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Git: copy commit reference

This userscript is obsolete. Please use scripts from set:

질문, 리뷰하거나, 이 스크립트를 신고하세요.
// ==UserScript==
// @name         Git: copy commit reference
// @namespace
// @version      2.5.OBSOLETE
// @description  This userscript is obsolete. Please use scripts from set:
// @author       Andrei Rybak
// @license      AGPL-3.0-only
// @include      https://*bitbucket*/*/commits/*
// @include      https://*git/*/commit/*
// @match*
// @match*
// @match*/-/commit/*
// @match        https://**/+/*
// @match*/commit/*
// @match*/commit/*
// @match*/commit/*
// @match        http://localhost:1234/*a=commit*
// @match*/-/commit/*
// @match*/commit/*
// @match*/commit/*
// @icon
// @grant        none
// @require
// ==/UserScript==

 * Copyright (C) 2023 Andrei Rybak
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
 * by the Free Software Foundation, version 3.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

 * TODO:
 * - See "TODO" and "FIXME" comments in the code.

(function () {
	'use strict';

	const LOG_PREFIX = '[Git: copy commit reference]:';
	const CONTAINER_ID = "CCR_container";
	const CHECKMARK_ID = "CCR_checkmark";

	function error(...toLog) {
		console.error(LOG_PREFIX, ...toLog);

	function warn(...toLog) {
		console.warn(LOG_PREFIX, ...toLog);

	function info(...toLog) {, ...toLog);

	function debug(...toLog) {
		console.debug(LOG_PREFIX, ...toLog);

	// adapted from by Mark Amery
	function htmlToElement(html) {
		const template = document.createElement('template');
		template.innerHTML = html.trim();
		return template.content.firstChild;

	 * Abstract class corresponding to a Git hosting provider.
	 * When subclassing each method that throws an {@link Error} must be implemented.
	 * The minimal implementation requires only six methods to be overridden.
	 * Some of the methods are allowed to be asynchronous, if the implementation
	 * needs to do {@link fetch} requests, e.g. to a REST API of the hosting.
	 * See subclasses below for examples.
	 * An instance of each subclass must be added to the list {@link gitHostings} below.
	class GitHosting {
		constructor() {
			if (this.constructor == GitHosting) {
				throw new Error("Abstract class cannot be instantiated.");

		 * CSS selector to use to wait until the webpage is considered loaded.
		getLoadedSelector() {
			throw new Error("Not implemented in " +;

		 * Returns `true` if this `GitHosting` recognizes the webpage.
		 * This method is only called when the page is loaded according
		 * to `getLoadedSelector()`.
		 * @returns {boolean} `true` if this `GitHosting` recognizes the webpage.
		isRecognized() {
			throw new Error("Not implemented in " +;

		 * CSS selector to use to find the element, to which the button will be added.
		 * Placement of the button which is static with regard to the length of the
		 * commit message and metadata is preferred.
		 * @returns {string}
		getTargetSelector() {
			throw new Error("Not implemented in " +;

		 * Extracts full SHA-1 object name (40-digit hexadecimal string) of the commit.
		 * Implementing classes can use both the URL (document.location) and the HTML
		 * to determine the hash.
		 * @returns {string} full SHA-1 hash of the commit of the current page
		getFullHash() {
			throw new Error("Not implemented in " +;

		 * Returns author date of the commit in ISO 8601 format,
		 * i.e. YYYY-MM-DD, e.g. 2039-12-31
		async getDateIso(hash) {
			throw new Error("Not implemented in " +;

		 * Returns full commit message of the commit displayed on current webpage.
		 * Parameter `hash` is provided as a convenience for subclasses
		 * that need the full hash to avoid calling `getFullHash` twice.
		async getCommitMessage(hash) {
			throw new Error("Not implemented in " +;

