Kirka gun fire rate increase toggleable, Speed hack, Fast Reload, AutoDodge, AutoJump, & AutoSwitch.

Click X/x to toggle fire rate, B/b to toggle AutoDodge, K/k to toggle AutoWalk, G/g to toggle AutoJump, N/n to toggle KillAura/AutoShoot, L/l to toggle AutoCrouch, M/m to toggle AutoSwitch

< Kirka gun fire rate increase toggleable, Speed hack, Fast Reload, AutoDodge, AutoJump, & AutoSwitch. 피드백

리뷰: 좋음 - 잘 동작함

작성: 2024-08-04

bro make a aimbot esp script is it that hard to make a js for a browser game ?? ik other scripts r patched but u can make a new one

작성: 2024-08-04

It is really hard, actually, ever since the release of (Sep. 2021) there has only been like three esp/aimbot. Plus Kirka's code is obfuscated.

작성: 2024-08-05

would it be difficult to de-obfuscate it

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