
Custom menu for Evades with many features for improvement.

질문, 리뷰하거나, 이 스크립트를 신고하세요.
// ==UserScript==
// @name:ru      Эвадес но лучше
// @name         E-Better
// @version
// @description  Custom menu for Evades with many features for improvement.
// @author       Alertix(aka Failure, BubShurup), thanks to EtherCD(aka ✺Mistake✺) for helping and for making Map Filling for Beauty (https://github.com/EtherCD).
// @match        https://evades.online/
// @match        https://evades.io/
// @icon         https://u.cubeupload.com/FailureEvades/evadesactions.png
// @grant        none
// @run-at       document-idle
// @license      CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
// @description:ru      Меню в левом краю и всякие кнопки классные
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// ==/UserScript==

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.button:disabled {
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.game-server:hover {
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.button {
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.button:hover {
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.button:disabled {
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function initEBetter() {
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let isCrosshairActive = false;

cursorChangerButton.addEventListener('click', function () {

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function removeCrosshairFromAllElements() {
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function applyCrosshairToAllCSSStyles() {
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	const currentCreditsText = document.createElement('div')
	currentCreditsText.textContent = 'Thanks to EtherCD(aka ✺Mistake✺) for helping and for making Map Filling for Beauty (https://github.com/EtherCD).'
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	currentCreditsText.style.position = 'absolute'
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const colorPickerButton = document.createElement('div');
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colorPickerButton.style.cursor = 'pointer';
colorPickerButton.style.padding = '5px';
colorPickerButton.style.borderBottom = '1px solid #ccc';
colorPickerButton.textContent = "Change everybody's nick color to rainbow (clientside)";
colorPickerButton.style.color = '#ffffff';
colorPickerButton.style.transition = 'color 1s linear';

let rainbowTextColorInterval;

colorPickerButton.addEventListener('click', function () {
    if (!rainbowTextColorInterval) {
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        colorPickerButton.textContent = "Stop changing nick color to rainbow";
    } else {
        rainbowTextColorInterval = null;
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        colorPickerButton.textContent = "Change everybody's nick color to rainbow (clientside)";

function changeNickColorToRainbow() {
    const chatMessages = document.querySelectorAll('.chat-message-sender');
    chatMessages.forEach(function (message) {
        if (!isNickAlreadyColored(message)) {

function isNickAlreadyColored(element) {
    return element.style.color !== '' && element.style.color !== 'inherit';

function rainbowNickColor(element) {
    let hue = 0;
    setInterval(() => {
        hue = (hue + 1) % 360;
        element.style.color = `hsl(${hue}, 100%, 50%)`;
    }, 50);



	function toggleSubMenu() {
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			subMenu.style.width = '200px'
		} else {
			subMenu.style.width = '0'

function changeNickColor(newColor) {
    const chatMessages = document.querySelectorAll('.chat-message-sender');
    chatMessages.forEach(function (message) {
        message.style.color = newColor;
        message.style.transition = 'color 1s linear';

function rainbowNickColor(element) {
    let hue = 0;
    setInterval(() => {
        hue = (hue + 1) % 360;
        element.style.color = `hsl(${hue}, 100%, 50%)`;
    }, 50);

	document.addEventListener('mousemove', function (event) {
		if (event.clientX < 20) {
			menu.style.display = 'block'
			menu.style.width = '150px'
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			menu.style.width = '50px'

// EtherCD's Map Filling for Beauty
window.EvadesME = {
	vars: {
		worlds: {
			'Central Core': ['#425a6d', 0.1],
			//'Catastrophic Core': ['#B00B1E', 0.1, () => Math.abs(Math.sin(Date.now() / 1000) * 0.15)],
			'Haunted Halls': ['#664B00', 0.1],
			'Peculiar Pyramid': ['#666600', 0.1],
			'Wacky Wonderland': ['#870080', 0.1],
			'Glacial Gorge': ['#005668', 0.1],
			'Vicious Valley': ['#4d6b40', 0.1],
			'Humongous Hollow': ['#663900', 0.1],
			'Elite Expanse': ['#2a3b4f', 0.1],
			'Endless Echo': ['#4168c4', 0.1],
			'Dangerous District': ['#680000', 0.1],
			'Quiet Quarry': ['#425a6d', 0.1],
			'Monumental Migration': ['#470066', 0.1],
			'Ominous Occult': ['#63838e', 0.1],
			'Frozen Fjord': ['#27494f', 0.1],
			'Restless Ridge': ['#a88b64', 0.1],
			'Toxic Territory': ['#5c5c5c', 0.1],
			'Magnetic Monopole': ['#bf00ff', 0.1],
			'Burning Bunker': ['#cc0000', 0.1],
			'Grand Garden': ['#6a9c49', 0.1],
			'Mysterious Mansion': ['#9c0ec7', 0.1],
			'Cyber Castle': ['#21bad9', 0.1],
			'Shifting Sands': ['#c88241', 0.1],
			'Infinite Inferno': ['#9b0606', 0.1],
			'Coupled Corridors': ['#bcad59', 0.1],
			'Withering Wasteland': ['#c45945', 0.1],
			'Dusty Depths': ['#825B37', 0.1],
		worldsKeys: [],

	replaces: [],

	addReplace(a, b) {
		this.replaces.push([a, b])

	addReplaces() {
			`prepareCanvas(e) {
                  this.chat.style.visibility = 'visible';
                  this.leaderboard.style.visibility = 'visible';
                  this.context.fillStyle = '#333';
                  this.context.fillRect(0, 0, this.context.canvas.width, this.context.canvas.height);
                  if (window.EvadesME.vars.worldsKeys.includes(e.area.regionName)) {
                    this.context.fillStyle = window.EvadesME.vars.worlds[e.area.regionName][0];
                    this.context.globalAlpha = window.EvadesME.vars.worlds[e.area.regionName][2]
                      ? window.EvadesME.vars.worlds[e.area.regionName][2]()
                      : window.EvadesME.vars.worlds[e.area.regionName][1];
                    this.context.fillRect(0, 0, this.context.canvas.width, this.context.canvas.height);
                    this.context.globalAlpha = 1;
		// this.addReplace(/=['"]#006b2c['"]/, `="#6B0063"`); // #006b66
		// this.addReplace(/=['"]#00ff6b['"]/, `="#e500ff"`); // #00fff4

	init() {
		this.vars.worldsKeys = Object.keys(this.vars.worlds)

	insertCode() {
		// From script by @Irudis: Evades Helper
		// commenting from alertix: HMMMM????? hacker??🤨
		let elem = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('script')).filter(
			a => a.type === 'module' && a.src.match(/\/index\.[0-9a-f]{8}\.js/)
		if (!elem) return
		if (!navigator.userAgent.includes('Firefox')) elem.remove()
		let src = elem.src

		let req = new XMLHttpRequest()
		req.open('GET', src, false)
		let code = req.response
		for (const r in this.replaces)
			code = code.replace(this.replaces[r][0], this.replaces[r][1])

		let nScr = document.createElement('script')
		nScr.setAttribute('type', 'module')
		nScr.innerHTML = code
		console.log('E-Better was loaded!')

	// idk why did ethercd put that
	asAddonForTSMod() {
		console.log('Sorry, E-Better is not working with TS-Mod')

if (!window.tsmod) window.EvadesME.insertCode()
else window.EvadesME.asAddonForTSMod()
function setZoomTo100() {
	document.body.style.zoom = '100%'
