id];
- var count = data.count;
- if (old != null && old.count != null) {
- count -= old.count;
- }
- var gain = { timestamp: timestamp, name: data.name, count: count, unit: data.unit };
- Role._gains.push(gain);
- });
- },
- _monitorSkillCD: function () {
- WG.add_hook("dispfm", function (data) {
- var timestamp = Date.parse(new Date());
- var mark = data.id + "_" + timestamp;
- Role._coolingSkills.push(mark);
- window.setTimeout(function () {
- var index = Role._coolingSkills.indexOf(mark);
- if (index != -1) Role._coolingSkills.splice(index, 1);
- }, data.distime);
- if (data.rtime != null && data.rtime != 0) {
- if (Role._rtimer != null) clearTimeout(Role._rtimer);
- Role.rtime = true;
- Role._rtimer = setTimeout(_ => {
- Role.rtime = false;
- }, data.rtime);
- }
- });
- },
- _monitorSkills: function () {
- var action = function (id, value, s_name) {
- switch (id) {
- case "unarmed":
- Role.kongfu.quan = value;Role.kongfu.quan_c = s_name; break;
- case "force":
- Role.kongfu.nei = value; Role.kongfu.nei_c = s_name; break;
- case "parry":
- Role.kongfu.zhao = value; Role.kongfu.zhao_c = s_name; break;
- case "dodge":
- Role.kongfu.qing = value; Role.kongfu.qing_c = s_name; break;
- case "sword":
- Role.kongfu.jian = value; Role.kongfu.jian_c = s_name; break;
- case "blade":
- Role.kongfu.dao = value; Role.kongfu.dao_c = s_name; break;
- case "club":
- Role.kongfu.gun = value; Role.kongfu.gun_c = s_name; break;
- case "staff":
- Role.kongfu.zhang = value; Role.kongfu.zhang_c = s_name; break;
- case "whip":
- Role.kongfu.bian = value; Role.kongfu.bian_c = s_name; break;
- case "throwing":
- Role.kongfu.an = value; Role.kongfu.an_c = s_name; break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- };
- WG.add_hook("dialog", function (data) {
- if (data.dialog == null || data.dialog != "skills") return;
- if (data.items != null) {
- for (const item of data.items) {
- var value = item.enable_skill ? item.enable_skill : null;
- var s_name = "";
- Role.skills = data.items;
- for (const sklii_item of data.items) {
- if (sklii_item.id == value) {
- s_name = /<([^<>]*)>/.exec(sklii_item.name)[1]
- }
- }
- action(item.id, value, s_name.toLocaleLowerCase());
- }
- }
- if (data.id != null && data.enable != null) {
- var value = data.enable;
- if (value == false) value = "none";
- var s_name = ""
- for (const sklii_item of Role.skills) {
- if (sklii_item.id == value) {
- s_name = /<([^<>]*)>/.exec(sklii_item.name)[1]
- }
- }
- action(data.id, value, s_name);
- }
- });
- },
- _monitorCombat: function () {
- WG.add_hook("combat", function (data) {
- if (data.start != null && data.start == 1) {
- Role.combating = true;
- } else if (data.end != null && data.end == 1) {
- Role.combating = false;
- }
- });
- WG.add_hook("text", function (data) {
- if (data.msg == null) return;
- if (data.msg.indexOf('只能在战斗中使用') != -1 || data.msg.indexOf('这里不允许战斗') != -1 || data.msg.indexOf('没时间这么做') != -1) {
- Role.combating = false;
- }
- if (data.msg.indexOf('战斗中打坐,你找死吗?') != -1 || data.msg.indexOf('你正在战斗') != -1) {
- Role.combating = true;
- }
- });
- },
- _monitorWeapon: function () {
- WG.add_hook("perform", function (data) {
- if (data.skills != null) {
- if (JSON.stringify(data.skills).indexOf("sword") != -1) {
- Role._weaponType = 'sword'
- } else if (JSON.stringify(data.skills).indexOf("blade") != -1) {
- Role._weaponType = 'blade'
- } else {
- Role._weaponType = ''
- }
- }
- });
- }
- };
- var Room = {
- name: null,
- path: null,
- updateTimestamp: null,
- init: function () {
- this._monitorLocation();
- this._monitorItemsInRoom();
- this._monitorDeath();
- },
- getItem: function (id) {
- return this._itemsInRoom[id];
- },
- getItemId: function (name, blurry, living, filterExp) {
- for (const item of Object.values(this._itemsInRoom)) {
- if (blurry == true) {
- if (item.name.indexOf(name) != -1) {
- if (living == true && item.name.indexOf("的尸体") != -1) {
- continue;
- }
- if (FilterCenter.filter(filterExp, item)) {
- continue;
- }
- return item.id;
- }
- } else {
- if (item.name == name && !FilterCenter.filter(filterExp, item)) {
- return item.id;
- }
- }
- }
- return null;
- },
- /**
- * @param {{name: string, blurry: Boolean}[]} itemNameInfos
- * @returns {Boolean}
- */
- didKillItemsInRoom: function (itemNameInfos) {
- var deadItems = this._deadItemsInRoom.slice();
- for (const info of itemNameInfos) {
- var found = false;
- for (let j = 0; j < deadItems.length; j++) {
- const deadItem = deadItems[j];
- if (info.blurry == true) {
- if (deadItem.name.indexOf(info.name) != -1) found = true;
- } else {
- if (deadItem.name == info.name) found = true;
- }
- if (found) {
- deadItems.splice(j, 1);
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!found) return false;
- }
- return true;
- },
- _itemsInRoom: {},
- _deadItemsInRoom: [],
- _monitorLocation: function () {
- WG.add_hook("room", function (data) {
- Room.name = data.name;
- Room.path = data.path;
- Room.updateTimestamp = new Date().getTime();
- Room._itemsInRoom = {};
- Room._deadItemsInRoom = [];
- });
- },
- _monitorItemsInRoom: function () {
- WG.add_hook(["items", "itemadd", "itemremove", "sc", "status"], function (data) {
- switch (data.type) {
- case "items":
- if (data.items == null) break;
- for (const item of data.items) {
- if (item.name == null || item.id == null) continue;
- Room._itemsInRoom[item.id] = item;
- }
- break;
- case "itemadd":
- if (data.name == null || data.id == null) break;
- Room._itemsInRoom[data.id] = data;
- break;
- case "itemremove":
- if (data.id == null) break;
- delete Room._itemsInRoom[data.id];
- break;
- case "sc": {
- if (data.id == null) break;
- const item = Room._itemsInRoom[data.id];
- if (item == null) break;
- if (data.hp != null) item.hp = data.hp;
- if (data.max_hp != null) item.max_hp = data.max_hp;
- if (data.mp != null) item.mp = data.mp;
- if (data.max_mp != null) item.max_mp = data.max_mp;
- break;
- }
- case "status": {
- if (data.action == null || data.id == null || data.sid == null) return;
- const item = Room._itemsInRoom[data.id];
- if (item == null) break;
- if (data.action == "add") {
- if (item.status == null) item.status = [];
- item.status.push({ sid: data.sid, name: data.name, duration: data.duration, overtime: 0 });
- } else if (data.action == "remove") {
- for (let i = 0; i < item.status.length; i++) {
- const s = item.status[i];
- if (s.sid == data.sid) {
- item.status.splice(i, 1);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- });
- },
- _monitorDeath: function () {
- WG.add_hook("sc", function (data) {
- if (data.id == null || data.hp == null || data.hp != 0) return;
- for (const item of Object.values(Room._itemsInRoom)) {
- if (item.id == data.id) {
- Room._deadItemsInRoom.push(item);
- return;
- }
- }
- });
- }
- };
- class SystemTip {
- constructor(text) {
- this.timestamp = new Date().getTime();
- this.text = text;
- }
- }
- var SystemTips = {
- init: function () {
- this._monitorSystemTips();
- },
- search: function (regex, from) {
- var patt = new RegExp(regex);
- var tips = this._tips.slice();
- for (let index = tips.length - 1; index >= 0; index--) {
- const tip = tips[index];
- if (tip.timestamp < from) break;
- var result = patt.exec(tip.text);
- if (result) return result;
- }
- return null;
- },
- clean: function (to) {
- while (true) {
- if (this._tips.length <= 0) break;
- var tip = this._tips[0];
- if (tip.timestamp > to) break;
- this._tips.shift();
- }
- },
- rejectTimestamp: null,
- _monitorSystemTips: function () {
- var theSelf = this;
- WG.add_hook("text", function (data) {
- var tip = new SystemTip(data.msg);
- theSelf._push(tip);
- if (data.msg == "不要急,慢慢来。") {
- theSelf.rejectTimestamp = new Date().getTime();
- }
- });
- WG.add_hook("item", function (data) {
- var desc = data.desc;
- if (desc == null) return;
- var tip = new SystemTip(desc);
- theSelf._push(tip);
- });
- },
- _push: function (tip) {
- if (this._tips.length >= this._maxCapacity) {
- this._tips.shift();
- }
- this._tips.push(tip);
- },
- _tips: [],
- _maxCapacity: 100,
- };
- class MsgTip {
- constructor(content, ch, name, uid) {
- this.timestamp = new Date().getTime();
- this.content = content;
- this.ch = ch;
- this.name = name;
- this.uid = uid;
- }
- }
- var MsgTips = {
- init: function () {
- this._monitorSystemTips();
- },
- search: function (regex, from) {
- var patt = new RegExp(regex);
- var tips = this._tips.slice();
- for (let index = tips.length - 1; index >= 0; index--) {
- const tip = tips[index];
- if (tip.timestamp < from) break;
- var result = patt.exec(tip.content);
- if (result) return result;
- }
- return null;
- },
- clean: function (to) {
- while (true) {
- if (this._tips.length <= 0) break;
- var tip = this._tips[0];
- if (tip.timestamp > to) break;
- this._tips.shift();
- }
- },
- rejectTimestamp: null,
- _monitorSystemTips: function () {
- var theSelf = this;
- WG.add_hook("msg", function (data) {
- // console.log(data)
- var tip = new MsgTip(data.content, data.ch, data.name, data.uid);
- theSelf._push(tip);
- });
- },
- _push: function (tip) {
- if (this._tips.length >= this._maxCapacity) {
- this._tips.shift();
- }
- this._tips.push(tip);
- },
- _tips: [],
- _maxCapacity: 100,
- };
- var DialogList = {
- init: function () {
- this._monitorDialogList();
- },
- timestamp: null,
- findItem: function (itemName, blurry, quality, filterExp) {
- return FindItem(this._list, itemName, blurry, quality, filterExp);
- },
- _list: [],
- _monitorDialogList: function () {
- const self = this;
- WG.add_hook("dialog", function (data) {
- let list = null;
- if (data.selllist != null) {
- list = data.selllist;
- } else if (data.stores != null) {
- list = data.stores;
- } else if (data.dialog == "pack2" && data.items != null) {
- list = data.items;
- }
- if (list == null) return;
- self.timestamp = new Date().getTime();
- self._list = list;
- });
- },
- };
- var TaskList = {
- init: function () {
- this._monitorTasksList();
- },
- search: function (regex, from) {
- if (this._timestamp < from) return null;
- var patt = new RegExp(regex);
- for (const task of this._list) {
- const result = patt.exec(task);
- if (result) return result;
- }
- return null;
- },
- _timestamp: null,
- _list: [],
- _monitorTasksList: function () {
- const self = this;
- WG.add_hook("dialog", function (data) {
- if (data.dialog == null || data.dialog != "tasks" || data.items == null) return;
- let list = [];
- for (const item of data.items) {
- list.push(item.desc);
- }
- self._timestamp = new Date().getTime();
- self._list = list;
- });
- }
- };
- var Xiangyang = {
- init: function () {
- this._monitorXiangyang();
- },
- search: function (regex, from) {
- if (this._timestamp < from) return null;
- var patt = new RegExp(regex);
- const result = patt.exec(this._desc);
- if (result) return result;
- return null;
- },
- _timestamp: null,
- _desc: '',
- _monitorXiangyang: function () {
- const self = this;
- WG.add_hook('dialog', function (data) {
- if (data.dialog == null || data.t != 'fam' || data.index != 8 || data.desc == null) return;
- self._timestamp = new Date().getTime();
- self._desc = data.desc;
- });
- }
- };
- /***********************************************************************************\
- Persistent Cache
- \***********************************************************************************/
- (function () {
- const FlowStoreKey = function () { return `flow_store@${Role.id}`; };
- const getMap = function () {
- let map = GM_getValue(FlowStoreKey(), null);
- if (map == null) {
- // 之前 FlowStoreKey 会错误地一只返回 flow_store@null
- map = GM_getValue("flow_store@null", {});
- }
- return map;
- };
- FlowStore = new PersistentCache((key, value) => {
- let map = getMap();
- map[key] = value;
- GM_setValue(FlowStoreKey(), map);
- }, _ => {
- return getMap();
- }, key => {
- let map = getMap();
- delete map[key];
- GM_setValue(FlowStoreKey(), map);
- });
- FlowStore.corver = function (value) {
- GM_setValue(FlowStoreKey(), value);
- };
- })();
- (function () {
- const PersistentVariablesKey = function () { return `global_params@${Role.id}`; };
- const getMap = function () {
- let map = GM_getValue(PersistentVariablesKey(), null);
- if (map == null) {
- // 之前 PersistentVariablesKey 会错误地一只返回 global_params@null
- map = GM_getValue("global_params@null", {});
- }
- return map;
- };
- PersistentVariables = new PersistentCache((key, value) => {
- let map = getMap();
- map[key] = value;
- GM_setValue(PersistentVariablesKey(), map);
- }, _ => {
- return getMap();
- }, key => {
- let map = getMap();
- delete map[key];
- GM_setValue(PersistentVariablesKey(), map);
- });
- VariableStore.register(_ => { return PersistentVariables.getAll(); });
- })();
- VariableStore.register(_ => {
- return {
- ":online": WG.online,
- ":id": Role.id,
- ":name": Role.name,
- ":grade": Role.grade,
- ":family": Role.family,
- ":energy": Role.energy,
- ":money": Role.money,
- ":hp": Role.hp,
- ":maxHp": Role.maxHp,
- ":hpPer": Role.hp / Role.maxHp, // 0-1
- ":mp": Role.mp,
- ":maxMp": Role.maxMp,
- ":mpPer": Role.mp / Role.maxMp, // 0-1
- ":living": Role.living, // true/false
- ":state": Role.state, // RoleState
- ":combating": Role.combating, // true/false
- ":free": Role.isFree,
- ":gains": Role.profitInfo,
- ":room": Room.name,
- ":path": Room.path,
- ":eq0": Role.getEqId(0),
- ":eq1": Role.getEqId(1),
- ":eq2": Role.getEqId(2),
- ":eq3": Role.getEqId(3),
- ":eq4": Role.getEqId(4),
- ":eq5": Role.getEqId(5),
- ":eq6": Role.getEqId(6),
- ":eq7": Role.getEqId(7),
- ":eq8": Role.getEqId(8),
- ":eq9": Role.getEqId(9),
- ":eq10": Role.getEqId(10),
- ":kf_quan": Role.kongfu.quan,
- ":kf_nei": Role.kongfu.nei,
- ":kf_zhao": Role.kongfu.zhao,
- ":kf_qing": Role.kongfu.qing,
- ":kf_jian": Role.kongfu.jian,
- ":kf_dao": Role.kongfu.dao,
- ":kf_gun": Role.kongfu.gun,
- ":kf_zhang": Role.kongfu.zhang,
- ":kf_bian": Role.kongfu.bian,
- ":kf_an": Role.kongfu.an,
- ":kf_quan_c": Role.kongfu.quan_c,
- ":kf_nei_c": Role.kongfu.nei_c,
- ":kf_zhao_c": Role.kongfu.zhao_c,
- ":kf_qing_c": Role.kongfu.qing_c,
- ":kf_jian_c": Role.kongfu.jian_c,
- ":kf_dao_c": Role.kongfu.dao_c,
- ":kf_gun_c": Role.kongfu.gun_c,
- ":kf_zhang_c": Role.kongfu.zhang_c,
- ":kf_bian_c": Role.kongfu.bian_c,
- ":kf_an_c": Role.kongfu.an_c
- };
- });
- VariableStore.register(_ => {
- return {
- ":room ": function (param) {
- const parts = param.split(",");
- for (const part of parts) {
- if (Room.name.indexOf(part) != -1) return true;
- }
- return false;
- },
- ":cd ": function (sid) {
- return Role.coolingSkill(sid);
- },
- ":status ": function (param) {
- const parts = param.split(",");
- if (parts.length > 1) {
- const status = parts[0];
- const id = parts[1];
- const item = Room.getItem(id);
- if (item == null || item.status == null) return false;
- for (const s of item.status) {
- if (s.sid == status) return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- return Role.hasStatus(param);
- },
- ":hp ": function (id) {
- const item = Room.getItem(id);
- if (item != null) return item.hp;
- return -1;
- },
- ":weapon ": function (id) {
- return id == Role.weapon()
- },
- ":maxHp ": function (id) {
- const item = Room.getItem(id);
- if (item != null) return item.max_hp;
- return -1;
- },
- ":mp ": function (id) {
- const item = Room.getItem(id);
- if (item != null) return item.mp;
- return -1;
- },
- ":maxMp ": function (id) {
- const item = Room.getItem(id);
- if (item != null) return item.max_mp;
- return -1;
- },
- ":exist ": function (id) {
- if (id == null) return false;
- const item = Room.getItem(id);
- return item != null;
- },
- ":findName ": function (id) {
- if (id == null) return null;
- const item = Room.getItem(id);
- //if (item != null) return item.name.match(/.*\s([\u4e00-\u9fa5]+)/)[1];
- if (item != null) return item.name.replace(/<.+?>|<.*/g, '').split(' ').pop();
- //if (item != null) return item.name.replace(/<.+?>|<.*/g, '').match(/(\p{Script=Han}\s)*(\p{Script=Han}*)/u)[2]
- //if (item != null) return item.name.match(/(\p{Script=Han}\s)*(\p{Script=Han}*)/u)[2];