		 * Add additional HTML to wrap around the button container.
		 * This method can also be used to add CSS to the given `innerContainer`.
		 * By default just returns the given `innerContainer`, without wrapping.
		 * @param {HTMLElement} innerContainer see usage of {@link wrapButtonContainer}
		 * in {@link doAddButton}.
		wrapButtonContainer(innerContainer) {
			return innerContainer;

		getButtonText() {
			return "Copy commit reference";

		 * Add additional HTML to wrap around the button itself.
		 * This method can also be used to add CSS to or alter HTML of
		 * the given `button`.
		 * By default just returns the given `button`, without wrapping.
		wrapButton(button) {
			return button;

		 * Converts given plain text version of subject line to HTML.
		 * Useful for Git hosting providers that have integrations with
		 * issue trackers and code review tools.
		 * By default just returns its argument.
		async convertPlainSubjectToHtml(plainTextSubject) {
			return plainTextSubject;

		 * Adds a button to copy a commit reference to a target element.
		 * Target element is determined according to {@link getTargetSelector}.
		doAddButton() {
			waitForElement(this.getTargetSelector()).then(target => {
				debug('target', target);
				const innerContainer = document.createElement('span');
				const buttonContainer = this.wrapButtonContainer(innerContainer); = CONTAINER_ID; = 'relative';
				this.addButtonContainerToTarget(target, buttonContainer);
				const button = this.createCopyButton();

		 * Adds the `buttonContainer` (see {@link CONTAINER_ID}) element to the `target`
		 * (see method {@link getTargetSelector}) element.
		 * Override this method, if your need customize where the copy button gets
		 * put in the interface.
		 * By default just appends the `buttonContainer` to the end of `target`.
		 * @param {HTMLElement} target element in the native UI of this hosting
		 * website, where the userscript puts the "Copy commit reference" button.
		 * @param {HTMLElement} buttonContainer the wrapper element around the
		 * "Copy commit reference" {@link createCopyButton button} and the
		 * checkmark (see method {@link createCheckmark})
		addButtonContainerToTarget(target, buttonContainer) {

		getButtonTagName() {
			return 'a';

		 * Creates the button element to copy a commit reference to the clipboard.
		createCopyButton() {
			const buttonText = this.getButtonText();
			let button = document.createElement(this.getButtonTagName());
			if (this.getButtonTagName() === 'a') {
				button.href = '#'; // for underline decoration
			button.setAttribute('role', 'button');
			button = this.wrapButton(button);

			const onclick = (event) => {
			button.onclick = onclick;
			return button;

		 * The more fancy Git hostings have on-the-fly page reloads,
		 * which aren't proper page reloads.  Clicking on a commit
		 * link on these sites doesn't trigger re-running of the
		 * userscript (sometimes, at least).  This means that the
		 * button that we've added (see {@link addButtonContainerToTarget})
		 * will disappear from the page.  To cover such cases, we
		 * need to automatically detect that the commit in the
		 * URL has changed and _re-add_ the button again.
		 * Method {@link setUpReadder} is called once during userscript's
		 * lifecycle on a webpage.
		 * Subclasses can override this method with their own
		 * implementation of an "re-adder".  Re-adders must clear
		 * any caches specific to a particular commit.  Re-adders
		 * must call {@link ensureButton} only on webpages that are
		 * definitely pages for a singular commit.
		setUpReadder() {

		 * Extracts the first line of the commit message.
		 * If the first line is too small, extracts more lines.
		 * @param {string} commitMessage the full commit message (subject and body)
		 * taken from the webpage. See {@link getCommitMessage} and its
		 * implementations in subclasses.
		 * @returns {string} subject, extracted from the commit message,
		 * Usually, it is the first line of the commit message.
		#commitMessageToSubject(commitMessage) {
			const lines = commitMessage.split('\n');
			if (lines[0].length > 16) {
				 * Most common use-case: a normal commit message with
				 * a normal-ish subject line.
				return lines[0].trim();
			 * The `if`s below handles weird commit messages I have
			 * encountered in the wild.
			if (lines.length < 2) {
				return lines[0].trim();
			if (lines[1].length == 0) {
				return lines[0].trim();
			// sometimes subject is weirdly split across two lines
			return lines[0].trim() + " " + lines[1].trim();

