Turkmaster (Mturk)

A page-monitoring web app for Mturk (Mechanical Turk) designed to make turking more efficient. Easily monitor mturk search pages and requesters and Auto-Accept the HITs you missed.

< Turkmaster (Mturk) 피드백


작성: 2016-04-28

Turkmaster error

I just logged in at Mturk and found that all my Watch-list, I mean everything has disappeared. I can just see the panel of Turkmaster and the play/pause and settings tabs. I wanted to check so added a new requester and it appeared on Turkmaster. The 75 cent/25 cent surveys and all the requestors I had added there have disappeared.

Any idea what could be problem? Why is the watch list empty?
Appreciate your help.

작성: 2016-04-29

There is some rare error that causes this. It happens so rarely that it's hard to track down the bug and fix it. Unfortunately, if you didn't create a backup you won't be able to restore your list.

I'm really sorry about that. I've been wanting to fix this bug for a very long time. It's the reason I initially created the backup system. The same thing has happened to me before, too. :(

작성: 2016-04-29
수정: 2016-04-29

Thanks for the reply. This problem is messing everything for me and having grown used to TM, I'm actually clueless how to go about turking :pensive:

I uninstalled and reinstalled TM after I posted this problem. I added couple of requestors to the Watch list, logged in after 8-10 hours and everything from my watch-list disappeared again! Instead I see couple of useless listings from before. So effectively, the problem repeated in 24 hours. I'm worried what's gonna happen the next day!

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