- return null;
- }
- };
- });
- /***********************************************************************************\
- WSMUD Cmd Prehandler And Handler
- \***********************************************************************************/
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // WSMUD Raid 占位符
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- const FilterCenter = {
- filter: function (filterExp, obj) {
- if (filterExp == null) {
- return false;
- }
- const exp = filterExp.substring(1, filterExp.length - 2);
- const yes = eval(`${exp}`);
- return yes;
- }
- }
- function ReplacePlaceholder(exp) {
- var patt = /\{([a-z]?)([^a-z%#]+?|<\w+>[^a-z%#]+?<\/\w+>)([a-z]?)(%?)(#?)\}\??(#[^#{}]*#)?/g;
- var placeholders = [];
- var result = patt.exec(exp);
- while (result != null) {
- placeholders.push({
- text: result[0],
- location: result[1] == "" ? null : result[1],
- name: result[2],
- blurry: result[4] != "%",
- quality: result[3] == "" ? null : result[3],
- type: result[5] != "#" ? "id" : "amount",
- filterExp: result[6]
- });
- result = patt.exec(exp);
- }
- const getValue = function (p) {
- let locationOrder = [];
- if (p.location == null) {
- locationOrder = p.quality == null ? ["r", "b", "d"] : ["b", "d"];
- } else {
- locationOrder = [p.location];
- }
- for (const location of locationOrder) {
- let value = null;
- switch (location) {
- case "r":
- value = Room.getItemId(p.name, p.blurry, false, p.filterExp);
- break;
- case "b": {
- let item = Role.findItem(p.name, p.blurry, p.quality, p.filterExp);
- if (item) {
- value = p.type == "id" ? item.id : item.count;
- }
- break;
- }
- case "d": {
- let item = DialogList.findItem(p.name, p.blurry, p.quality, p.filterExp);
- if (item) {
- value = p.type == "id" ? item.id : item.count;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- if (value != null) return value;
- }
- return null;
- };
- let realExp = exp;
- for (const p of placeholders) {
- let value = getValue(p);
- realExp = realExp.replace(p.text, value);
- }
- return realExp;
- }
- (function () {
- const handle = function (performer, cmd) {
- return ReplacePlaceholder(cmd);
- };
- const handler = new CmdPrehandler(handle)
- CmdPrehandleCenter.shared().addHandler(handler);
- })();
- (function () {
- const handle = function (cmds) {
- var result = [];
- var tempcmds = "";
- var inString = false;
- for (const cmd of cmds) {
- if (cmd.indexOf("`")==0 || inString){
- var ccmd = cmd
- if (cmd.indexOf("`")==0){
- ccmd=cmd.substr(1);
- }
- if (cmd[cmd.length-1]=="`"){
- ccmd=cmd.substr(0,cmd.length-1);
- }
- tempcmds = tempcmds +" "+ccmd
- inString= true;
- }
- if(cmd[cmd.length-1]=="`"){
- result[result.length-1] = result[result.length-1] +tempcmds
- tempcmds = "";
- inString = false;
- continue;
- }
- if(inString){
- continue;
- }
- const header = /^\s*/.exec(cmd)[0];
- let patt = /(\{[^\}]+\})([^\?]|$)/g;
- let r = patt.exec(cmd);
- let j = cmd.indexOf("@js")
- while (r != null && j == -1) {
- result.push(`${header}@until ${r[1]}? != null`);
- r = patt.exec(cmd);
- }
- result.push(cmd);
- }
- return result;
- };
- const rule = new PrecompileRule(handle, PrecompileRulePriority.low);
- PrecompileRuleCenter.shared().addRule(rule);
- })();
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // WSMUD Raid 命令
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (function () {
- const executor = new CmdExecutor(cmd => {
- return cmd.indexOf("<-stopSSAuto") == 0 || cmd.indexOf("@stopSSAuto") == 0;
- }, (performer, _) => {
- if (performer.log()) Message.cmdLog("暂停自动婚宴和自动Boss", "目前手动终止流程不会自动恢复");
- WG.stopAllAuto();
- })
- CmdExecuteCenter.addExecutor(executor);
- })();
- (function () {
- const executor = new CmdExecutor(cmd => {
- return cmd.indexOf("stopSSAuto->") == 0 || cmd.indexOf("@recoverSSAuto") == 0;
- }, (performer, _) => {
- if (performer.log()) Message.cmdLog("恢复自动婚宴和自动Boss设置");
- WG.reSetAllAuto();
- })
- CmdExecuteCenter.addExecutor(executor);
- })();
- var __RecordGainsFrom = null;
- (function () {
- const executor = new CmdExecutor(cmd => {
- return cmd.indexOf("<-recordGains") == 0;
- }, (performer, _) => {
- if (performer.log()) Message.cmdLog("开始记录物品获取");
- __RecordGainsFrom = new Date().getTime();
- })
- CmdExecuteCenter.addExecutor(executor);
- })();
- (function () {
- const executor = new CmdExecutor(cmd => {
- return cmd.indexOf("recordGains->") == 0;
- }, (_, cmd) => {
- const gains = Role.gains(__RecordGainsFrom, new Date().getTime());
- var result = {};
- gains.forEach(gain => {
- var oldCount = 0;
- var old = result[gain.name];
- if (old) oldCount = old.count;
- result[gain.name] = { count: oldCount + gain.count, unit: gain.unit };
- });
- var content = "";
- if (cmd.indexOf("recordGains->silent") == -1) {
- Message.clean();
- Message.append(" > 战利品列表如下:");
- }
- for (const name in result) {
- if (!result.hasOwnProperty(name)) continue;
- const gain = result[name];
- if (cmd.indexOf("recordGains->silent") == -1) {
- Message.append(" * " + name + " <wht>" + gain.count + gain.unit + "</wht>");
- }
- content += ` * ${name} <wht>${gain.count}${gain.unit}</wht><br>`;
- }
- Role.profitInfo = content != "" ? content : null;
- if (cmd.indexOf("recordGains->nopopup") == 0 || cmd.indexOf("recordGains->silent") == 0) return;
- layer.open({
- type: 1,
- area: ["380px", "300px"],
- title: "战利品列表",
- content: content,
- offset: 'auto',
- shift: 2
- });
- })
- CmdExecuteCenter.addExecutor(executor);
- })();
- (function () {
- const executor = new AtCmdExecutor("toolbar", function (performer, param) {
- performer.timeSeries(new Date().getTime());
- $(`span[command=${param}]`).click();
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- setTimeout(_ => {
- $(".glyphicon-remove-circle").click();
- resolve();
- }, 500);
- });
- });
- CmdExecuteCenter.addExecutor(executor);
- })();
- (function () {
- const executor = new UntilAtCmdExecutor("liaoshang", function (performer, param) {
- if (Role.hp / Role.maxHp >= 1) {
- WG.SendCmd("stopstate");
- return true;
- }
- if (Role.state != RoleState.liaoshang) {
- WG.SendCmd("stopstate;liaoshang");
- }
- return false;
- }, null, 1000);
- CmdExecuteCenter.addExecutor(executor);
- })();
- (function () {
- const executor = new UntilAtCmdExecutor("dazuo", function (performer, param) {
- if (Role.mp / Role.maxMp > 0.99) {
- WG.SendCmd("stopstate");
- return true;
- }
- if (Role.state != RoleState.dazuo) {
- WG.SendCmd("stopstate;dazuo");
- }
- return false;
- }, null, 1000);
- CmdExecuteCenter.addExecutor(executor);
- })();
- (function () {
- const executor = new UntilAtCmdExecutor("eq", function (performer, param) {
- const eqIds = param.split(",");
- let cmds = [];
- eqIds.forEach(eqId => {
- if (!Role.wearing(eqId)) cmds.push(`eq ${eqId}`);
- });
- if (cmds.length > 0) {
- WG.SendCmd("stopstate;" + cmds.join(";"));
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }, null, 1000);
- CmdExecuteCenter.addExecutor(executor);
- })();
- (function () {
- const executor = new UntilAtCmdExecutor("cd", function (performer, param) {
- if (param == null) {
- return !Role.hasCoolingSkill();
- }
- let validParam = param;
- let isBlack = false;
- if (validParam[0] == "^") {
- validParam = validParam.substring(1);
- isBlack = true;
- }
- const skills = validParam.split(",");
- if (isBlack) {
- for (const cooling of Role.coolingSkills()) {
- if (skills.indexOf(cooling) == -1) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- } else {
- let coolings = Role.coolingSkills();
- for (const skill of skills) {
- if (coolings.indexOf(skill) != -1) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
- });
- CmdExecuteCenter.addExecutor(executor);
- })();
- class UntilSearchedAtCmdExecutor extends UntilAtCmdExecutor {
- constructor(key, search) {
- const assert = function (performer, param) {
- let placeholders = [];
- let patt = /\(\$[a-zA-Z0-9_]+?\)/g;
- let result = patt.exec(param);
- while (result != null) {
- placeholders.push(result[0]);
- result = patt.exec(param);
- }
- let regex = param;
- for (let i = 0; i < placeholders.length; i++) {
- const placeholder = placeholders[i];
- regex = regex.replace(placeholder, "(.+?)");
- }
- let result2 = search(regex, performer.timeSeries());
- if (result2 == null) {
- return false;
- }
- for (let j = 0; j < placeholders.length; j++) {
- const placeholder = placeholders[j];
- let key = placeholder.substring(2, placeholder.length - 1);
- let value = result2[j + 1];
- if (value != null) {
- UpdateVariable(performer, key, value);
- }
- }
- return true;
- };
- super(key, assert);
- }
- }
- (function () {
- const executor = new UntilSearchedAtCmdExecutor("tip", (regex, from) => {
- return SystemTips.search(regex, from);
- });
- CmdExecuteCenter.addExecutor(executor);
- })();
- (function () {
- const executor = new UntilSearchedAtCmdExecutor("msgtip", (regex, from) => {
- return MsgTips.search(regex, from);
- });
- CmdExecuteCenter.addExecutor(executor);
- })();
- (function () {
- const executor = new UntilSearchedAtCmdExecutor("task", (regex, from) => {
- return TaskList.search(regex, from);
- });
- CmdExecuteCenter.addExecutor(executor);
- })();
- (function () {
- const executor = new UntilSearchedAtCmdExecutor("xy", (regex, from) => {
- return Xiangyang.search(regex, from);
- });
- CmdExecuteCenter.addExecutor(executor);
- })();
- (function () {
- const executor = new UntilAtCmdExecutor("kill", function (performer, param) {
- const parts = param.split(",");
- let infos = [];
- for (let i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
- const name = parts[i];
- let blurry = true;
- if (name.substring(name.length - 1) == "%") {
- name = name.substring(0, name.length - 1);
- blurry = false;
- }
- infos.push({ name: name, blurry: blurry });
- }
- const finish = Room.didKillItemsInRoom(infos);
- if (finish) {
- return true;
- } else {
- let cmd = "";
- infos.forEach(info => {
- const itemId = Room.getItemId(info.name, info.blurry, true);
- if (itemId != null) {
- cmd += "kill " + itemId + ";";
- }
- });
- WG.SendCmd(cmd);
- return false;
- }
- }, null, 1000, 1000);
- CmdExecuteCenter.addExecutor(executor);
- })();
- /* 等待,直到 dialog 打开,在打开 dialog 后调用,便于后续使用占位符 */
- (function () {
- const executor = new UntilAtCmdExecutor("dialog", function (performer, param) {
- return DialogList.timestamp > performer.timeSeries();
- });
- CmdExecuteCenter.addExecutor(executor);
- })();
- function UntilRoleFreePerformerPromise(callback, log) {
- return PerformerPromise("@until (:free) == true", callback, log);
- }
- (function () {
- const executor = new AtCmdExecutor("cleanBag", function (performer, param) {
- if (performer.log()) Message.cmdLog("清理包裹");
- return UntilRoleFreePerformerPromise(resolve => {
- WG.SendCmd("$cleanall");
- setTimeout(resolve, 1000);
- });
- });
- CmdExecuteCenter.addExecutor(executor);
- })();
- (function () {
- const executor = new AtCmdExecutor("tidyBag", function (performer, param) {
- if (performer.log()) Message.cmdLog("整理包裹");
- return UntilRoleFreePerformerPromise(resolve => {
- Role.tidyBag(_ => { setTimeout(resolve, 1000); });
- });
- });
- CmdExecuteCenter.addExecutor(executor);
- })();
- (function () {
- const executor = new AtCmdExecutor("shimen", function (performer, param) {
- if (performer.log()) Message.cmdLog("自动完成允许放弃的放弃师门");
- return UntilRoleFreePerformerPromise(resolve => {
- Role.shimen(_ => { setTimeout(resolve, 1000); });
- });
- });
- CmdExecuteCenter.addExecutor(executor);
- })();
- (function () {
- const executor = new AtCmdExecutor("renew", function (performer, param) {
- if (performer.log()) Message.cmdLog("恢复角色气血和内力");
- return UntilRoleFreePerformerPromise(resolve => {
- Role.renew(_ => { setTimeout(resolve, 1000); });
- });
- });
- CmdExecuteCenter.addExecutor(executor);
- })();
- (function () {
- const executor = new AtCmdExecutor("beep", function (performer, param) {
- Beep();
- });
- CmdExecuteCenter.addExecutor(executor);
- })();
- (function () {
- const executor = new AtCmdExecutor("push", function (performer, param) {
- Push(param);
- });
- CmdExecuteCenter.addExecutor(executor);
- })();
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Skill State Machine
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var SkillStateMachine = {
- perform: function (skill, force) {
- // if (!Role.hasSkill(skill)) return;
- const timestamp = new Date().getTime();
- this._perform(skill, force, timestamp);
- },
- _perform: function (skill, force, timestamp) {
- if (this._skillStack[skill] != null && this._skillStack[skill] > timestamp) return;
- const self = this;
- if ((!Role.isFree() && !force) || Role.coolingSkill(skill) || Role.rtime) {
- setTimeout(_ => {
- self._perform(skill, force, timestamp);
- }, 200);
- return;
- }
- // if (!Role.hasSkill(skill)) {
- // if( self._performNum < 10){
- // setTimeout(_ => {
- // self._perform(skill, force, timestamp);
- // }, 200);
- // }else{
- // self._performNum = 0;
- // return;
- // }
- // self._performNum = self._performNum + 1;
- // return;
- // }
- this._skillStack[skill] = timestamp;
- WG.SendCmd(`perform ${skill}`);
- const timer = setInterval(_ => {
- if (Role.coolingSkill(skill) || Role.combating == false) {
- clearInterval(timer);
- if (self._skillStack[skill] != null && self._skillStack[skill] == timestamp) {
- delete self._skillStack[skill];
- }
- return;
- }
- if (!Role.isFree() || Role.rtime) return;
- WG.SendCmd(`perform ${skill}`);
- }, 1000);
- },
- reset: function () {
- this._skillStack = {};
- },
- _skillStack: {},
- _performNum : 0
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Send System Cmd
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var __systemCmdDelay = 1500;
- (function () {
- const executor = new AtCmdExecutor("cmdDelay", function (performer, param) {
- performer._cmdDelay = parseInt(param);
- });
- CmdExecuteCenter.addExecutor(executor);
- })();
- const UnpackSystemCmd = function (cmd) {
- let result = cmd;
- let patt = /([^;]+)\[(\d+?)\]/g;
- let r = patt.exec(cmd);
- while (r != null) {
- const packedCmd = r[1];
- const count = parseInt(r[2]);
- const temp = (new Array(count)).fill(packedCmd);
- const unpackedCmd = temp.join(";");
- result = result.replace(r[0], unpackedCmd);
- r = patt.exec(cmd);
- }
- return result;
- };
- (function () {
- function createWorker(f) {
- var blob = new Blob(['(function(){' + f.toString() + '})()']);
- var url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
- var worker = new Worker(url);
- return worker;
- }
- const executor = new CmdExecutor(_ => {
- return true;
- }, (performer, cmd) => {
- let validCmd = CmdPrehandleCenter.shared().handle(performer, cmd);
- validCmd = UnpackSystemCmd(validCmd);
- return UntilRoleFreePerformerPromise(resolve => {
- const timestamp = new Date().getTime();
- let delay = 0;
- const fromReject = timestamp - SystemTips.rejectTimestamp;
- if (fromReject < 1500) {
- // console.log(fromReject);
- delay = fromReject;
- }
- var wa = createWorker("setTimeout(() => postMessage('0'), " + delay + ")")
- wa.onmessage = function (event) {
- // console.log(new Date, event.data);
- wa.terminate();
- if (performer.log()) Message.cmdLog("执行系统命令", validCmd);
- performer.timeSeries(timestamp);
- performer.systemCmdTimestamp = timestamp;
- WG.SendCmd(validCmd);
- const cmdDelay = performer._cmdDelay == null ? __systemCmdDelay : performer._cmdDelay;
- setTimeout(resolve, cmdDelay);
- };
- });
- }, CmdExecutorPriority.low);
- CmdExecuteCenter.addExecutor(executor);
- })();
- (function () {
- const executor = new AtCmdExecutor("force", function (performer, param) {
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- if (performer.log()) Message.cmdLog("强行执行系统命令", param);
- WG.SendCmd(param);
- const cmdDelay = performer._cmdDelay == null ? __systemCmdDelay : performer._cmdDelay;
- setTimeout(resolve, cmdDelay);
- });
- });
- CmdExecuteCenter.addExecutor(executor);
- })();
- (function () {
- const executor = new AtCmdExecutor("perform", function (performer, param) {