		 * @param {string} commitHash a hash of a commit, usually SHA1 hash
		 * of 40 hexadecimal digits
		 * @returns abbreviated hash
		#abbreviateCommitHash(commitHash) {
			return commitHash.slice(0, 7);

		 * Formats given commit metadata as a commit reference according
		 * to `git log --format=reference`.  See format descriptions at
		 * @param {string} commitHash {@link getFullHash hash} of the commit
		 * @param {string} subject subject line of the commit message
		 * @param {string} dateIso author date of commit in ISO 8601 format
		 * @returns {string} a commit reference
		#plainTextCommitReference(commitHash, subject, dateIso) {
			const abbrev = this.#abbreviateCommitHash(commitHash);
			return `${abbrev} (${subject}, ${dateIso})`;

		 * Renders given commit that has the provided subject line and date
		 * in reference format as HTML content.  Returned HTML includes
		 * a clickable link to the commit, and may include links to issue
		 * trackers, code review tools, etc.
		 * Documentation of formats:
		 * @param {string} commitHash {@link getFullHash hash} of the commit
		 * @param {string} subjectHtml HTML of pre-rendered subject line of
		 * the commit message. See {@link convertPlainSubjectToHtml}.
		 * @param {string} dateIso author date of commit in ISO 8601 format
		 * @returns {string} HTML code of the commit reference
		#htmlSyntaxCommitReference(commitHash, subjectHtml, dateIso) {
			const url = document.location.href;
			const abbrev = this.#abbreviateCommitHash(commitHash);
			const html = `<a href="${url}">${abbrev}</a> (${subjectHtml}, ${dateIso})`;
			return html;

		#addLinkToClipboard(event, plainText, html) {

			let clipboardData = event.clipboardData || window.clipboardData;
			clipboardData.setData('text/plain', plainText);
			clipboardData.setData('text/html', html);
			setTimeout(() => this.#hideCheckmark(), 2000);

		#showCheckmark() {
			const checkmark = document.getElementById(CHECKMARK_ID); = 'inline-block';

		#hideCheckmark() {
			const checkmark = document.getElementById(CHECKMARK_ID); = 'none';

		 * @returns {HTMLElement}
		createCheckmark() {
			const checkmark = document.createElement('span'); = CHECKMARK_ID; = 'none'; = 'absolute'; = 'calc(100% + 0.5rem)'; = 'nowrap';
			checkmark.append(" ✅ Copied to clipboard");
			return checkmark;

		 * Generates the content and passes it to the clipboard.
		 * Async, because we need to access REST APIs.
		async #copyClickAction(event) {
			try {
				 * Extract metadata about the commit from the UI using methods from subclass.
				const commitHash = this.getFullHash();
				const dateIso = await this.getDateIso(commitHash);
				const commitMessage = await this.getCommitMessage(commitHash);

				const subject = this.#commitMessageToSubject(commitMessage);

				const plainText = this.#plainTextCommitReference(commitHash, subject, dateIso);
				const htmlSubject = await this.convertPlainSubjectToHtml(subject, commitHash);
				const html = this.#htmlSyntaxCommitReference(commitHash, htmlSubject, dateIso);

				info("plain text:", plainText);
				info("HTML:", html);

				const handleCopyEvent = e => {
					this.#addLinkToClipboard(e, plainText, html);
				document.addEventListener('copy', handleCopyEvent);
				document.removeEventListener('copy', handleCopyEvent);
			} catch (e) {
				error('Could not do the copying', e);

