Manga Loader (unmaintained)

Support for over 70 sites! Loads manga chapter into one page in a long strip format, supports switching chapters, minimal script with no dependencies, easy to implement new sites, loads quickly and works on mobile devices through bookmarklet

< Manga Loader (unmaintained) 피드백

리뷰: 좋음 - 잘 동작함

작성: 2015-10-02
수정: 2015-10-02

[Small fix] For images on

There are two selfexclusive types of images on
#eatmanga_image and #eatmanga_image_big

And two tipes of content:
#main_content and #main_content_big

The second one produces an undefined with #main_content img selector.

I suggest replacing line 550 img: '#main_content img', with: img: '#eatmanga_image,#eatmanga_image_big'

Test example: and

작성: 2015-10-02
수정: 2015-10-02

Thanks! Looks like the site changed their layout since the last update. Fixed in v1.8.11.

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