- const skills = param.split(",");
- for (const skill of skills) {
- SkillStateMachine.perform(skill, false);
- }
- });
- CmdExecuteCenter.addExecutor(executor);
- })();
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Manage Trigger
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (function () {
- const executor = new AtCmdExecutor("on", function (performer, param) {
- unsafeWindow.TriggerCenter.activate(param);
- });
- CmdExecuteCenter.addExecutor(executor);
- })();
- (function () {
- const executor = new AtCmdExecutor("off", function (performer, param) {
- unsafeWindow.TriggerCenter.deactivate(param);
- });
- CmdExecuteCenter.addExecutor(executor);
- })();
- /***********************************************************************************\
- Dungeons
- \***********************************************************************************/
- const GetDungeonFlow = function (name) {
- for (const d of Dungeons) {
- if (d.name == name) {
- return d.source;
- }
- }
- return null;
- };
- // params: name subtype
- const AutoDungeonName = function (params) {
- const parts = params.split(' ');
- const name = parts[0];
- const type = parts[1];
- let totalName = '';
- switch (type) {
- case '0':
- if (GetDungeonFlow(name)) {
- return name;
- }
- totalName = `${name}(简单)`;
- if (GetDungeonFlow(totalName)) {
- return totalName;
- }
- break;
- case '1':
- totalName = `${name}(困难)`;
- if (GetDungeonFlow(totalName) != null) {
- return totalName;
- };
- break;
- case '2':
- totalName = `${name}(组队)`;
- if (GetDungeonFlow(totalName) != null) {
- return totalName;
- };
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return null;
- };
- (function () {
- const executor = new AtCmdExecutor("fb", function (performer, param) {
- const name = AutoDungeonName(param);
- if (name == null) {
- Message.append('暂不支持次副本哦,欢迎到论坛分享此副本流程。');
- } else {
- const source = GetDungeonSource(name);
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- const p = new Performer(`自动副本-${name}`, source);
- p.log(true);
- p.start(_ => {
- resolve();
- });
- });
- }
- });
- CmdExecuteCenter.addExecutor(executor);
- })();
- function GetDungeonSource(name) {
- let source = GetDungeonFlow(name);
- if (source == null) {
- return null;
- }
- const result = `
- [if] (_DungeonHpThreshold) == null
- ($_DungeonHpThreshold) = 50
- [if] (_DungeonWaitSkillCD) == null
- ($_DungeonWaitSkillCD) = 打开
- [if] (_DungeonBagCleanWay) == null
- ($_DungeonBagCleanWay) = 存仓及售卖
- [if] (_DungeonRecordGains) == null
- ($_DungeonRecordGains) = 是
- #select ($_DungeonHpThreshold) = 副本内疗伤,当气血低于百分比,100|90|80|70|60|50|40|30|20|10,(_DungeonHpThreshold)
- #select ($_DungeonWaitSkillCD) = Boss战前等待技能冷却,打开|关闭,(_DungeonWaitSkillCD)
- #select ($_DungeonBagCleanWay) = 背包清理方案,不清理|售卖|存仓及售卖,(_DungeonBagCleanWay)
- #select ($_DungeonRecordGains) = 结束后显示收益统计,是|否,(_DungeonRecordGains)
- #input ($_repeat) = 重复次数,1
- #config
- [if] (arg0) != null
- ($_DungeonHpThreshold) = (arg0)
- [if] (arg1) != null
- ($_DungeonWaitSkillCD) = (arg1)
- [if] (arg2) != null
- ($_DungeonBagCleanWay) = (arg2)
- [if] (arg3) != null
- ($_repeat) = (arg3)
- <-stopSSAuto
- stopstate
- <---
- [if] (_DungeonHpThreshold) == null
- ($_DungeonHpThreshold) = 50
- ($hpPer) = (_DungeonHpThreshold)/100
- [if] (:hpPer) < (hpPer)
- @liaoshang
- --->
- [if] (_DungeonRecordGains) == 是
- <-recordGains
- ($_i) = 0
- [if] (_repeat) == null
- ($_repeat) = 1
- [while] (_i) < (_repeat)
- @renew
- [if] (_DungeonBagCleanWay) == 售卖
- @cleanBag
- [else if] (_DungeonBagCleanWay) == 存仓及售卖
- @tidyBag
- ${SourceCodeHelper.appendHeader(" ", source)}
- cr;cr over
- ($_i) = (_i) + 1
- [if] (_DungeonBagCleanWay) == 售卖
- @cleanBag
- [else if] (_DungeonBagCleanWay) == 存仓及售卖
- @tidyBag
- $to 住房-练功房;dazuo
- [if] (_DungeonRecordGains) == 是
- recordGains->
- stopSSAuto->`
- return result;
- }
- const Dungeons = [
- {
- name: "华山论剑",
- source: `
- @print 👑 感谢 koyodakla、freesunny 对此副本代码提供的帮助。
- jh fb 30 start1;cr huashan/lunjian/leitaixia
- [if] (_DungeonWaitSkillCD) == 打开
- @cd
- go up
- @tip 恭喜你战胜了五绝
- @wait 1000
- jump bi
- get all from {r五绝宝箱}`
- },
- {
- name: "光明顶(组队)",
- source: `
- @print 👑 感谢 dtooboss 分享此副本代码。
- jh fb 26 start3;cr mj/shanmen 2 0
- go north;go west;go northwest
- @kill 冷谦
- go north
- @kill 张中
- go north
- @kill 周颠
- go north;go north
- @kill 颜垣
- go east
- @kill 唐洋
- go north
- @kill 辛然
- go west;go west
- @kill 庄铮
- go south
- @kill 闻苍松
- go east;go south
- @kill 说不得,彭莹玉
- [if] (_DungeonWaitSkillCD) == 打开
- @cd
- go north[2]
- @kill 韦一笑,殷天正
- [if] (_DungeonWaitSkillCD) == 打开
- @cd
- go north[2]
- @kill 张无忌,杨逍,范遥`
- },
- {
- name: "光明顶",
- source: `
- @print 👑 感谢 dtooboss 分享此副本代码。
- jh fb 26 start1;cr mj/shanmen
- go north;go west;go northwest
- @kill 冷谦
- go north
- @kill 张中
- go north
- @kill 周颠
- go north;go north
- @kill 颜垣
- go east
- @kill 唐洋
- go north
- @kill 辛然
- go west;go west
- @kill 庄铮
- go south
- @kill 闻苍松
- go east;go south
- @kill 说不得,彭莹玉
- [if] (_DungeonWaitSkillCD) == 打开
- @cd
- go north[2]
- @kill 韦一笑,殷天正
- [if] (_DungeonWaitSkillCD) == 打开
- @cd
- go north[2]
- @kill 张无忌,杨逍,范遥`
- },
- {
- name: "燕子坞(困难)",
- source: `
- jh fb 23 start2;cr murong/anbian 1 0
- go east;go east
- @kill 包不同
- go east;go south;go east;go south;go south
- @kill 王夫人
- go north;go north;go west;go north
- [if] (_DungeonWaitSkillCD) == 打开
- @cd
- go east;go east;go east
- @kill 慕容复
- go west;go north
- look pai;bai pai[3]
- go north;search
- [if] (_DungeonWaitSkillCD) == 打开
- @cd
- go south
- @kill 慕容博
- go east
- @kill 阿朱`
- },
- {
- name: "燕子坞(简单)",
- source: `
- jh fb 23 start1;cr murong/anbian
- go east;go east
- @kill 包不同
- go east;go south;go east;go south;go south
- @kill 王夫人
- go north;go north;go west;go north
- [if] (_DungeonWaitSkillCD) == 打开
- @cd
- go east;go east;go east
- @kill 慕容复
- go west;go north
- look pai;bai pai[3]
- go north;search
- [if] (_DungeonWaitSkillCD) == 打开
- @cd
- go south
- @kill 慕容博
- go east
- @kill 阿朱`
- },
- {
- name: "燕子坞(偷书)",
- source: `
- @print 👑 感谢 Airson 分享此副本代码。
- jh fb 23 start1;cr murong/anbian
- go east;go east
- @kill 包不同
- go east;go east;go east;go north
- look pai;bai pai[3]
- go north;search`
- },
- {
- name: "移花宫(困难)",
- source: `
- jh fb 22 start2;cr huashan/yihua/shandao 1 0
- go south[5]
- go south[5]
- go south[5]
- @kill 花月奴
- go south;go south
- @kill 移花宫女弟子,移花宫女弟子
- go south
- @kill 移花宫女弟子,移花宫女弟子
- [if] (_DungeonWaitSkillCD) == 打开
- @cd
- go southeast
- @kill 涟星
- [if] {r邀月}? != null
- @kill 邀月
- [if] {邀月的尸体}? == null
- [if] (_DungeonWaitSkillCD) == 打开
- @cd
- go northwest;go southwest
- [if] {r邀月}? != null
- @kill 邀月
- [if] {b火折子g}? != null
- look hua
- @tip 你数了下大概有($number)朵花
- go southeast
- look bed;pushstart bed
- pushleft bed[(number)]
- @await 1000
- pushright bed[8]
- @await 1000
- go down;fire;go west
- @kill 花无缺
- look xia;open xia`
- },
- {
- name: "移花宫(简单)",
- source: `
- jh fb 22 start1;cr huashan/yihua/shandao
- go south[5]
- go south[5]
- go south[5]
- @kill 花月奴
- go south;go south
- @kill 移花宫女弟子,移花宫女弟子
- go south
- @kill 移花宫女弟子,移花宫女弟子
- [if] (_DungeonWaitSkillCD) == 打开
- @cd
- go southeast
- @kill 涟星
- [if] (_DungeonWaitSkillCD) == 打开
- @cd
- go northwest;go southwest
- @kill 邀月
- [if] {b火折子g}? != null
- look hua
- @tip 你数了下大概有($number)朵花
- go southeast
- look bed;pushstart bed
- pushleft bed[(number)]
- @await 1000
- pushright bed[8]
- @await 1000
- go down;fire;go west
- @kill 花无缺
- look xia;open xia`
- },
- {
- name: "冰火岛(困难)",
- source: `
- @print 👑 感谢 WanJiaQi 分享此副本代码。
- jh fb 21 start2;cr mj/bhd/haibian 1 0
- go west
- @kill 炎龙
- go west
- @kill 炎龙
- go west
- @kill 炎龙王
- @liaoshang
- go west;search
- @tip 你找到了
- go east[4];go north
- @kill 白熊
- go north
- @kill 白熊
- @liaoshang
- go north;go west;zuan dong
- [if] (_DungeonWaitSkillCD) == 打开
- @cd
- @kill 张翠山
- @kill 谢逊`
- },
- {
- name: "冰火岛(简单)",
- source: `
- @print 👑 感谢 WanJiaQi 分享此副本代码。
- jh fb 21 start1;cr mj/bhd/haibian 0 0
- go west
- @kill 炎龙
- go west
- @kill 炎龙
- go west
- @kill 炎龙王
- @liaoshang
- //go west;search
- //@tip 你找到了
- go east[3];go north
- @kill 白熊
- go north
- @kill 白熊
- @liaoshang
- go north;go west;zuan dong
- [if] (_DungeonWaitSkillCD) == 打开
- @cd
- @kill 谢逊`
- },
- {
- name: "星宿海",
- source: `
- jh fb 20 start1;cr xingxiu/xxh6
- go northeast
- @kill 星宿派
- go north
- @kill 星宿派
- go northwest
- @kill 星宿派
- go southwest
- @kill 星宿派
- go south
- @kill 星宿派
- [if] (_DungeonWaitSkillCD) == 打开
- @cd
- go north;go northeast;go north
- @kill 丁春秋`
- },
- {
- name: "白驼山",
- source: `
- jh fb 19 start1;cr baituo/damen
- [if] (_DungeonWaitSkillCD) == 打开
- @cd
- go north[4]
- @kill 欧阳锋
- [if] (_DungeonWaitSkillCD) == 打开
- @cd
- go south
- @kill 欧阳克,白衣少女
- go south[2];go west[3]
- @kill 毒蛇
- go north
- @kill 毒蛇
- go north;go north
- @kill 蟒蛇`
- },
- {
- name: "白驼山(组队)",
- source: `
- jh fb 19 start3;cr baituo/damen 2 0
- [if] (_DungeonWaitSkillCD) == 打开
- @cd
- go north[4]
- @kill 欧阳锋
- [if] (_DungeonWaitSkillCD) == 打开
- @cd
- go south
- @kill 欧阳克,白衣少女
- go south[2];go west[3]
- @kill 毒蛇
- go north
- @kill 毒蛇
- go north;go north
- @kill 蟒蛇`
- },
- {
- name: "桃花岛(困难)",
- source: `
- jh fb 18 start2;cr taohua/haitan 1 0
- @until (:path) == taohua/haitan
- @taohualin
- @wait 1000
- go south
- @kill 陆乘风
- go east;go east
- @kill 曲灵风
- [if] (_DungeonWaitSkillCD) == 打开
- @cd
- go east;go east
- @kill 黄药师
- go west;go north
- @kill 黄蓉`
- },
- {
- name: "桃花岛(简单)",
- source: `
- jh fb 18 start1;cr taohua/haitan
- @until (:path) == taohua/haitan
- @taohualin
- @wait 1000
- go south
- @kill 陆乘风
- go east;go east
- @kill 曲灵风
- go east;go north
- ok {黄蓉}
- @zhoubotong
- @kill 周伯通
- look xia;search xia
- go east[2]
- go northwest;go southeast;go southeast;go northwest
- go southwest;go northeast;go northeast;go southwest
- @until (:path) == taohua/haitan
- @taohualin
- @wait 2000
- go south;go east
- go east;go east;go north
- select {黄蓉};give1 {黄蓉}
- @kill 黄蓉`
- },
- {
- name: "云梦沼泽(组队)",
- source: `
- @print 👑 感谢 leiyulin 分享此副本代码。
- jh fb 17 start3;cr cd/yunmeng/senlin 2 0
- $wait 500
- go east
- @kill 巨鳄
- go north
- @kill 巨鳄,巨鳄
- go east
- @kill 巨鳄,巨鳄
- go west;go north
- @kill 巨鳄,巨鳄
- look lu;kan lu;go north
- @kill 火龙
- go north
- @kill 火龙
- go north
- @kill 火龙
- [if] (_DungeonWaitSkillCD) == 打开
- @cd
- go north
- @kill 火龙王`
- },
- {
- name: "云梦沼泽",
- source: `
- @print 👑 感谢 leiyulin 分享此副本代码。
- jh fb 17 start1;cr cd/yunmeng/senlin
- $wait 500
- go east
- @kill 巨鳄
- go north
- @kill 巨鳄,巨鳄
- go east
- @kill 巨鳄,巨鳄
- go west;go north
- @kill 巨鳄,巨鳄
- look lu;kan lu;go north
- @kill 火龙
- go north
- @kill 火龙
- go north
- @kill 火龙
- [if] (_DungeonWaitSkillCD) == 打开
- @cd
- go north
- @kill 火龙王`
- },
- {
- name: "嵩山",
- source: `
- jh fb 16 start1;cr wuyue/songshan/taishi
- [if] (_DungeonWaitSkillCD) == 打开
- @cd
- go north[2]
- @kill 十三太保
- [if] (_DungeonWaitSkillCD) == 打开
- @cd
- go northup;go northeast;go northup[2]
- @kill 十三太保,十三太保
- [if] (_DungeonWaitSkillCD) == 打开
- @cd
- go northup;go north
- @kill 十三太保,十三太保,十三太保
- [if] (_DungeonWaitSkillCD) == 打开
- @cd
- go north
- @kill 十三太保,十三太保,十三太保,十三太保
- [if] (_DungeonWaitSkillCD) == 打开
- @cd
- go north
- @kill 左冷禅`
- },
- {
- name: "泰山",
- source: `
- jh fb 15 start1;cr wuyue/taishan/daizong
- go northup[2]
- @kill 玉磬子
- go northup[2]
- @kill 玉音子
- go northup[2]
- go northup[2]
- @kill 玉玑子`
- },
- {
- name: "衡山",
- source: `
- jh fb 14 start1;cr wuyue/henshan/hengyang
- go west;go north
- @kill 嵩山弟子,嵩山弟子
- go north;go north
- @kill 费彬
- @kill 史登达,丁勉
- @kill 刘正风
- go south[3];go west[2]
- @kill 曲洋,曲非烟
- go east[4];go southeast;go south;go east;go south
- @kill 莫大`
- },
- {
- name: "青城山",
- source: `
- @print 👑 感谢 矮大瓜 分享此副本代码。
- jh fb 13 start1;cr wuyue/qingcheng/shanlu
- go westup
- @kill 青城派弟子,青城派弟子
- go north
- go northup
- go eastup
- @kill 青城派弟子,青城派弟子
- go northup
- @kill 洪人雄
- go north[3]
- @kill 于人豪
- go north
- @kill 侯人英,罗人杰
- go south
- go east
- @kill 余人彦
- [if] (_DungeonWaitSkillCD) == 打开
- @cd
- go north
- @kill 余沧海`
- },
- {
- name: "恒山",
- source: `
- @print 👑 感谢 .min-A 分享此副本代码。
- jh fb 12 start1;cr wuyue/hengshan/daziling
- go northup;go northwest;go northwest;go northup;go northup
- @kill 不戒和尚,仪琳,哑婆婆
- go north;go north
- @kill 定静师太,定闲师太,定仪师太
- ($path)=(:path)
- [while] true
- <---
- @until (path)!=(:path)
- ($path)=(:path)
- ($guy) = {r采花大盗 田伯光}?
- [if] (guy) != null
- @kill 采花大盗 田伯光
- [if] {田伯光的尸体}? != null
- [break]
- --->
- go south
- go west
- go north
- go south
- go east
- go east
- go north
- go south
- go west
- go south
- go southdown
- go east
- go southeast
- go northup
- go southdown
- go southeast
- go southdown
- go northup
- go northwest
- go northup
- go southdown
- go northwest
- go northup
- go northup
- go north
- go north`
- },
- {
- name: "五毒教(组队)",
- source: `
- @print 👑 感谢 矮大瓜 分享此副本代码。
- jh fb 11 start3;cr cd/wudu/damen 2 0
- @kill 五毒教徒,五毒教徒,五毒教徒,五毒教徒
- go east
- @kill 沙千里
- go south
- @kill 藏獒
- go west
- @kill 白髯老者
- go east
- go south
- @kill 毒郎中
- go north
- go north
- [if](_DungeonWaitSkillCD) == 打开
- @cd
- go east
- @kill 潘秀达,岑其斯,齐云敖
- [if](_DungeonWaitSkillCD) == 打开
- @cd
- go east
- @kill 何红药
- [if](_DungeonWaitSkillCD) == 打开
- @cd
- go east
- @kill 何铁手`
- },
- {
- name: "五毒教",
- source: `
- @print 👑 感谢 矮大瓜 分享此副本代码。
- jh fb 11 start1;cr cd/wudu/damen
- @kill 五毒教徒,五毒教徒,五毒教徒,五毒教徒
- go east
- @kill 沙千里
- go south
- @kill 藏獒
- go west
- @kill 白髯老者
- go east
- go south
- @kill 毒郎中
- go north
- go north
- [if](_DungeonWaitSkillCD) == 打开
- @cd
- go east
- @kill 潘秀达,岑其斯,齐云敖
- [if](_DungeonWaitSkillCD) == 打开
- @cd
- go east
- @kill 何红药
- [if](_DungeonWaitSkillCD) == 打开
- @cd
- go east
- @kill 何铁手`
- },
- {
- name: "温府",
- desc: "温府(2k+闪避)",
- source: `
- @print 👑 感谢 JiaQi Wan 分享此副本代码。
- jh fb 10 start1;cr cd/wen/damen
- look tree;climb tree;go north;go northeast
- [while] true
- [if] (:path) != cd/wen/zoulang4
- go northeast
- [else]
- [break]
- go north[2];go northwest;go north
- look zhuang;tiao zhuang
- @kill 温方义,温方山,温方施,温方南
- [if] {r温家老大 温方达%}? != null
- @kill 温方达
- @wait 2000
- [if] (_DungeonWaitSkillCD) == 打开
- @cd
- look zhuang;tiao zhuang
- @until (:path) == cd/wen/xiaoyuan
- @wait 500
- [if] {r夏雪宜}? != null
- @kill 夏雪宜
- go north
- @kill 温仪`
- },
- {
- name: "关外",
- source: `
- @print 👑 感谢 老实人 分享此副本代码。
- jh fb 9 start1;cr bj/guanwai/damen
- go northeast
- @kill 金雕
- go east
- @kill 金雕
- go southeast
- @kill 金雕
- go east
- @kill 平四
- go north
- select {r胡斐}
- ask {r胡斐} about 阎基
- @tip 胡斐说道:阎基是我的杀父仇人($chat)
- [if] (chat) == ,
- give {r胡斐} {b阎基的头颅}
- ask {r胡斐} about 胡家刀谱
- [if] (_DungeonWaitSkillCD) == 打开
- @cd
- @kill 胡斐
- go south;go east
- @kill 东北虎
- go eastup
- @kill 东北虎
- go southup
- @kill 东北虎
- [if] (_DungeonWaitSkillCD) == 打开
- @cd
- go eastup
- @kill 黑熊
- go westdown;go northdown;go west[2];go northwest
- go west;go southwest;go west
- give {r船夫} 10000 money
- @until (:room)==关外-船厂(副本区域)
- @wait 500
- @kill 船夫
- go south;go west[5];go north
- @kill 江湖医生 阎基`
- },
- {
- name: "神龙教(组队)",
- source: `
- jh fb 8 start3;cr bj/shenlong/haitan 2 0;go north
- @kill 毒蛇,竹叶青
- look bush;kan bush;go north
- @kill 毒蛇,竹叶青
- go north
- @kill 神龙教弟子,神龙教弟子
- go north
- @kill 神龙教军师 陆高轩
- go south;go east
- @kill 神龙教青龙使 许雪亭
- go east
- @kill 神龙教女弟子,神龙教女弟子
- go north[2]
- @kill 神龙教弟子,神龙教弟子
- [if] (_DungeonWaitSkillCD) == 打开
- @cd
- go north
- @kill 洪安通,张淡月,无根道长`
- },
- {
- name: "神龙教",
- source: `
- jh fb 8 start1;cr bj/shenlong/haitan;go north
- @kill 毒蛇,竹叶青
- look bush;kan bush;go north
- @kill 毒蛇,竹叶青
- go north
- @kill 神龙教弟子,神龙教弟子
- go north
- @kill 神龙教军师 陆高轩
- go south;go east
- @kill 神龙教青龙使 许雪亭
- go east
- @kill 神龙教女弟子,神龙教女弟子
- go north[2]
- @kill 神龙教弟子,神龙教弟子
- [if] (_DungeonWaitSkillCD) == 打开
- @cd
- go north
- @kill 洪安通,张淡月,无根道长`
- },
- {
- name: "天地会",
- source: `
- @print 👑 感谢 jicki 分享此副本代码,感谢 andyfos、mma1996 协助完成。
- jh fb 7 start1;cr bj/tdh/hct
- @kill 药铺伙计
- @kill 天地会青木堂护法 徐天川
- go west
- @kill 关夫子 关安基
- knock;knock;knock
- go down
- @until {r尸体}? != null
- go west[5]
- @until {r尸体}? != null
- go north
- @liaoshang
- [if] (_DungeonWaitSkillCD) == 打开
- @cd
- @kill 陈近南
- go east
- get {r一}?
