Youtube AdBlock ban bypass

Fix the "Ad blockers violate YouTube's Terms of Service" Error

< Youtube AdBlock ban bypass 피드백

리뷰: 좋음 - 잘 동작함

작성: 2023-11-11

I'm still getting the popup with a timer on the close button. This only appears to happen once after refreshing the tab I use to select videos (I watch videos in a new tab). I never see the popup telling me I'll be locked out of YouTube after 3 videos.

I'm not sure if this script is working. If it is, it should get updated to avoid the popup altogether.

작성: 2023-11-11

This script doesn't do anything against the popups, I specifically said in the readme to use another script if you are trying to fix the popups.

작성: 2023-11-13

I guess I misread the giant checkmark next to "Fixes this" incorrectly then. Does this instead simply bypass the ban after the "Video player will be blocked after 3 videos" popup? I only just now (as I type this) saw the "3 video" popup for the first time even though I've watched dozens of videos the past few days and repeatedly saw the initial "Ad blockers violate" popup.

작성: 2023-11-14

Alright, after getting the "3 video" popup and surpassing 3 videos, I can say I misread the description of this script. It works perfect.

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