
Translates selected text into a `tooltip' via Google translate

< tooltip 피드백

리뷰: 좋음 - 잘 동작함

작성: 2015-12-19

show full alternate translate.

Google translate have two alternate translate. One under the translate box and one when you click on word or words. But your script only show alternate translate under the box not show the translate when click, so please add more alternate translate function.

작성: 2015-12-19
수정: 2015-12-19

I am aware. I am thinking about it.

작성: 2016-01-16

i did it

작성: 2016-01-17
수정: 2016-01-17

Thank you so much !!
BTW I have a question that when I use your script on Firefox with Greasemonkey the script don't support input and textarea but when I use on Chrome with Tampermonkey it do support. I dunno why?

작성: 2016-01-17

Good job , thanks !

작성: 2016-01-17
the script don't support input and textarea

Thanks for reminding me about this issue. Now script can translate texts inside input/textarea fields in both browsers.

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