- @wait 500
- get {r一}?
- go west
- go north
- go east
- @tip 拔刀相助,贫尼感激不尽。
- @wait 1000
- select {r神尼};cha {r神尼}
- @wait 1000
- @kill 独臂神尼`
- },
- {
- name: "鳌拜府",
- source: `
- @print 👑 感谢 Jeaepan 分享此副本代码。
- jh fb 6 start1;cr bj/ao/damen
- @kill 官兵,官兵
- go west
- @kill 吴之荣
- go north
- @kill 厨师
- go south;go west
- @kill 家将,家将,女管家
- [if] (_DungeonWaitSkillCD) == 打开
- @cd
- go west
- @kill 满洲第一勇士 鳌拜
- go east;go north
- look shu;open shu
- @tip 发现扉页的($pos)下角被鳌拜写了一个大大的杀字
- look hua
- $wait 500
- [if] (pos) == 左
- tleft hua
- [if] (pos) == 右
- $wait 500
- tright hua
- go north
- select {r四十二章经g}?
- get {r四十二章经g}?
- go south;go south
- ($open) = 没开
- look men;unlock men
- @tip 你用一把钥匙($open)了牢房门|你不会撬锁
- [if] (open) == 打开
- go south
- select {r庄允城}?
- ask {r庄允城}? about 吴之荣
- @kill 庄允城`
- },
- {
- name: "庄府",
- source: `
- @print 👑 感谢 qwer68588 分享此副本代码。
- jh fb 5 start1;cr bj/zhuang/xiaolu
- go north
- @kill 土匪
- go north
- look men;break men
- go north
- @kill 神龙教弟子,神龙教弟子
- go north
- @kill 神龙教弟子
- @kill 神龙教小头目 章老三
- go west
- @kill 神龙教弟子
- go east;go east
- @kill 神龙教弟子`
- },
- {
- name: "兵营",
- source: `
- @print 👑 感谢 qwer68588 分享此副本代码。
- jh fb 4 start1;cr yz/by/damen
- @kill 官兵,官兵
- $wait 1000
- @liaoshang
- [if] (_DungeonWaitSkillCD) == 打开
- @cd
- go south
- @kill 官兵,官兵,官兵,武将,武将,史青山
- $wait 1000
- look men;open men
- go south;search`
- },
- {
- name: "流氓巷(组队)",
- source: `
- jh fb 2 start3;cr yz/lmw/xiangzi1 2 0
- @kill 小流氓,小流氓
- go east
- @kill 流氓,流氓
- go north
- @kill 流氓头,流氓,流氓
- go south;go east
- @kill 流氓,流氓
- go east
- @kill 流氓头领`
- },
- {
- name: "流氓巷",
- source: `
- jh fb 2 start1;cr yz/lmw/xiangzi1
- @kill 小流氓,小流氓
- go east
- @kill 流氓,流氓
- go north
- @kill 流氓头,流氓,流氓
- go south;go east
- @kill 流氓,流氓
- go east
- @kill 流氓头领`
- },
- {
- name: "丽春院",
- source: `
- jh fb 3 start1;cr yz/lcy/dating
- @kill 韦春芳
- go up
- @kill 龟公
- go west
- @kill 史松
- look tai;tui tai;go enter
- @kill 茅十八`
- },
- {
- name: "财主家(困难)",
- source: `
- jh fb 1 start2;cr yz/cuifu/caizhu 1 0
- @kill 大狼狗,大狼狗
- go north
- @kill 管家,家丁,家丁
- [if] (_DungeonWaitSkillCD) == 打开
- @cd
- go north
- @kill 财主 崔员外
- ($open) = 没开
- look men;open men
- @tip 你不会撬锁|钥匙($open)了秘门
- [if] (open) == 打开
- go east
- ok {丫鬟}
- go west;go south;go south
- ok {丫鬟}?
- go north;go north;go west
- select {财主女儿 崔莺莺};ask {财主女儿 崔莺莺} about 东厢
- [else]
- go west
- @kill 财主女儿 崔莺莺
- [if] (open) == 打开
- go east;go east;look gui;search gui`
- },
- {
- name: "财主家(简单)",
- source: `
- jh fb 1 start1;cr yz/cuifu/caizhu
- @kill 大狼狗,大狼狗
- go north
- @kill 管家,家丁,家丁
- [if] (_DungeonWaitSkillCD) == 打开
- @cd
- go north
- @kill 财主 崔员外
- ($open) = 没开
- look men;open men
- @tip 你不会撬锁|钥匙($open)了秘门
- [if] (open) == 打开
- go east
- ok {丫鬟}
- go west;go south;go south
- ok {丫鬟}?
- go north;go north;go west
- select {财主女儿 崔莺莺};ask {财主女儿 崔莺莺} about 东厢
- [else]
- go west
- @kill 财主女儿 崔莺莺
- [if] (open) == 打开
- go east;go east;look gui;search gui` }
- ];
- /***********************************************************************************\
- Server
- \***********************************************************************************/
- const Server = {
- uploadConfig: function () {
- let all = {};
- let keys = GM_listValues();
- keys.forEach(key => {
- if (key != "roles") {
- all[key] = GM_getValue(key);
- }
- });
- if (unsafeWindow.TriggerConfig != null) {
- const tConfig = unsafeWindow.TriggerConfig.get();
- all["@@@trigger"] = tConfig;
- }
- let value = JSON.stringify(all);
- Server._sync("uploadConfig", { id: Role.id, value: value }, pass => {
- GM_setClipboard(pass);
- alert(`wsmud_Raid 配置上传成功,该浏览器所有角色配置会在服务器保存 24 小时。\n配置获取码:${pass},已复制到系统剪切板。`);
- Message.append(`<hiy>角色配置获取码:${pass}</hiy>`);
- Message.append(`<div class="item-commands"><span cmd = "@js prompt('请手动复制下面的数据','${pass}');" >
- 我无法复制 </span></div>`);
- }, _ => {
- alert("wsmud_Raid 配置上传失败!");
- });
- },
- downloadConfig: function (pass) {
- Server._sync("downloadConfig", { pass: pass }, data => {
- let config = JSON.parse(data);
- for (const key in config) {
- if (key == "@@@trigger") {
- if (unsafeWindow.TriggerConfig != null) {
- unsafeWindow.TriggerConfig.set(config[key]);
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (key != "roles") {
- GM_setValue(key, config[key]);
- }
- }
- alert("wsmud_Raid 配置下载成功!");
- }, _ => {
- alert("wsmud_Raid 配置下载失败!");
- });
- },
- uploadFlows: function () {
- const flows = FlowStore.getAll();
- const map = WorkflowConfig._rootList();
- const data = { map: map, flows: flows };
- const value = JSON.stringify(data);
- Server._sync("uploadFlows", { id: Role.id, value: value }, pass => {
- GM_setClipboard(pass);
- alert(`角色流程上传成功,该角色流程会在服务器保存 24 小时。\n角色流程获取码:${pass},已复制到系统剪切板。`);
- Message.append(`<hiy>角色流程获取码:${pass}</hiy>`);
- Message.append(`<div class="item-commands"><span cmd = "@js prompt('请手动复制下面的数据','${pass}');" >
- 我无法复制 </span></div>`);
- }, _ => {
- alert("角色流程上传失败!");
- });
- },
- downloadFlows: function (pass) {
- Server._sync("downloadFlows", { pass: pass }, value => {
- let data = JSON.parse(value);
- FlowStore.corver(data.flows);
- WorkflowConfig._rootList(data.map);
- // console.log(data);
- alert("拷贝角色流程成功!");
- }, _ => {
- alert("错误的角色流程获取码!");
- });
- },
- uploadTriggers: function () {
- const triggers = unsafeWindow.TriggerCenter.getAllData();
- const value = JSON.stringify(triggers);
- Server._sync("uploadTriggers", { id: Role.id, value: value }, pass => {
- GM_setClipboard(pass);
- alert(`角色触发器上传成功,该角色触发会在服务器保存 24 小时。\n角色触发器获取码:${pass},已复制到系统剪切板。`);
- Message.append(`<hiy>角色触发获取码:${pass}</hiy>`);
- Message.append(`<div class="item-commands"><span cmd = "@js prompt('请手动复制下面的数据','${pass}');" >
- 我无法复制 </span></div>`);
- }, _ => {
- alert("角色触发器上传失败!");
- });
- },
- downloadTriggers: function (pass) {
- Server._sync("downloadTriggers", { pass: pass }, value => {
- let data = JSON.parse(value);
- unsafeWindow.TriggerCenter.corver(data);
- // console.log(data);
- alert("拷贝角色触发器成功!");
- }, _ => {
- alert("错误的角色触发器获取码!");
- });
- },
- getNotice: function () {
- const noticeDataKey = "NoticeDataKey";
- const oldData = GM_getValue(noticeDataKey, { version: "0.0.0", type: "0", value: "欢迎使用 wsmud_Raid" });
- Server._async("notice", { version: oldData.version,id:Role.id }, data => {
- let validData = oldData;
- if (data.version > oldData.version) {
- GM_setValue(noticeDataKey, data);
- validData = data;
- }
- if (validData.type == "0") {
- L.msg(`
- <div>
- <p><hig>Raid:</hig>${validData.value}</p>
- <p style="text-align:center">(v-${GM_info.script.version})</p>
- </div>`);
- } else {
- const HideVersionNoticeKey = "HideVersionNoticeKey";
- if (GM_getValue(HideVersionNoticeKey, null) == validData.version) {
- return;
- }
- layer.open({
- type: 1,
- skin: "layui-layer-rim", //加上边框
- area: ["380px"],
- title: `wsmud_Raid 提示`,
- content: validData.value,
- offset: "auto",
- shift: 2,
- move: false,
- closeBtn: 0,
- btn: ['确认', '不再显示'],
- yes: function (index) {
- layer.close(index);
- },
- btn2: function () {
- GM_setValue(HideVersionNoticeKey, validData.version);
- }
- });
- }
- });
- },
- shareFlowTrigger: function (username, password, type, data) {
- Server._getPhone((phoneNum) => {
- if (phoneNum == '') {
- alert("请先绑定手机号!");
- return;
- }else{
- let value = data;
- value["author"] = username;
- const params = {
- username: username,
- password: password,
- name: data.name,
- phone: phoneNum,
- type: type,
- value: JSON.stringify(value)
- };
- // console.log(params);
- Server._sync("uploadSingle", params, token => {
- GM_setClipboard(token);
- alert(`${type}分享成功,该${type}会在服务器保存 30 天\n每次下载会延长保存 始于下载时刻的 30 天\n分享码:${token}\n已复制到系统剪切板。`);
- Message.append(`<hiy>${type}分享码:${token}</hiy>`);
- Message.append(`<div class="item-commands"><span cmd = "@js prompt('请手动复制下面的数据','${token}');" >
- 我无法复制 </span></div>`);
- }, error => {
- alert(error);
- });
- }},()=>{
- alert("请先绑定手机号!");
- });
- },
- importFlow: function (token, target) {
- if (token.indexOf("·流程") == -1) {
- alert("错误的流程分享码!");
- return;
- }
- const params = { token: token };
- Server._sync("downloadSingle", params, data => {
- const flow = JSON.parse(data);
- const result = WorkflowConfig.createWorkflow(flow.name, flow.source, target);
- if (result == true) {
- //alert(`导入流程 ${flow.name} 成功!`);
- Message.append(`<hiy>导入流程 ${flow.name} 成功!</hiy>`);
- } else {
- alert(result);
- }
- }, _ => {
- alert("错误的流程分享码!");
- });
- },
- importTrigger: function (token) {
- if (token.indexOf("·触发") == -1) {
- alert("错误的触发器分享码!");
- return;
- }
- const params = { token: token };
- Server._sync("downloadSingle", params, data => {
- const trigger = JSON.parse(data);
- const result = unsafeWindow.TriggerCenter.create(trigger.name, trigger.event, trigger.conditions, trigger.source, trigger.active);
- if (result == true) {
- //alert(`导入触发器 ${trigger.name} 成功!`);
- Message.append(`<hiy>导入触发器 ${trigger.name} 成功!</hiy>`);
- } else {
- alert(result);
- }
- }, _ => {
- alert("错误的触发器分享码!");
- });
- },
- _address: "wsmud.ii74.com/S",
- _async(uri, params, success, fail) {
- this._get(true, uri, params, success, fail);
- },
- _sync(uri, params, success, fail) {
- this._get(false, uri, params, success, fail);
- },
- _get(async, uri, params, success, fail) {
- $.ajax({
- type: "post",
- url: `http://${Server._address}/${uri}`,
- data: params,
- async: async,
- success: function (data) {
- if (data.code == 200) {
- if (success != null) success(data.data);
- } else {
- let error = data.code;
- if (data.data != null) error = data.data;
- if (fail != null) fail(error);
- }
- },
- dataType: "json"
- });
- },
- _getPhone(success,fail){
- $.ajax({
- type: "post",
- url: `/UserAPI/GetPhone`,
- async: true,
- xhrFields: {
- withCredentials: true
- },
- success :function(data){
- if(data){
- //去掉*
- data = data.replace(/\"/g,"");
- if(success != null) success(data);
- }else{
- fail(data);
- }
- }
- });
- }
- };
- /***********************************************************************************\
- UI
- \***********************************************************************************/
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // 兼容 1.x.x
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var CmdGroupManager = {
- /**
- * @returns {{ id: number, name: string }[]}
- */
- getAll: function () {
- var result = [];
- GM_listValues().map(function (key) {
- if (key.indexOf(CmdGroupManager._prefix) == 0) {
- var id = CmdGroupManager._id(key);
- var name = CmdGroupManager.getName(id);
- result.push({ id: id, name: name });
- }
- });
- return result;
- },
- getName: function (id) {
- var value = GM_getValue(this._key(id));
- if (value == null) return null;
- var obj = JSON.parse(value);
- return obj.name;
- },
- getCmdsText: function (id) {
- var value = GM_getValue(this._key(id));
- if (value == null) return "";
- var obj = JSON.parse(value);
- var cmdsStr = obj.cmdsStr;
- return cmdsStr;
- },
- /**
- * @returns {string[]}
- */
- getCmds: function (id) {
- var text = this.getCmdsText(id);
- var cmds = text.split(/^\s*|\s*\n+\s*/g);
- var first = cmds[0];
- if (first != null && first.length == 0) {
- cmds.splice(0, 1);
- }
- var last = cmds[cmds.length - 1];
- if (last != null && last.length == 0) {
- cmds.splice(cmds.length - 1, 1);
- }
- return cmds;
- },
- createCmdGroup: function (name, cmdsStr) {
- var id = new Date().getTime();
- return this.updateCmdGroup(id, name, cmdsStr);
- },
- updateCmdGroup: function (id, name, cmdsStr) {
- if (name == null || !/\S+/g.test(name)) {
- alert("命令组想要一个名字...");
- return false;
- }
- if (cmdsStr == null || !/\S+/g.test(cmdsStr)) {
- alert("命令组不想没有任何内容...");
- return false;
- }
- // 存储格式
- var value = {
- name: name,
- cmdsStr: cmdsStr
- };
- GM_setValue(this._key(id), JSON.stringify(value));
- return true;
- },
- removeCmdGroup: function (id) {
- GM_deleteValue(this._key(id));
- },
- _prefix: "@cmdgroup",
- _key: function (id) {
- return this._prefix + id;
- },
- _id: function (key) {
- return parseInt(key.substring(this._prefix.length));
- }
- };
- var WorkflowConfigManager = {
- /**
- * @returns {{ id: number, name: string }[]}
- */
- getAll: function () {
- var result = [];
- GM_listValues().map(function (key) {
- if (WorkflowConfigManager._isMyKey(key)) {
- var id = WorkflowConfigManager._id(key);
- var name = WorkflowConfigManager.getName(id);
- result.push({ id: id, name: name });
- }
- });
- return result;
- },
- getName: function (id) {
- var value = GM_getValue(this._key(id));
- if (value == null) return null;
- var obj = JSON.parse(value);
- return obj.name;
- },
- /**
- * @returns {{ id: number, repeat: number }[]}
- */
- getCmdGroupInfos: function (id) {
- var value = GM_getValue(this._key(id));
- if (value == null) return null;
- var obj = JSON.parse(value);
- return obj.infos;
- },
- /**
- * @returns {Workflow}
- */
- getWorkflow: function (id) {
- var cmdGroupInfos = this.getCmdGroupInfos(id);
- var items = [];
- for (const info of cmdGroupInfos) {
- var name = CmdGroupManager.getName(info.id);
- var cmds = CmdGroupManager.getCmds(info.id);
- var commandWorkflow = new CommandWorkflow(name, cmds, info.repeat);
- items.push(commandWorkflow);
- }
- var workflow = new Workflow(this.getName(id), items, 1);
- return workflow;
- },
- /**
- * @param {string} name
- * @param {{ id: string, repeat: number }[]} cmdGroupInfos
- */
- createWorkflowConfig: function (name, cmdGroupInfos) {
- var id = new Date().getTime();
- return this.updateWorkflowConfig(id, name, cmdGroupInfos);
- },
- /**
- * @param {number} id
- * @param {string} name
- * @param {{ id: string, repeat: number }[]} cmdGroupInfos
- */
- updateWorkflowConfig: function (id, name, cmdGroupInfos) {
- if (name == null || !/\S+/g.test(name)) {
- alert("工作流想要一个名字...");
- return false;
- }
- if (cmdGroupInfos == null || cmdGroupInfos.length <= 0) {
- alert("工作流不想没有任何内容...");
- return false;
- }
- // 存储格式
- var value = {
- name: name,
- infos: cmdGroupInfos
- };
- GM_setValue(this._key(id), JSON.stringify(value));
- return true;
- },
- removeWorkflowConfig: function (id) {
- GM_deleteValue(this._key(id));
- },
- _prefix: "workflow@",
- _isMyKey: function (key) {
- return key.indexOf(this._prefix + Role.id) == 0;
- },
- _key: function (id) {
- return this._prefix + Role.id + id;
- },
- _id: function (key) {
- return parseInt(key.substring((this._prefix + Role.id).length));
- }
- };
- const CodeTranslator = {
- run: function () {
- const oldFinder1 = this._getFinder("原命令组");
- if (oldFinder1) {
- WorkflowConfig.removeFinder(oldFinder1);
- }
- WorkflowConfig.createFinder("原命令组");
- const oldFinder2 = this._getFinder("原工作流程");
- if (oldFinder2) {
- WorkflowConfig.removeFinder(oldFinder2);
- }
- WorkflowConfig.createFinder("原工作流程");
- let allCmdGroup = CmdGroupManager.getAll();
- let allWorkflow = WorkflowConfigManager.getAll();
- const result = this._newSingleName(allCmdGroup, allWorkflow);
