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Script for Tumblr Comments

Posted: 11.02.2015

Script for Tumblr Comments

Would it be possible to create a script that clicks the "Show more notes" button at the bottom of Tumblr posts multiple times until all notes are shown? I created one that seems to click but never actually shows the comments.

Posted: 11.02.2015
Edited: 20.02.2015

Tumblr notes autoload userscript.

Basically it clicks the button once the document is loaded, then waits for the button to be deleted (happens when new notes are loaded), and repeats the cycle.

Posted: 11.02.2015

Just tested and it seems to click once then never again. One thing is that I am using TamperMonkey on Chrome if that makes any difference to whether this would work or not. A quick SFW article I tried was http://your-enchanting-cold.tumblr.com/post/110744524538/snake-dad-well-well-well-if-it-isnt and I see it loads the first set of comments then seems to never click after that.

Posted: 11.02.2015

I've fixed the code above. The issue was caused by Chrome preloading feature.

Posted: 11.02.2015

Perfect. Thank you.

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