- allCmdGroup = result.group;
- allWorkflow = result.flow;
- allCmdGroup.forEach(g => {
- const cmdsText = CmdGroupManager.getCmdsText(g.id);
- const header = " ";
- const cmdsTextHasHeader = this._appendHeader(header, cmdsText);
- const source = `($_i) = 0\n[while] (_i) < (arg0)\n${cmdsTextHasHeader}\n${header}($_i) = (_i) + 1`;
- WorkflowConfig.createWorkflow(g.name, source, "原命令组");
- });
- allWorkflow.forEach(f => {
- const infos = WorkflowConfigManager.getCmdGroupInfos(f.id);
- let source = "";
- infos.forEach(info => {
- let cmdGroupName = null;
- for (const cmdGroup of allCmdGroup) {
- if (cmdGroup.id == info.id) {
- cmdGroupName = cmdGroup.name;
- break;
- }
- }
- source += `@call ${cmdGroupName} ${info.repeat}\n`;
- });
- WorkflowConfig.createWorkflow(f.name, source, "原工作流程");
- });
- },
- _newSingleName: function (cmdGroups, workflows) {
- let allCmdGroup = this._singleName(cmdGroups);
- let allWorkflow = this._singleName(workflows);
- allCmdGroup.forEach(cmdGroup => {
- const name = cmdGroup.name;
- for (const flow of allWorkflow) {
- if (flow.name == name) {
- cmdGroup.name = `芫${name}`;
- break;
- }
- }
- });
- return { group: allCmdGroup, flow: allWorkflow };
- },
- _singleName: function (list) {
- for (const item of list) {
- item.name = item.name.replace(/[^_a-zA-Z0-9\u4e00-\u9fa5]/g, "");
- }
- for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
- const item = list[i];
- let name = item.name;
- let number = 1;
- for (let j = i + 1; j < list.length; j++) {
- const item1 = list[j];
- if (item1.name == name) {
- item1.name = `${name}_${number}`;
- number += 1;
- }
- }
- }
- return list;
- },
- _getFinder: function (name) {
- let list = WorkflowConfig._rootList();
- const index = WorkflowConfig._findFinder(name, list);
- if (index == null) return null;
- return list[index];
- },
- _appendHeader: function (header, text) {
- let result = `\n${text}`;
- result = result.replace(/(\n)/g, `$1${header}`);
- result = result.replace(/\n\s*\n/g, "\n");
- result = result.replace(/^\s*\n/, "");
- // console.log(result);
- return result;
- }
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // 2.1.x UI
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var WorkflowConfig = {
- rootFinderName: "根文件夹",
- rootFinderSortWay: function (value) {
- const key = "__WorkflowRootFinderSortWay";
- if (value == null) {
- return GM_getValue(key, "nameAsc");
- }
- GM_setValue(key, value);
- },
- finderList: function (finderName) {
- let result = [];
- if (finderName == this.rootFinderName) {
- result = this._rootList();
- } else {
- const list = this._rootList();
- const index = this._findFinder(finderName, list);
- if (index != null) {
- const finder = list[index];
- result = finder.flows;
- }
- }
- result.forEach(item => {
- if (item.type == "flow") {
- item.finder = finderName;
- }
- });
- switch (this.rootFinderSortWay()) {
- case "updateDesc":
- result.reverse();
- break;
- case "nameAsc":
- result.sort(function (a, b) {
- return a.name.localeCompare(b.name);
- });
- break;
- case "nameDesc":
- result.sort(function (a, b) {
- return b.name.localeCompare(a.name);
- });
- break;
- case "updateAsc":
- default:
- break;
- }
- return result;
- },
- createFinder: function (name, flows) {
- const result = this._checkName(null, name, true);
- if (result != true) return result;
- let list = this._rootList();
- const finder = { name: name, type: "finder", flows: flows ? flows : [] };
- list.push(finder);
- this._rootList(list);
- return true;
- },
- modifyFinder: function (finder, newName) {
- const result = this._checkName(finder.name, newName, true);
- if (result != true) return result;
- if (finder.name == newName) return true;
- this.removeFinder(finder);
- return this.createFinder(newName, finder.flows);
- },
- removeFinder: function (finder) {
- let list = this._rootList();
- const index = this._findFinder(finder.name, list);
- if (index == null) return;
- list.splice(index, 1);
- this._rootList(list);
- for (const flow of finder.flows) {
- FlowStore.remove(flow.name);
- }
- },
- createWorkflow: function (name, source, finderName) {
- const result = this._checkName(null, name, false);
- if (result != true) return result;
- const flow = { name: name, type: "flow" };
- let list = this._rootList();
- let success = false;
- if (finderName == this.rootFinderName) {
- list.push(flow);
- success = true;
- } else {
- const index = this._findFinder(finderName, list);
- if (index != null) {
- const finder = list[index];
- finder.flows.push(flow);
- success = true;
- }
- }
- if (success) {
- FlowStore.save(name, source);
- this._rootList(list);
- return true;
- } else {
- return `未找到名为"${finderName}"的文件夹。`;
- }
- },
- modifyWorkflow: function (flow, newName, newSource, newFinderName) {
- const result = this._checkName(flow.name, newName, false);
- if (result != true) return result;
- if (flow.name != newName || flow.finder != newFinderName) {
- this.removeWorkflow(flow);
- return this.createWorkflow(newName, newSource, newFinderName);
- } else if (FlowStore.get(flow.name) != newSource) {
- FlowStore.save(flow.name, newSource);
- }
- return true;
- },
- removeWorkflow: function (flow) {
- let list = this._rootList();
- if (flow.finder == this.rootFinderName) {
- for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
- const item = list[i];
- if (item.type == "flow" && item.name == flow.name) {
- list.splice(i, 1);
- break;
- }
- }
- } else {
- const index = this._findFinder(flow.finder, list);
- if (index != null) {
- const finder = list[index];
- const flows = finder.flows;
- for (let k = 0; k < flows.length; k++) {
- const flow1 = flows[k];
- if (flow1.name == flow.name) {
- flows.splice(k, 1);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- this._rootList(list);
- FlowStore.remove(flow.name);
- },
- getFinderNames: function () {
- let result = [this.rootFinderName];
- let list = this._rootList();
- list.forEach(item => {
- if (item.type == "finder") {
- result.push(item.name);
- }
- });
- return result;
- },
- _rootList: function (list) {
- const key = `WorkflowConfig_${Role.id}`;
- if (list != null) {
- GM_setValue(key, list);
- }
- return GM_getValue(key, []);
- },
- _checkName: function (oldName, name, isFinder) {
- if (name == oldName) return true;
- const itemName = isFinder ? "文件夹" : "工作流程";
- if (!/\S+/.test(name)) return `${itemName}的名称不能为空。`;
- if (name.indexOf(this.rootFinderName) != -1) return `${itemName}的名称中不能包含"${this.rootFinderName}"。`;
- if (!/^[_a-zA-Z0-9\u4e00-\u9fa5]+$/.test(name)) return `${itemName}的名称只能使用中文、英文和数字字符。`;
- let list = this._rootList();
- const type = isFinder ? "finder" : "flow";
- for (const item of list) {
- if (item.type == type && item.name == name) {
- return `已经存在此名称的${itemName}。`;
- }
- if (item.type == "finder" && !isFinder) {
- for (const flow of item.flows) {
- if (flow.name == name) {
- return `已经存在此名称的${itemName}。`;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
- },
- _findFinder: function (name, list) {
- for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
- const item = list[i];
- if (item.type == "finder" && item.name == name) {
- return i;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- };
- var ManagedPerformerCenter = {
- start: function (name, source, log, callback) {
- const p = new Performer(name, source);
- p.log(log != null ? log : true);
- const key = `key${this._counter}`;
- this._counter += 1;
- this._performers[key] = p;
- p.start(_ => {
- delete ManagedPerformerCenter._performers[key];
- if (ManagedPerformerCenter.getAll().length == 0) {
- $("#workflows-button").css("border-color", "inherit");
- }
- if (callback) callback();
- });
- $("#workflows-button").css("border-color", "#00FF00");
- },
- getAll: function () {
- return Object.values(this._performers);
- },
- _counter: 0,
- _performers: {}
- };
- const UI = {
- showToolbar: function () {
- if (!UI._toolbarHidden) return;
- UI._toolbarHidden = false;
- var raidToolbar = `
- <style>
- .raid-item{
- display: inline-block;
- border: solid 1px gray;
- color: gray;
- background-color: black;
- text-align: center;
- cursor: pointer;
- border-radius: 0.25em;
- //min-width: 2.5em;
- margin-right: 0em;
- //margin-left: 0.4em;
- position: relative;
- padding-left: 0.3em;
- padding-right: 0.3em;
- line-height: 28px;
- }
- </style>
- <div id="raidToolbar">
- <div class="raidToolbar" style="width:calc(100% - 40px);margin:5px 0 5px 0">
- <span class="raid-item hideRaidToolbar" style="width:10px">\<</span>
- <span class="raid-item forum">🐟 <hiy>咸鱼</hiy></span>
- <span class="raid-item shortcut">🍯 <hiz>捷径</hiz></span>
- <span class="raid-item trigger">🍟 <hio>触发</hio></span>
- <span class="raid-item customFlow" id="workflows-button">🥗 <hig>流程</hig></span>
- <span class="raid-item moreRaid">🍺 <hic>副本</hic></span>
- <!--<span class="raid-item hideRaidToolbar" style="float:right;"><wht>测试</wht></span>-->
- </div>
- </div>`
- $(".WG_log").before(raidToolbar);
- $(".customFlow").on('click', UI.workflows);
- $(".trigger").on('click', UI.trigger);
- $(".forum").on('click', UI.forum);
- $(".shortcut").on('click', UI.shortcut);
- $(".moreRaid").on('click', UI.dungeons);
- $(".hideRaidToolbar").on('click', UI.hideToolbar);
- },
- hideToolbar: function () {
- var toolbar = document.getElementById("raidToolbar");
- if (toolbar != null) {
- toolbar.parentNode.removeChild(toolbar);
- L.msg("单击右键,选择流程菜单可恢复显示。");
- }
- UI._toolbarHidden = true;
- },
- trigger: function () {
- if (unsafeWindow.TriggerUI == null) {
- const content = `
- <span class = "zdy-item install-trigger" style="width:120px"> 前往安装 </span>
- `;
- UI._appendHtml("🍟 <hio>触发器</hio>", content);
- $(".install-trigger").on('click', function () {
- window.open("https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/378984", '_blank').location;
- });
- } else {
- unsafeWindow.TriggerUI.triggerHome();
- }
- },
- forum: function () {
- var content = `
- <span class = "zdy-item xianyu-xyjq" style="width:120px"> 🤌 襄阳捐钱 </span>
- <span class = "zdy-item xianyu-ksyb" style="width:120px"> 🦆 快速运镖 </span>
- <span class="zdy-item xianyu-sdyt" style="width:120px"> 🐉 扫荡妖塔</span>
- <span class="zdy-item xianyu-mghyj" style="width:120px"> 🍟 门贡换元晶</span>
- <br><br>
- <span class="zdy-item xianyu-xybm" style="width:120px"> 🐘 襄阳报名</span>
- <span class="zdy-item xianyu-ltbm" style="width:120px"> 🏆 擂台报名</span>
- <span class="zdy-item xianyu-cbt" style="width:120px"> 💎 藏宝图</span>
- <span class = "zdy-item xianyu-setting" style="width:120px"> 🔧 参数设置 </span>
- <br><br>
- <hr style="background-color: gray; height: 1px; width: calc(100% - 4em); border: none;"><br>
- <span class = "zdy-item about-script" style="width:120px"> 🦶 <wht>脚本教程</wht> </span>
- <!--<span class = "zdy-item about-flow" style="width:120px"> <wht>流程讨论</wht> </span>-->
- <!--<span class = "zdy-item about-trigger" style="width:120px"> <wht>触发器讨论</wht> </span>-->
- <span class = "zdy-item about-bug" style="width:120px"> 🐞 <wht>Bug 提交</wht> </span>
- <!--<br><br>-->
- <!--<hr style="background-color: gray; height: 1px; width: calc(100% - 4em); border: none;"><br>-->
- <span class = "zdy-item about-yaofang" style="width:120px"> 💊 药方清单 </span>
- <span class = "zdy-item suqingHome" style="width:120px"> 🍿 <hig>苏</hig><hio>轻</hio><hiy>工</hiy><wht>具</wht><hic>包</hic> </span>`;
- // UI._appendHtml("🍱 <hiy>江湖客栈</hiy>", content);
- UI._appendHtml("🐟 <hiy>一键咸鱼</hiy>", content);
- $(".xianyu-xyjq").on("click", function () {
- DungeonsShortcuts.xianyu_xyjq();
- });
- $(".xianyu-ksyb").on("click", function () {
- DungeonsShortcuts.xianyu_ksyb();
- });
- $(".xianyu-sdyt").on("click", function () {
- DungeonsShortcuts.xianyu_sdyt();
- });
- $(".xianyu-mghyj").on("click", function () {
- DungeonsShortcuts.xianyu_mghyj();
- });
- $(".xianyu-cbt").on("click", function () {
- DungeonsShortcuts.cangbaotu();
- });
- $(".xianyu-xybm").on("click", function () {
- DungeonsShortcuts.xianyu_xybm();
- });
- $(".xianyu-ltbm").on("click", function () {
- DungeonsShortcuts.xianyu_ltbm();
- });
- $(".xianyu-setting").on("click", function () {
- DungeonsShortcuts.xianyu_setting();
- });
- $(".about-script").on('click', function () {
- window.open("https://www.yuque.com/wsmud/doc", '_blank').location;
- });
- $(".about-bug").on('click', function () {
- window.open("https://www.yuque.com/wsmud/doc/gr9gyy", '_blank').location;
- });
- $(".about-yaofang").on('click', function () {
- window.open("https://emeisuqing.github.io/wsmud.old/", '_blank').location;
- });
- $(".suqingHome").on('click', function () {
- window.open("https://emeisuqing.github.io/wsmud/", '_blank').location;
- });
- },
- shortcut: function () {
- var content = `
- <span class = "zdy-item outMaze" style="width:120px"> 走出桃花林 </span>
- <span class = "zdy-item zhoubotong" style="width:120px"> 找到周伯通 </span>
- <span class = "zdy-item cihang" style="width:120px"> 慈航七重门 </span>
- <span class = "zdy-item zhanshendian" style="width:120px"> 战神殿解谜 </span>
- <span class = "zdy-item guzongmen" style="width:120px"> 古宗门寻路 </span>
- <span class = "zdy-item cangbaotu" style="width:120px"> 藏宝图寻宝 </span>
- <span class = "zdy-item uploadConfig" style="width:120px"> 上传本地配置 </span>
- <span class = "zdy-item downloadConfig" style="width:120px"> 下载云端配置 </span>
- <span class = "zdy-item uploadFlows" style="width:120px"> 分享角色流程 </span>
- <span class = "zdy-item downloadFlows" style="width:120px"> 拷贝角色流程 </span>
- <span class = "zdy-item uploadTriggers" style="width:120px"> 分享角色触发 </span>
- <span class = "zdy-item downloadTriggers" style="width:120px"> 拷贝角色触发 </span>
- <span class = "zdy-item importFlow" style="width:120px"> 导入流程 </span>
- <span class = "zdy-item importTrigger" style="width:120px"> 导入触发器 </span>
- <!--<span class = "zdy-item translateCode" style="width:120px"> 流程转换修复 </span>-->
- <span class = "zdy-item raidVersion" style="width:120px"> 🏹 ${GM_info.script.version} </span>`
- UI._appendHtml("🍯 <hiz>捷径</hiz>", content);
- $(".outMaze").on('click', function () {
- WG.SendCmd('stopstate');
- THIsland.outMaze();
- });
- $(".zhoubotong").on('click', function () {
- WG.SendCmd('stopstate');
- THIsland.zhoubotong();
- });
- $(".cihang").on('click', function () {
- WG.SendCmd('stopstate');
- DungeonsShortcuts.cihang();
- });
- $(".zhanshendian").on('click', function () {
- WG.SendCmd('stopstate');
- DungeonsShortcuts.zhanshendian();
- });
- $(".guzongmen").on('click', function () {
- WG.SendCmd('stopstate');
- DungeonsShortcuts.guzongmen();
- });
- $(".cangbaotu").on('click', function () {
- WG.SendCmd('stopstate');
- DungeonsShortcuts.cangbaotu();
- });
- $(".uploadConfig").on('click', _ => {
- Server.uploadConfig();
- });
- $(".downloadConfig").on('click', _ => {
- layer.confirm('下载成功将会完全覆盖该浏览器所有角色配置!', {
- title: "<red>! 警告</red>",
- btn: ['那还是算了', '好的继续'],
- shift: 2,
- }, function (index) {
- layer.close(index);
- }, function () {
- layer.prompt({ title: '输入配置获取码', formType: 0, shift: 2 }, function (pass, index) {
- layer.close(index);
- Server.downloadConfig(pass);
- });
- });
- });
- $(".uploadFlows").on('click', _ => {
- Server.uploadFlows();
- });
- $(".downloadFlows").on('click', _ => {
- layer.confirm('拷贝成功将会完全覆盖原有角色流程!', {
- title: "<red>! 警告</red>",
- btn: ['那还是算了', '好的继续'],
- shift: 2,
- }, function (index) {
- layer.close(index);
- }, function () {
- layer.prompt({ title: '输入角色流程获取码', formType: 0, shift: 2 }, function (pass, index) {
- layer.close(index);
- Server.downloadFlows(pass);
- });
- });
- });
- $(".uploadTriggers").on('click', _ => {
- Server.uploadTriggers();
- });
- $(".downloadTriggers").on('click', _ => {
- layer.confirm('拷贝成功将会完全覆盖原有角色触发器!', {
- title: "<red>! 警告</red>",
- btn: ['那还是算了', '好的继续'],
- shift: 2,
- }, function (index) {
- layer.close(index);
- }, function () {
- layer.prompt({ title: '输入角色触发获取码', formType: 0, shift: 2 }, function (pass, index) {
- layer.close(index);
- Server.downloadTriggers(pass);
- });
- });
- });
- $(".importFlow").on('click', _ => {
- let allFinder = WorkflowConfig.getFinderNames().join("|");
- let source = `
- #input ($token)=分享码,
- #select ($target)=目标文件夹,${allFinder},${WorkflowConfig.rootFinderName}
- #config
- @js Server.importFlow("(token)", "(target)");
- `
- const p = new Performer("导入流程", source);
- p.log(false);
- p.start();
- });
- $(".importTrigger").on('click', _ => {
- let source = `
- #input ($token)=分享码,
- #config
- @js Server.importTrigger("(token)");
- `
- const p = new Performer("导入触发器", source);
- p.log(false);
- p.start();
- });
- $(".translateCode").on('click', _ => {
- layer.prompt({ title: '客栈->流程讨论,阅读使用说明后操作', formType: 0, shift: 2 }, function (pass, index) {
- if (pass == "我确认开始转换") {
- layer.close(index);
- CodeTranslator.run();
- }
- });
- });
- $(".raidVersion").on('click', _ => {
- Server.getNotice();
- });
- },
- dungeons: function () {
- UI._appendHtml("🍺 <hic>自动副本</hic>", "");
- const model = UI._dungeonsContentModel();
- UI._mountableDiv().appendChild(model.$el);
- },
- workflows: function () {
- if (ManagedPerformerCenter.getAll().length == 0) {
- UI.workflowsHome();
- } else {
- UI.runningFlows();
- }
- },
- workflowsHome: function () {
- // const leftText = `
- // <select style='width:80px' id="workflows-sort">
- // <option value="updateAsc">更新时间升序</option>
- // <option value="updateDesc">更新时间降序</option>
- // <option value="nameAsc">名称升序</option>
- // <option value="nameDesc">名称降序</option>
- // </select>
- // `
- const leftText = `<wht>运行中</wht>`;
- const rightText = `
- <select style='width:80px' id="workflows-opts">
- <option value="none">选择操作</option>
- <option value="createFinder">新建文件夹</option>
- <option value="createFlow">新建流程</option>
- </select>`
- // const getMoreFlows = function() {
- // window.open("http://wsmud.bobcn.me:4567/category/2", '_blank').location;
- // };
- UI._appendHtml("🥗 <hig>工作流程</hig>", "", rightText, null, leftText, UI.runningFlows);
- $('#workflows-opts').val("none");
- $("#workflows-opts").change(function () {
- switch ($('#workflows-opts').val()) {
- case "createFinder":
- UI.createFinder();
- break;
- case "createFlow":
- UI.createWorkflow(WorkflowConfig.rootFinderName);
- break;
- case "none":
- default:
- break;
- };
- });
- // $('#workflows-sort').val(WorkflowConfig.rootFinderSortWay());
- // $("#workflows-sort").change(function () {
- // WorkflowConfig.rootFinderSortWay($('#workflows-sort').val());
- // UI.workflows();
- // });
- const model = UI._workflowContentModel(WorkflowConfig.finderList(WorkflowConfig.rootFinderName));
- UI._mountableDiv().appendChild(model.$el);
- },
- runningFlows: function () {
- UI._appendHtml("🥗 <hig>运行中流程</hig>", "", null, null, UI._backTitle, UI.workflowsHome);
- const model = UI._runningFlowsContentModel();
- UI._mountableDiv().appendChild(model.$el);
- },
- createFinder: function () {
- const content = `
- <div style="margin: 0 2em 5px 2em;text-align:center;width:calc(100% - 4em)">
- <label for="create-finder-name"> 名称:</label><input id ="create-finder-name" style='width:120px' type="text" name="create-finder-name" value="">
- </div>`;
- const save = function () {
- const name = $("#create-finder-name").val();
- const result = WorkflowConfig.createFinder(name);
- if (result == true) {
- UI.workflowsHome();
- } else {
- alert(result);
- }
- };
- UI._appendHtml("🥗 <hig>新建文件夹</hig>", content, "<wht>保存</wht>", save, UI._backTitle, UI.workflowsHome);
- },
- modifyFinder: function (finder) {
- const content = `
- <div style="margin: 0 2em 5px 2em;text-align:center;width:calc(100% - 4em)">
- <label for="modify-finder-name"> 名称:</label><input id ="modify-finder-name" style='width:120px' type="text" name="modify-finder-name" value="">
- </div>`;
- const remove = function () {
- var verify = confirm("删除文件夹将删除其中的所有流程,确认删除吗?");
- if (verify) {
- WorkflowConfig.removeFinder(finder);
- UI.workflowsHome();
- }
- };
- const back = function () {
- const name = $("#modify-finder-name").val();
- const result = WorkflowConfig.modifyFinder(finder, name);
- if (result != true) {
- alert(result);
- return;
- }
- UI.workflowsHome();
- };
- UI._appendHtml("🥗 <hig>修改文件夹</hig>", content, "删除", remove, UI._backSaveTitle, back);
- $('#modify-finder-name').val(finder.name);
- },
- openFinder: function (finderName) {
- if (finderName == WorkflowConfig.rootFinderName) {
- UI.workflowsHome();
- return;
- }
- const list = WorkflowConfig.finderList(finderName);
- UI._appendHtml(`<wht>📂 ${finderName}</wht>`, "", null, null, UI._backTitle, UI.workflowsHome);
- const model = UI._workflowContentModel(list);
- UI._mountableDiv().appendChild(model.$el);
- },
- createWorkflow: function (finderName) {
- const content = `
- <div style="margin: 0 2em 5px 2em;text-align:left;width:calc(100% - 4em)">
- <label for="create-flow-name"> 名称:</label><input id ="create-flow-name" style='width:120px' type="text" name="create-flow-name" value="">
- </div>
- <textarea class = "settingbox hide" style = "height:5rem;display:inline-block;font-size:0.8em;width:calc(100% - 4em)" id = "create-flow-source"></textarea>`;
- const save = function () {
- const name = $("#create-flow-name").val();
- const source = $("#create-flow-source").val();
- const result = WorkflowConfig.createWorkflow(name, source, finderName);
- if (result == true) {
- UI.workflowsHome();
- } else {
- alert(result);
- }
- };
- UI._appendHtml("🥗 <hig>新建流程</hig>", content, "<wht>保存</wht>", save, UI._backTitle, UI.workflowsHome);
- },
- modifyWorkflow: function (flow) {
- let options = "";
- WorkflowConfig.getFinderNames().forEach(finderName => {
- options += `<option value="${finderName}">${finderName}</option>`;
- });
- const content = `
- <div style="margin: 0 2em 5px 2em;text-align:left;width:calc(100% - 4em)">
- <label for="modify-flow-name"> 名称:</label><input id ="modify-flow-name" style='width:120px' type="text" name="modify-flow-name" value="">
- <label for="modify-flow-finder">移动至</label><select id="modify-flow-finder">
- ${options}
- </select>
- </div>
- <textarea class = "settingbox hide" style = "height:5rem;display:inline-block;font-size:0.8em;width:calc(100% - 4em)" id = "modify-flow-source"></textarea>
- <span class="raid-item shareFlow">分享此流程</span>`;
- const remove = function () {
- var verify = confirm("确认删除此工作流程吗?");
- if (verify) {
- WorkflowConfig.removeWorkflow(flow);
- UI.workflowsHome();
- }
- };
- const back = function () {
- const name = $("#modify-flow-name").val();
- const source = $("#modify-flow-source").val();
- const finderName = $("#modify-flow-finder").val();
- const result = WorkflowConfig.modifyWorkflow(flow, name, source, finderName);
- if (result != true) {
- alert(result);
- return;
- }
- UI.openFinder(finderName);
- };
- UI._appendHtml("🥗 <hig>修改流程</hig>", content, "删除", remove, UI._backSaveTitle, back);
- $("#modify-flow-name").val(flow.name);
- $("#modify-flow-source").val(FlowStore.get(flow.name));
- $("#modify-flow-finder").val(flow.finder);
- $(".shareFlow").on('click', function () {
- const data = {
- name: $("#modify-flow-name").val(),
- source: $("#modify-flow-source").val()
- };
- UI._share("流程", data);
- });
- },
- _toolbarHidden: true,
- _backTitle: "<wht>< 返回</wht>",
- _backSaveTitle: "<wht>< 保存&返回</wht>",
- _appendHtml(title, content, rightText, rightAction, leftText, leftAction) {
- var realLeftText = leftText == null ? "" : leftText;
- var realRightText = rightText == null ? "" : rightText;
- var html = `
- <div class = "item-commands" style="text-align:center">
- <div style="margin-top:0.5em">
- <div style="width:8em;float:left;text-align:left;padding:0px 0px 0px 2em;height:1.23em" id="wsmud_raid_left">${realLeftText}</div>
- <div style="width:calc(100% - 16em);float:left;height:1.23em">${title}</div>
- <div style="width:8em;float:left;text-align:right;padding:0px 2em 0px 0px;height:1.23em" id="wsmud_raid_right">${realRightText}</div>
- </div>
- <br><br>
- ${content}
- </div>`;
- Message.clean();
- Message.append(html);
- $("#wsmud_raid_left").on('click', function () {
- if (leftAction) leftAction();
- });
- $("#wsmud_raid_right").on('click', function () {
- if (rightAction) rightAction();
- });
- },
- _mountableDiv: function () {
- var wg_log = document.getElementsByClassName("WG_log")[0];
- var pre = wg_log.getElementsByTagName("pre")[0];
- var div = pre.getElementsByTagName("div")[0];
- return div;
- },
- _workflowContentModel: function (items) {
- const contentModel = new Vue({
- el: '#WorkflowsContentModel',
- methods: {
- createSpan: function (createElement, item) {
- let style = {
- width: "120px",
- "background-color": "#12e4a0",
- border: "solid 1px rgb(107, 255, 70)",
- color: "#000dd4"
- };
- if (item.type == "finder") {
- style = {
- width: "120px",
- "background-color": "#0359c3",
- border: "solid 1px rgb(107, 203, 255)",
- color: "white"
- };
- }
- var properties = {
- attrs: { class: "zdy-item" },
- style: style
- };
- var play = function () {
- if (item.type == "finder") {
- UI.openFinder(item.name);
- } else {
- ManagedPerformerCenter.start(item.name, FlowStore.get(item.name));
- }
- };
- var edit = function () {
- if (item.type == "finder") {
- UI.modifyFinder(item);
- } else {
- UI.modifyWorkflow(item);
- }
- };
- const leftProperties = {
- style: {
- width: "30px",
- float: "left",
- "background-color": "#ffffff4f",
- "border-radius": "4px"
- },
- on: { click: edit }
- };
- var leftNode = createElement("div", leftProperties, "⚙");
- var mainProperties = {
- attrs: { class: "breakText" },
- style: { width: "85px", float: "right" },
- on: { click: play }
- };
- const title = item.type == "finder" ? item.name : `▶️${item.name}`;
- const mainNode = createElement("div", mainProperties, title);
- return createElement("span", properties, [leftNode, mainNode]);
- },
- },
- render: function (createElement) {
- var self = this;
- let flows = [];
- let finders = [];
- items.forEach(item => {
- if (item.type == "finder") finders.push(self.createSpan(createElement, item));
- if (item.type == "flow") flows.push(self.createSpan(createElement, item));
- });
- let nodes = [];
- if (flows.length > 0) nodes.push(flows);
- if (finders.length > 0) {
- nodes.push(createElement("hr", { style: { "background-color": "gray", height: "1px", width: "calc(100% - 4em)", border: "none" } }));
- nodes.push(finders);
- }
- const style = createElement("style", ".breakText {word-break:keep-all;white-space:nowrap;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis;}");
- nodes.push(style);
- return createElement(
- "div",
- { attrs: { class: "item-commands" } },
- nodes
- );
- }
- });
- return contentModel;
- },
- _dungeonsContentModel: function () {
- const contentModel = new Vue({
- el: '#DungeonsContentModel',
- methods: {
- getItems: function () {
- return Dungeons;
- },
- createSpan: function (createElement, item) {
- var properties = {
- attrs: { class: "zdy-item" },
- style: { width: "120px" },
- on: {
- click: function () {
- ManagedPerformerCenter.start(`自动副本-${item.name}`, GetDungeonSource(item.name));
- }
- },
- };
- return createElement('span', properties, item.desc != null ? item.desc : item.name);
- },
- },
- render: function (createElement) {
- var items = this.getItems();
- var theSelf = this;
- var spans = items.map(function (item) {
- return theSelf.createSpan(createElement, item);
- });
- return createElement(
- "div",
- { attrs: { class: "item-commands" } },
- spans
- );
- }
- });
- return contentModel;
- },
- _runningFlowsContentModel: function () {
- const contentModel = new Vue({
- el: '#WorkflowsContentModel',
- methods: {
- createSpan: function (createElement, flow) {
- let style = {
- width: "120px",
- "background-color": "#05b77d",
- border: "solid 1px rgb(107, 255, 70)",
- color: "white"
- };
- var properties = {
- attrs: { class: "zdy-item" },
- style: style
- };
- var stop = function () {
- flow.stop();
- };
- var pause = function () {
- if (flow.pausing()) {
- flow.resume();
- } else {
- flow.pause();
- }
- UI.runningFlows();
- if (flow.pausing()) {
- Message.append(`<hiy>暂停执行,流程: ${flow.name()}...</hiy>`);
- } else {
- Message.append(`<hiy>恢复执行,流程: ${flow.name()}。</hiy>`);
- }
- };
- const leftProperties = {
- style: {
- width: "30px",
- float: "left",
- "background-color": "#ffffff4f",
- "border-radius": "4px"
- },
- on: { click: pause }
- };
- var leftNode = createElement("div", leftProperties, flow.pausing() ? "▶️" : "⏸");
- var mainProperties = {
- attrs: { class: "breakText" },
- style: { width: "85px", float: "right" },
- on: { click: stop }
- };
- const mainNode = createElement("div", mainProperties, `⏹${flow.name()}`);
- return createElement("span", properties, [leftNode, mainNode]);
- },
- },
- render: function (createElement) {
- var items = ManagedPerformerCenter.getAll();
- var theSelf = this;
- var spans = items.map(function (item) {
- return theSelf.createSpan(createElement, item);
- });
- const style = createElement("style", ".breakText {word-break:keep-all;white-space:nowrap;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis;}");
- spans.push(style);
- return createElement(
- "div",
- { attrs: { class: "item-commands" } },
- spans
- );
- }
- });
- return contentModel;
- },
- _shareData: null,
- /**
- * @param {String} type 流程 触发
- * @param {Object} value
- */
- _share: function (type, value) {
- UI._shareData = value;
- let source = `
- [if] (__FormUserName) == null
- (__FormUserName) = (:name)
- #input ($__FormUserName)=当前角色名,(:name)
- #config
- ($__FormUserName)=(:name)
- ($password)=233
- @js Server.shareFlowTrigger("(__FormUserName)", "(password)", "${type}", UI._shareData);
- `
- const p = new Performer(`分享${type}`, source);
- p.log(false);
- p.start();
- }
- }
- /***********************************************************************************\
- TaoHua Island
- \***********************************************************************************/
- // 暂时保留给桃花岛解密用
- class AncientCmdExecuter {
- constructor(cmds, willStartExecute, didFinishExecute, willPerformCmd, didPerformCmd, interval) {
- this.cmds = cmds;
- this.willStartExecute = willStartExecute;
- this.didFinishExecute = didFinishExecute;
- this.willPerformCmd = willPerformCmd;
- this.didPerformCmd = didPerformCmd;
- this.interval = interval ? interval : 1000;
- }
- execute() {
- if (this.isWorking) return;
- this.isWorking = true;
- if (this.willStartExecute) this.willStartExecute();
- this._performCmd(0);
- }
- _performCmd(index) {
- if (index >= this.cmds.length) { this._finishExecute(); return; }
- if (!Role.isFree()) { this._delayPerformCmd(index); return; }
- var cmd = this.cmds[index];
- if (this.willPerformCmd) {
- var lastCmd = null;
- if (index > 0) lastCmd = this.cmds[index - 1];
- var valid = this.willPerformCmd(lastCmd, cmd);
- if (!valid) { this._delayPerformCmd(index); return; }
- cmd = valid;
- }
- // @开头,虚命令,不真正执行
- if (cmd.indexOf("@") == -1 && cmd.indexOf("kill?") == -1) WG.SendCmd(cmd);
- if (this.didPerformCmd) this.didPerformCmd(cmd);
- // [exit] 保留命令,立即退出执行器
- if (cmd.indexOf("[exit]") != -1) {
- this._finishExecute();
- return;
- }
- this._delayPerformCmd(index + 1);
- }
- _delayPerformCmd(index) {
- var executer = this;
- window.setTimeout(function () {
- executer._performCmd(index);
- }, executer.interval);
- }
- _finishExecute() {
- this.isWorking = false;
- WG.remove_hook(AncientCmdExecuter._hookIndex);
- if (this.didFinishExecute) this.didFinishExecute();
- }
- }
- const THIsland = {
- outMaze: function (callback) {
- if (!Role.atPath("taohua/haitan")) {
- Message.append("只有在 桃花岛的海滩 才能使用此虫洞。");
- return;
- }
- var cmds = [
- "go south",
- "@look 1",
- "@look 5"
- ];
- var willStartExecute = function () {
- THIsland._monitorMaze();
- };
- var didFinishExecute = function () {
- THIsland._cancelMonitorMaze();
- if (callback) callback();
- };
- var willPerformCmd = function (lastCmd, cmd) {
- if (cmd == "@look 1") {
- if (THIsland._goCenterCmd) {
- return THIsland._goCenterCmd;
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- if (cmd == "@look 5") {
- if (THIsland._decodedMaze) {
- return THIsland._outMazeCmd();
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- return cmd;
- };
- var executer = new AncientCmdExecuter(
- cmds,
- willStartExecute,
- didFinishExecute,
- willPerformCmd,
- undefined,
- 1000
- );
- executer.execute();
- },
- zhoubotong: function (callback) {
- if (!Role.atPath("taohua/wofang")) {
- Message.append("只有在 蓉儿的卧室 才能使用此虫洞。");
- return;
- }
- var cmds = [
- "go south;go west;go west;go west;go north;go north;go north",
- "go west;go east;go west;go east;go west",
- "go south",
- "@look 1",
- "@look 5",
- "@go 2",
- "@go 3",
- "@go 4",
- "@go 6",
- "@go 7",
- "@go 8",
- "@end"
- ];
- var willStartExecute = function () {
- THIsland._monitorMaze();
- THIsland._exitsHookIndex = WG.add_hook("exits", function (data) {
- if (THIsland._lastCoord == undefined || THIsland._lastCoord == [0, 0]) return;
- if (Object.keys(data.items).length != 4) return;
- for (var key in data.items) {
- if (data.items[key] != "桃花林") return;
- }
- var normalExistMap = [
- [["north", "northeast", "east"], ["east", "north", "south"], ["east", "south", "southeast"],],
- [["east", "north", "west"], [], ["west", "east", "south"],],
- [["west", "northwest", "north"], ["west", "south", "north"], ["west", "southwest", "south"],]
- ];
- var x = THIsland._lastCoord[0] + 1;
- var y = THIsland._lastCoord[1] + 1;
- var normalExists = normalExistMap[x][y];
- for (var key2 in data.items) {
- if (normalExists.indexOf(key2) != -1) continue;
- THIsland._goCave = "go " + key2;
- return;
- }
- });
- };
- var didFinishExecute = function () {
- THIsland._lastCoord = undefined;
- THIsland._lastGo = undefined;
- THIsland._goCave = undefined;
- THIsland._cancelMonitorMaze();
- WG.remove_hook(THIsland._exitsHookIndex);
- if (callback) callback();
- };
- var willPerformCmd = function (lastCmd, cmd) {
- if (THIsland._goCave) return THIsland._goCave + ";go west;[exit]";
- var number = 0;
- switch (cmd) {
- case "@look 1":
- if (THIsland._goCenterCmd) {
- return THIsland._goCenterCmd;
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- break;
- case "@look 5":
- if (!THIsland._decodedMaze) return null;
- break;
- case "@go 2":
- THIsland._lastCoord = THIsland._mazeCoords[2];
- THIsland._lastGo = THIsland._mazePath(THIsland._lastCoord);
- return THIsland._lastGo;
- case "@go 3": number = 3; break;
- case "@go 4": number = 4; break;
- case "@go 6": number = 6; break;
- case "@go 7": number = 7; break;
- case "@go 8": number = 8; break;
- }
- if (number != 0) {
- var back = THIsland._mazeBackPath(THIsland._lastGo);
- THIsland._lastCoord = THIsland._mazeCoords[number];
- THIsland._lastGo = THIsland._mazePath(THIsland._lastCoord);
- return back + ";" + THIsland._lastGo;
- }
- return cmd;
- };
- var executer = new AncientCmdExecuter(
- cmds,
- willStartExecute,
- didFinishExecute,
- willPerformCmd,
- undefined,
- 1000
- );
- executer.execute();
- },
- _outMazeCmd: function () {
- var cmd = "";
- for (var i = 2; i <= 9; i++) {
- var coord = THIsland._mazeCoords[i];
- var go = THIsland._mazePath(coord);
- if (i == 9) {
- cmd += go + ";" + go;
- } else {
- cmd += go + ";" + THIsland._mazeBackPath(go) + ";";
- }
- }
- cmd += ";go south";
- return cmd;
- },
- _mazePath: function (coord) {
- var pathMap = [
- ["go southwest", "go west", "go northwest"],
- ["go south", "", "go north"],
- ["go southeast", "go east", "go northeast"]
- ];
- var x = coord[0] + 1;
- var y = coord[1] + 1;
- return pathMap[x][y];
- },
- _mazeBackPath: function (path) {
- var backMap = {
- "": "",
- "go southwest": "go northeast",
- "go west": "go east",
- "go northwest": "go southeast",
- "go south": "go north",
- "go north": "go south",
- "go southeast": "go northwest",
- "go east": "go west",
- "go northeast": "go southwest"
- };
- return backMap[path];
- },
- _monitorMaze: function () {
- THIsland._mazeCoords = [
- [2, 2], // unused
- [2, 2],
- [2, 2],
- [2, 2],
- [2, 2],
- [0, 0],
- [2, 2],
- [2, 2],
- [2, 2],
- [2, 2]
- ];
- THIsland._atFirst = false;
- THIsland._goCenterCmd = undefined;
- THIsland._decodedMaze = false;
- var index1 = WG.add_hook(["room", "exits"], function (data) {
- if (THIsland._goCenterCmd != undefined) return;
- if (data.type == "room") {
- if (data.desc == undefined) return;
- var patt = new RegExp("四周栽了大概有一棵桃树");
- var result = patt.exec(data.desc);
- if (result) THIsland._atFirst = true;
- } else if (data.type == "exits") {
- if (data.items == undefined) return;
- if (THIsland._atFirst) {
- if (data.items.north && data.items.south) {
- if (data.items.west) {
- THIsland._mazeCoords[1] = [1, 0];
- THIsland._goCenterCmd = "go west";
- } else {
- THIsland._mazeCoords[1] = [-1, 0];
- THIsland._goCenterCmd = "go east";
- }
- } else if (data.items.west && data.items.east) {
- if (data.items.north) {
- THIsland._mazeCoords[1] = [0, -1];
- THIsland._goCenterCmd = "go north";
- } else {
- THIsland._mazeCoords[1] = [0, 1];
- THIsland._goCenterCmd = "go south";
- }
- }
- }
- }
- });
- var index2 = WG.add_hook("room", function (data) {
- if (THIsland._decodedMaze) return;
- if (data.desc == undefined) return;
- var patt = new RegExp("能看到东南方向大概有.(?=棵桃树)");
- var count = patt.exec(data.desc);
- if (!count) return;
- var text = count.toString();
- switch (text.substring(text.length - 1)) {
- case "二": THIsland._mazeCoords[2] = [1, -1]; break;
- case "四": THIsland._mazeCoords[4] = [1, -1]; break;
- case "六": THIsland._mazeCoords[6] = [1, -1]; break;
- case "八": THIsland._mazeCoords[8] = [1, -1]; break;
- }
- THIsland._mazeCoords[9] = [-THIsland._mazeCoords[1][0], -THIsland._mazeCoords[1][1]];
- while (true) {
- if (THIsland._mazeCoords[2][0] != 2) {
- THIsland._mazeCoords[8] = [-THIsland._mazeCoords[2][0], -THIsland._mazeCoords[2][1]];
- }
- if (THIsland._mazeCoords[8][0] != 2) {
- if (THIsland._mazeCoords[8][0] == THIsland._mazeCoords[1][0]) {
- THIsland._mazeCoords[6] = [THIsland._mazeCoords[8][0], -THIsland._mazeCoords[8][1]];
- } else {
- THIsland._mazeCoords[6] = [-THIsland._mazeCoords[8][0], THIsland._mazeCoords[8][1]];
- }
- }
- if (THIsland._mazeCoords[6][0] != 2) {
- THIsland._mazeCoords[4] = [-THIsland._mazeCoords[6][0], -THIsland._mazeCoords[6][1]];
- }
- if (THIsland._mazeCoords[4][0] != 2) {
- if (THIsland._mazeCoords[4][0] == THIsland._mazeCoords[9][0]) {
- THIsland._mazeCoords[2] = [THIsland._mazeCoords[4][0], -THIsland._mazeCoords[4][1]];
- } else {
- THIsland._mazeCoords[2] = [-THIsland._mazeCoords[4][0], THIsland._mazeCoords[4][1]];
- }
- }
- if (THIsland._mazeCoords[2][0] != 2 &&
- THIsland._mazeCoords[4][0] != 2 &&
- THIsland._mazeCoords[6][0] != 2 &&
- THIsland._mazeCoords[8][0] != 2) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (THIsland._mazeCoords[8][0] == THIsland._mazeCoords[4][0]) {
- THIsland._mazeCoords[3] = [THIsland._mazeCoords[8][0], 0];
- } else {
- THIsland._mazeCoords[3] = [0, THIsland._mazeCoords[8][1]];
- }
- THIsland._mazeCoords[7] = [-THIsland._mazeCoords[3][0], -THIsland._mazeCoords[3][1]];
- THIsland._decodedMaze = true;
- });
- THIsland._mazeHookIndexes = [index1, index2];
- },
- _cancelMonitorMaze: function () {
- for (var i = THIsland._mazeHookIndexes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- var index = THIsland._mazeHookIndexes[i];
- WG.remove_hook(index);
- }
- },
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /* @taohualin 走出桃花林 */
- (function () {
- const executor = new AtCmdExecutor("taohualin", function (performer, param) {
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- THIsland.outMaze(resolve);
- });
- });
- CmdExecuteCenter.addExecutor(executor);
- })();
- /* @zhoubotong 找到周伯通 */
- (function () {
- const executor = new AtCmdExecutor("zhoubotong", function (performer, param) {
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- THIsland.zhoubotong(resolve);
- });
- });
- CmdExecuteCenter.addExecutor(executor);
- })();
- const DungeonsShortcuts = {
- xianyu_xyjq: function() {
- let source = `
- [if] (:room 副本区域,忧愁谷)==true || (:state)==推演 || (:state)==领悟
- @print <ord>当前状态无法进行一键咸鱼,自动停止!</ord>
- [exit]
- @print 🐟 一键咸鱼 => <hic>襄阳捐钱</hic>
- @cmdDelay 500
- stopstate;jh fam 8 start
- @await 500
- [if] (:room)==襄阳城-广场
- juanxian {r郭靖}?;juanxian2 {r郭靖}?
- @print 已完成:襄阳捐钱
- $zdwk
- `
- const p = new Performer("襄阳捐钱", source);
- p.log(false);
- p.start();
- },
- xianyu_xybm: function () {
- let source = `
- [if] (:room 副本区域,忧愁谷)==true || (:state)==推演 || (:state)==领悟
- @print <ord>当前状态无法进行一键咸鱼,自动停止!</ord>
- [exit]
- @print 🐟 一键咸鱼 => <hic>襄阳报名</hic>
- @cmdDelay 500
- stopstate;jh fam 8 start
- @await 500
- [if] (:room)==襄阳城-广场
- baoming {r郭靖}?
- @tip 你可以去($xyBM)附近查看敌情|这位($xyBM)已经报名了。|才可以再次($xyOver)襄阳守城|最近没($xyNone)战事
- [if] (xyBM) != null
- @print 襄阳已报名,请选择守门位置:
- @js Message.append('<div class="item-commands"><span cmd="$wait 350;jh fam 8 start;go north;go north;go north;go north;go north;">⬆️ 守北门</span><span cmd="$wait 350;jh fam 8 start;go south;go south;go south;go south;go south;">⬇️ 守南门</span><span cmd="$wait 350;jh fam 8 start;go east;go east;go east;go east;go east;">➡️ 守东门</span><span cmd="$wait 350;jh fam 8 start;go west;go west;go west;go west;go west;">⬅️ 守西门</span></div>')
- [else if] (xyNone) != null
- @print 襄阳尚未开启。
- $zdwk
- [else if] (xyOver) != null
- @print 襄阳已经完成。
- $zdwk
- [else]
- $zdwk
- `
- const p = new Performer("襄阳报名", source);
- p.log(false);
- p.start();
- },
- xianyu_ksyb: function () {
- let source = `
- [if] (:room 副本区域,忧愁谷)==true || (:state)==推演 || (:state)==领悟
- @print <ord>当前状态无法进行一键咸鱼,自动停止!</ord>
- [exit]
- @print 🐟 一键咸鱼 => <hic>快速运镖</hic>
- @cmdDelay 500
- stopstate
- $to 扬州城-镖局正厅
- ksyb {r林震南}
- @tip 最近暂时($done)委托,你先休息下吧|你需要支付($charges)黄金的雇佣费用|只有总镖头才($can)雇佣镖师|如果你不能把镖银($escort)送到|你不是($escort)运镖吗
- [if] (charges)!=null
- <-recordGains
- task yunbiao {r林震南} qkstart
- @await 11000
- @tidyBag
- recordGains->nopopup
- [else if] (can)!=null
- tm 运镖环数不到200环,无法快速运镖。
- [else if] (escort)!=null
- tm 当前有未完成的运镖任务,无法快速运镖。
- $zdwk
- `
- const p = new Performer("快速运镖", source);
- p.log(false);
- p.start();
- },
- xianyu_sdyt: function () {
- let source = `
- [if] (:room 副本区域,忧愁谷)==true || (:state)==推演 || (:state)==领悟
- @print <ord>当前状态无法进行一键咸鱼,自动停止!</ord>
- [exit]
- @print 🐟 一键咸鱼 => <hic>扫荡妖塔</hic>
- @print <hic>如果想自己静默式调用扫荡妖塔功能,请先设定变量扫荡次数 <hiy>SDYTnum</hiy> 和 单次消耗精力上限 <hiy>SDYTjlsx</hiy> 的值。</hic>
- [if] (SDYTjlsx) == 0 || (SDYTjlsx) == null || (SDYTjlsx) == undefined
- @js ($SDYTjlsx) = prompt("请输入单次消耗精力上限,超过后将自动停止:", "85");
- [if] (SDYTnum) == 0 || (SDYTnum) == null || (SDYTnum) == undefined
- @js ($SDYTnum) = prompt("请输入本轮扫荡次数,注意:单次消耗精力达到上限后将自动停止。","5")
- ($sdyt_num) = (SDYTnum)
- //($SDYTnum) = null
- [if] (sdyt_num) == 0 || (sdyt_num) == null || (sdyt_num) == undefined
- @print <ord>扫荡次数为0,取消扫荡。</ord>
- [exit]
- @print <hiy>计划扫荡(sdyt_num)次妖塔。</hiy>
- stopstate
- [if] (:room) != 古大陆-墓园
- $goyt
- @await 1500
- [if] (:room) != 古大陆-墓园
- @print <ord>无法前往古大陆,请重试或确定当前角色是否已解锁古大陆。</ord>
- $zdwk
- [exit]
- [if] {b扫荡符#}? < (sdyt_num) || {b扫荡符}? == null
- shop 0 (sdyt_num)
- ($num) = 0
- @cmdDelay 500
- ($ytWeek) = null
- [while] (num) < (sdyt_num)
- ss muyuan
- @tip 你即将消耗一个扫荡符,($jl_yt)精力快速完成一次弑妖塔|你即将消耗($jl_yt)精力快速完成一次弑妖塔|你尚未($ytJS)弑妖塔|你已达到($ytWeek)上限
- [if] (ytJS) != null
- @print <hiy>妖塔未解锁,无法扫荡。</hiy>
- [break]
- [if] (ytWeek) != null
- @print <hiy>妖塔扫荡已达到本周上限。</hiy>
- [break]
- [if] (jl_yt) > (SDYTjlsx) && (jl_yt) != null
- @print <ord>单次扫荡精力超过(SDYTjlsx),自动停止。</ord>
- [break]
- [else]
- saodang muyuan
- @tip 你消耗一个扫荡符|精力快速完成弑妖塔|你的($lack)不够|你已达到($ytWeek)上限
- [if] (ytWeek) != null
- @print <hiy>妖塔扫荡已达到本周上限。</hiy>
- [break]
- [if] (lack) != null
- @print <ord>(lack)不足,自动停止扫荡妖塔。</ord>
- [break]
- ($num) = (num) + 1
- @await 1000
- $zdwk
- `
- const p = new Performer("扫荡妖塔", source);
- p.log(false);
- p.start();
- },
- xianyu_mghyj: function () {
- let source = `
- [if] (:room 副本区域,忧愁谷)==true || (:state)==推演 || (:state)==领悟
- @print <ord>当前状态无法进行一键咸鱼,自动停止!</ord>
- [exit]
- @print 🐟 一键咸鱼 => <hic>门贡换元晶</hic>
- @cmdDelay 500
- stopstate
- ($hqName) = 门派后勤管理员
- [if] (:family) == 武当派
- ($hqMap) = 武当派-石阶
- [else if] (:family) == 少林派
- ($hqMap) = 少林派-山门殿
- [else if] (:family) == 华山派
- ($hqMap) = 华山派-练武场
- [else if] (:family) == 峨眉派
- ($hqMap) = 峨眉派-走廊
- [else if] (:family) == 逍遥派
- ($hqMap) = 逍遥派-林间小道
- [else if] (:family) == 丐帮
- ($hqMap) = 丐帮-暗道
- [else if] (:family) == 杀手楼
- ($hqMap) = 杀手楼-休息室
- [else]
- ($hqMap) = 扬州城-扬州武馆
- ($hqName) = 武馆后勤
- [while] (:room) != (hqMap)
- $to (hqMap)
- [if] (:family) == 丐帮
- @await 300
- go east
- @await 500
- [if] {r(hqName)}? == null
- @print 后勤失踪,请稍后再试。
- [else]
- ask1 {r(hqName)}?
- @dialog
- buy 1 {d元晶o}? from {r(hqName)}?
- @tip 你从门派后勤管理员购买了|这里没有($mgYJ)多的|你没有那么多的($mgGJ)功绩
- [if] (mgGJ) != null
- @print 门贡不足,无法购买。
- [else if] (mgYJ) != null
- @print 元晶已售空,无法购买。
- [else]
- @print 已购买一个<hio>元晶</hio>。
- $zdwk
- `
- const p = new Performer("门贡换元晶", source);
- p.log(false);
- p.start();
- },
- xianyu_ltbm: function () {
- let source = `
- [if] (:room 副本区域,忧愁谷)==true || (:state)==推演 || (:state)==领悟
- @print <ord>当前状态无法进行一键咸鱼,自动停止!</ord>
- [exit]
- @print 🐟 一键咸鱼 => <hic>擂台报名</hic>
- @cmdDelay 500
- stopstate;$to 扬州城-擂台
- @await 500
- select {r擂台比武报名}?
- askbiwu {r擂台比武报名}?
- @tip 你使用当前装备和技能($ltBM)参加比武|你已经报名参加比武,($ltGX)更新你的技能和装备|你已报名或更新状态,请勿连续报名。
- [if] (ltGX) != null
- biwu record ok
- $zdwk
- `
- const p = new Performer("擂台报名", source);
- p.log(false);
- p.start();
- },
- xianyu_setting: function () {
- let source = `
- [(SDYTjlsx)==null]($SDYTjlsx)=85
- [(SDYTnum)==null]($SDYTnum)=5
- @print 🐟 一键咸鱼 => <hic>参数设置</hic>
- #input ($SDYTjlsx)=<hiz>一键设置各种常用流程(陆续更新添加)参数</hiz><br/> * <ord>🐉 扫荡妖塔</ord> 参数<br/> * 妖塔单次消耗精力上限,(SDYTjlsx)
- #input ($SDYTnum)=每轮妖塔扫荡次数,(SDYTnum)
- #config
- @print 已完成参数设置
- `
- const p = new Performer("参数设置", source);
- p.log(false);
- p.start();
- },
- cangbaotu: function () {
- let source = `
- [if] (:room 副本区域,忧愁谷)==true || (:state)==推演 || (:state)==领悟
- @print <ord>当前状态无法进行一键咸鱼,自动停止!</ord>
- [exit]
- @print 🐟 一键咸鱼 => <hic>藏宝图</hic>
- [if] {b藏宝图}? == null
- tm 背包中无藏宝图,取消本次寻宝。
- [exit]
- @cmdDelay 500
- stopstate
- @toolbar jh
- @toolbar pack
- ($money1) = (:money)
- ($ebony1) = {b玄晶#}?
- ($number)=1
- ($cbt_n) = 0
- @stopSSAuto
- <-recordGains
- [while] {b藏宝图}? != null
- <---
- ($pos)=null
- use {b藏宝图}?
- @tip 发现上面的图案所绘的方位似乎($pos)。|你找到了
- [if] (pos) == 就在你这里
- use {b藏宝图}?
- ($cbt_n) = (cbt_n) + 1
- [continue]
- [else if] (pos) == null
- [continue]
- --->
- jh fam (number) start
- [if] (pos) != 离你所在的位置挺远的
- // 武当
- [if] (number)=1
- [if] (pos) == 在你的北方
- go north
- go south;go west;go northup;go north;go east
- [else if] (pos) == 在你的西方
- go west
- go west
- [else]
- go west;go northup
- go north
- go west
- go northup
- go northup
- go northup
- [while] (pos) == 在你的北方
- go north
- // 少林
- [else if] (number)=2
- [if] (pos) == 在你的北方
- go north
- go north
- go northup
- go southdown;go northwest;go northeast
- [while] (pos) == 在你的北方
- go north
- [else if] (pos) == 在你的西北方向
- go north;go west
- go east;go north;go northwest
- go northeast;go north;go west
- go east;go north;go west
- go east;go north;go west
- [else]
- go north;go east
- go west;go north;go northeast
- go northwest;go north;go east
- go west;go north;go east
- // 华山
- [else if] (number)=3
- [if] (pos) == 在你的北方
- go westup;go north;go east
- go west;go north;go east
- [else if] (pos) == 在你的西北方向
- go westup;go north
- go north
- go north
- [else if] (pos) == 在你的西方
- go westup
- go west
- [else if] (pos) == 在你东方
- go eastup
- [else if] (pos) == 在你的东南方向
- go eastup;go southup
- jumpdown
- go southup
- go south
- go east
- [else]
- go westup
- go south
- go southup
- go southup
- break bi;go enter
- go westup
- go westup
- jumpup
- // 峨眉
- [else if] (number)=4
- go west;go south;go west
- [if] (pos) == 在你东方
- go east
- go east
- go east
- [else if] (pos) == 在你的西方
- go west
- [else if] (pos) == 在你的南方
- go south
- go south
- [else if] (pos) == 在你的北方
- go north
- go north
- [else if] (pos) == 在你的东北方向
- go east;go north
- go east
- go northup
- go east
- [else]
- go east;go south
- go north;go east;go south
- // 逍遥
- [else if] (number)=5
- [if] (pos) == 在你东方
- go east
- [else if] (pos) == 在你的西方
- go west
- [else if] (pos) == 在你的南方
- go south
- go south
- [else if] (pos) == 在你的北方
- go north
- go north
- [else if] (pos) == 在你的东北方向
- go east;go north
- [else if] (pos) == 在你的东南方向
- go east;go south
- go south
- [else if] (pos) == 在你的西南方向
- go west;go south
- [else]
- go down
- go down
- // 丐帮
- [else]
- [if] (pos) == 在你东方
- go down;go east;go east;go east;go up
- go down;go east;go east;go up
- [else if] (pos) == 在你的南方
- go down
- [else]
- go down;go east
- go east
- go east
- go east
- go east
- [else if] (number)<6
- ($number) = (number) + 1
- [else]
- ($number)=1
- //结束后自动挖矿或者闭关
- @await 1000
- @tidyBag
- @wait 2000
- $zdwk
- recordGains->nopopup
- @recoverSSAuto
- @toolbar pack
- ($money2) = (:money)
- @js ($income_m) = parseInt(((money2) - (money1))/10000)
- ($ebony2) = {b玄晶#}?
- [if] (ebony1) != null
- ($income_e) = (ebony2) - (ebony1)
- [else]
- ($income_e) = (ebony2)
- tm 挖宝 (cbt_n) 次,收益 (income_e)个玄晶,(income_m) 两黄金
- @print 挖宝 (cbt_n) 次,收益 <hiy>(income_e)</hiy> 个玄晶,<hiy>(income_m)</hiy> 两黄金
- `
- const p = new Performer("藏宝图寻宝", source);
- p.log(false);
- p.start();
- },
- cihang: function () {
- let source = `
- [if] (:room 慈航静斋) == false
- @print <hiy>请先进入慈航副本再运行。</hiy>
- [exit]
- [else]
- [if] (:room) != 慈航静斋-山门(副本区域) && (:room) != 慈航静斋-帝踏峰(副本区域)
- @print <hiy>请在山门或帝踏峰运行。</hiy>
- [exit]
- ($go) = 'east','west','south','north'
- ($qiku) = '老','病','死','爱别离','怨憎会','求不得'
- ($num1) = 0
- [if] (:room) == 慈航静斋-山门(副本区域)
- go south
- [else if] (:room) == 慈航静斋-帝踏峰(副本区域)
- go south[2]
- @print <hiy>开始自动寻路,寻路期间请勿点击地图……</hiy>
- @cmdDelay 500
- [while] (num1) < 6
- @js ($ku) = [(qiku)][(num1)]
- ($num2) = 0
- [while] true
- [if] (map) != null && (retry) == true
- (map)
- @await 500
- @js ($fx) = [(go)][(num2)]
- [if] (fx) == null
- @print <hiy>自动寻路失败,请回到山门重新运行!</hiy>
- [exit]
- go (fx)
- [if] (:room) == 慈航静斋-七重门(副本区域)
- @js ($ku_now) = $(".room_desc").text().match(",是名([^%]+)苦。")[1]
- [if] (ku) != (ku_now)
- [while] true
- go west
- [if] (:room) == 慈航静斋-七重门(副本区域)
- @js ($dir_gc) = $("text:contains('广场')").attr("dir")
- [if] (dir_gc) == south
- go south
- @await 200
- [if] (:room) == 慈航静斋-山门(副本区域)
- [break]
- [else if] (:room) == 慈航静斋-广场(副本区域)
- @print <hiy>已走出七重门!</hiy>
- [exit]
- go south
- ($num2) = (num2) + 1
- ($retry) = true
- [else]
- [if] (map) == null
- ($map) = go (fx)
- [else]
- ($map) = (map);go (fx)
- ($retry) = false
- [break]
- [else if] (:room) == 慈航静斋-广场(副本区域)
- @print <hiy>已走出七重门!</hiy>
- [exit]
- ($num1) = (num1) + 1
- go south
- [if] (:room) == 慈航静斋-广场(副本区域)
- @print <hiy>已走出七重门!</hiy>
- `
- const p = new Performer("慈航七重门", source);
- p.log(false);
- p.start();
- },
- zhanshendian: function () {
- let source = `
- [if] (:room 战神殿) == false
- @print <hiy>请先进入战神殿副本再运行。</hiy>
- [exit]
- [if] (:room) != 战神殿-左雁翼(副本区域)
- @print <hiy>请先手动向左走到左雁翼。</hiy>
- @until (:room) == 战神殿-左雁翼(副本区域)
- look shi
- @tip 和外面星空星宿位置一一对应,($star_0),($star_1),($star_2),($star_3),($star_4),($star_5),($star_6),($star_7)这些星宿依次闪烁
- ($stars) = "(star_0)","(star_1)","(star_2)","(star_3)","(star_4)","(star_5)","(star_6)","(star_7)"
- ($dirs) = {"star":"角亢室","dir":1,"eswn":"东北↗︎","go":"northeast"},{"star":"氏房心","dir":0,"eswn":"东→","go":"east"},{"star":"尾箕轸","dir":2,"eswn":"东南↘︎","go":"southeast"},{"star":"井鬼参","dir":4,"eswn":"西南↙︎","go":"southwest"},{"star":"柳星张翼","dir":3,"eswn":"南↓","go":"south"},{"star":"奎娄斗牛","dir":6,"eswn":"西北↖︎","go":"northwest"},{"star":"胃昴毕觜","dir":5,"eswn":"西←","go":"west"},{"star":"女虚危壁","dir":7,"eswn":"北↑","go":"north"}
- @cmdDelay 100
- ($num_1) = 0
- [while] (num_1) < 8
- @js ($star) = [(stars)][(num_1)]
- ($num_2) = 0
- [while] (num_2) < 28
- ($dir) = null
- @js ($dir) = var d=[(dirs)];var s=d[(num_2)]["star"].indexOf("(star)");if(s>=0){d[(num_2)]["dir"]}
- [if] (dir) != null
- [break]
- ($num_2) = (num_2) + 1
- push (dir)
- ($num_1) = (num_1) + 1
- look shi
- @tip 殿顶的星图依旧,却仅剩一颗($last)宿星孤零零的闪烁着
- ($num_3) = 0
- [while] (num_3) < 28
- ($dir_l) = null
- ($go_l) = null
- @js ($dir_l) = var d=[(dirs)];var s=d[(num_3)]["star"].indexOf("(last)");if(s>=0){d[(num_3)]["eswn"]}
- @js ($go_l) = var d=[(dirs)];var s=d[(num_3)]["star"].indexOf("(last)");if(s>=0){d[(num_3)]["go"]}
- [if] (dir_l) != null && (go_l) != null
- [break]
- ($num_3) = (num_3) + 1
- @print <hiy>(last)宿,最后一个方位是【(dir_l)】</hiy>
- tm (last)宿,最后一个方位是【(dir_l)】60秒倒计时已开始,请抓紧开打。
- @print <ord>打完右雁翼最后一波守卫后会自动进秘道【(go_l)】</ord>
- @until (:room) == 战神殿-右雁翼(副本区域) || (:room 副本区域) == false
- @until (:combating) == true || (:room 副本区域) == false
- @until (:combating) == false || (:room 副本区域) == false
- [if] (:room 副本区域) == false
- [exit]
- [while] (:room) == 战神殿-右雁翼(副本区域) && (:living) == true
- go (go_l);$wait 100
- `
- const p = new Performer("战神殿解谜", source);
- p.log(false);
- p.start();
- },
- guzongmen: function () {
- let source = `
- @print <hiy>如果寻路一直失败,请检查设置中<ord>【切换房间时不清空上房间信息】</ord>是否开启。</hiy>
- [if] (:room 副本区域,忧愁谷) == true
- @print <ord>当前处于副本中,无法寻路!</ord>
- [exit]
- @cmdDelay 500
- stopstate
- jh fam 9 start
- go enter
- go up
- @tip 打败我,你就($pass)上去|聚魂成功|踏过长生门|你已堪破生死|古老的大陆寻找真相|你连($pass)都没聚合|你想($pass)为神吗
- [if] (pass) != null
- @print <ord>不符合前往古大陆要求,流程终止。</ord>
- [exit]
- ggdl {r疯癫的老头}
- go north[3]
- go north[3]
- look shi
- tiao1 shi;tiao1 shi;tiao2 shi
- @until (:room) == 古大陆-断山
- @js ($ylfx) = $(".room_desc").text().match(/[东南西北],/g)
- @js ($ylfx) = var f="(ylfx)";f.replace(/,/g,"")
- @js ($ylfx) = var f="(ylfx)";f.replace(/东/g,"west")
- @js ($ylfx) = var f="(ylfx)";f.replace(/西/g,"east")
- @js ($ylfx) = var f="(ylfx)";f.replace(/南/g,"north")
- @js ($ylfx) = var f="(ylfx)";f.replace(/北/g,"south")
- @js ($ylfx) = var f="(ylfx)";f.replace(/,/g,"','")
- @js ($ylfx) = var f=['(ylfx)'];f.reverse()
- @js ($ylfx) = var f="(ylfx)";f.replace(/,/g,"','")
- @js ($ylfx) = "'"+"(ylfx)"+"'"
- @js ($fl) = [(ylfx)].length
- go down
- go south[3]
- go south[2]
- go west
- ($go) = 'east','west','south','north'
- ($num) = 0
- [while] (num) < 4
- @await 500
- @js $(".content-message pre").html("");
- @await 500
- @js ($fx1) = [(go)][(num)]
- go (fx1)
- @js ($lost) = $(".content-message").text().match("你似乎迷路了")
- [if] (lost) != null
- go south[3]
- go south[3]
- go west
- ($num) = (num) + 1
- [else]
- [break]
- [if] (fl) == 5
- ($num) = 0
- [while] (num) < 5
- @js ($fx) = [(ylfx)][(num)]
- go (fx)
- ($num) = (num) + 1
- [else if] (fl) == 4
- @js ($fx2) = [(ylfx)][0]
- @js ($fx3) = [(ylfx)][1]
- @js ($fx4) = [(ylfx)][2]
- @js ($fx5) = [(ylfx)][3]
- ($lxjh) = {"lx":"go (fx2);go (fx3);go (fx4);go (fx5);go (fx5)"},{"lx":"go (fx2);go (fx3);go (fx4);go (fx4);go (fx5)"},{"lx":"go (fx2);go (fx3);go (fx3);go (fx4);go (fx5)"},{"lx":"go (fx2);go (fx2);go (fx3);go (fx4);go (fx5)"}
- [else if] (fl) == 3
- @js ($fx2) = [(ylfx)][0]
- @js ($fx3) = [(ylfx)][1]
- @js ($fx4) = [(ylfx)][2]
- ($lxjh) = {"lx":"go (fx2);go (fx3);go (fx4);go (fx4);go (fx4)"},{"lx":"go (fx2);go (fx3);go (fx3);go (fx3);go (fx4)"},{"lx":"go (fx2);go (fx2);go (fx2);go (fx3);go (fx4)"},{"lx":"go (fx2);go (fx3);go (fx3);go (fx4);go (fx4)"},{"lx":"go (fx2);go (fx2);go (fx3);go (fx4);go (fx4)"},{"lx":"go (fx2);go (fx2);go (fx3);go (fx3);go (fx4)"}
- [else if] (fl) == 2
- @js ($fx2) = [(ylfx)][0]
- @js ($fx3) = [(ylfx)][1]
- ($lxjh) = {"lx":"go (fx2);go (fx3);go (fx3);go (fx3);go (fx3)"},{"lx":"go (fx2);go (fx2);go (fx3);go (fx3);go (fx3)"},{"lx":"go (fx2);go (fx2);go (fx2);go (fx3);go (fx3)"},{"lx":"go (fx2);go (fx2);go (fx2);go (fx2);go (fx3)"}
- [else if] (fl) == 1
- @js ($fx2) = [(ylfx)][0]
- ($lxjh) = {"lx":"go (fx2);go (fx2);go (fx2);go (fx2);go (fx2)"}
- [if] (fl) < 5
- @js ($fxlen) = [(lxjh)].length
- ($num) = 0
- [while] (num) < (fxlen)
- @js ($map) = var f=[(lxjh)];f[(num)]["lx"]
- (map)
- [if] (:room) != 古大陆-药林
- [while] (:room) != 古大陆-平原
- go south
- @await 350
- go north;go west
- go (fx1)
- ($num) = (num) + 1
- [else]
- [break]
- tiao bush
- [if] (:room) == 古大陆-山脚
- @print <ord>古宗门自动寻路已完成!</ord>
- [else]
- @print <ord>寻路失败,请重新运行或换个时间。</ord>
- `
- const p = new Performer("古宗门寻路", source);
- p.log(false);
- p.start();
- },
- };
- /***********************************************************************************\
- Ready
- \***********************************************************************************/
- const ToRaid = {
- menu: UI.showToolbar,
- perform: function (content, name, log) {
- const realName = name ? name : "第三方调用";
- ManagedPerformerCenter.start(realName, content, log);
- },
- existAutoDungeon: function (params) {
- return AutoDungeonName(params) != null;
- },
- shareTrigger: function (triggerData) {
- UI._share("触发", triggerData);
- }
- };
- $(document).ready(function () {
- __init__();
- if (WG == undefined || WG == null) {
- setTimeout(__init__, 300);
- }
- });
- function __init__() {
- WG = unsafeWindow.WG;
- if (WG == undefined || WG == null) {
- setTimeout(() => { __init__() }, 300);
- return;
- }
- messageAppend = unsafeWindow.messageAppend;
- messageClear = unsafeWindow.messageClear;
- T = unsafeWindow.T;
- L = unsafeWindow.L;
- unsafeWindow.ToRaid = ToRaid;
- unsafeWindow.Role = Role;
- Role.init();
- Room.init();
- SystemTips.init();
- MsgTips.init();
- DialogList.init();
- TaskList.init();
- Xiangyang.init();
- }
- })();