	 * Implementation for Bitbucket Cloud.
	 * Example URLs for testing:
	 *   - Regular commit with Jira issue
	 *   - Merge commit with PR mention
	 *   - Merge commit with mentions of Jira issue and PR
	 * Unfortunately, some of the minified/mangled selectors are prone to bit rot.
	class BitbucketCloud extends GitHosting {
		getLoadedSelector() {
			return '[data-aui-version]';

		isRecognized() {
			// can add more selectors to distinguish from Bitbucket Server, if needed
			return document.querySelector('meta[name="bb-view-name"]') != null;

		getTargetSelector() {
			 * Box with "Jane Doe authored and John Doe committed deadbeef"
			 *          "YYYY-MM-DD"
			return '.css-tbegx5.e1tw8lnx2';

		getFullHash() {
			 * "View source" button on the right.
			const a = document.querySelector('div.css-1oy5iav a.css-1leee2m');
			const href = a.getAttribute('href');
			debug("BitbucketCloud:", href);
			return href.slice(-41, -1);

		async getDateIso(hash) {
			const json = await this.#downloadJson();
			return, 'YYYY-MM-DD'.length);

		getCommitMessage() {
			const commitMsgContainer = document.querySelector('.css-1qa9ryl.e1tw8lnx1+div');
			return commitMsgContainer.innerText;

		async convertPlainSubjectToHtml(plainTextSubject) {
			 * The argument `plainTextSubject` is ignored, because
			 * we just use JSON from REST API.
			const json = await this.#downloadJson();
			return BitbucketCloud.#firstHtmlParagraph(json.summary.html);

		wrapButtonContainer(container) { = 'margin-left: 1em;';
			return container;

		getButtonTagName() {
			return 'button'; // like Bitbucket's buttons "Approve" and "Settings" on a commit's page

		wrapButton(button) {
			try {
				const icon = document.querySelector('[aria-label="copy commit hash"] svg').cloneNode(true);
				icon.classList.add('css-bwxjrz', 'css-snhnyn');
				const buttonText = this.getButtonText();
				button.replaceChildren(icon, document.createTextNode(` ${buttonText}`));
			} catch (e) {
				warn('BitbucketCloud: cannot find icon of "copy commit hash"');
			button.title = "Copy commit reference to clipboard";
			return button;

		 * Adapted from native CSS class `.bqjuWQ`, as of 2023-09-02.
		createCheckmark() {
			const checkmark = super.createCheckmark(); = 'rgb(23, 43, 77)'; = '3px'; = 'border-box'; = 'rgb(255, 255, 255)'; = '12px'; = '1.3'; = '2px 6px'; = '0'; // this puts the checkmark ~centered w.r.t. the button
			return checkmark;

		static #isABitbucketCommitPage() {
			const p = document.location.pathname;
			if (p.endsWith("commits") || p.endsWith("commits/")) {
				info('BitbucketCloud: MutationObserver <title>: this URL does not need the copy button');
				return false;
			if (p.lastIndexOf('/') < 10) {
				return false;
			if (!p.includes('/commits/')) {
				return false;
			const numberOfSlashes = (p.match(/\//g) || []).length;
			if (numberOfSlashes < 4) {
				info('BitbucketCloud: This URL does not look like a commit page: not enough slashes');
				return false;
			info('BitbucketCloud: this URL needs a copy button');
			return true;

		#currentUrl = document.location.href;

		#maybePageChanged(eventName) {
			info("BitbucketCloud: triggered", eventName);
			const maybeNewUrl = document.location.href;
			if (maybeNewUrl != this.#currentUrl) {
				this.#currentUrl = maybeNewUrl;
				info(`BitbucketCloud: ${eventName}: URL has changed:`, this.#currentUrl);
				if (BitbucketCloud.#isABitbucketCommitPage()) {
			} else {
				info(`BitbucketCloud: ${eventName}: Same URL. Skipping...`);

		setUpReadder() {
			const observer = new MutationObserver((mutationsList) => {
				this.#maybePageChanged('MutationObserver <title>');
			info('BitbucketCloud: MutationObserver <title>: added');
			observer.observe(document.querySelector('head'), { subtree: true, characterData: true, childList: true });
			 * When user goes back or forward in browser's history.
			 * It seems that there is a bug on
			 * with history navigation, so this listener is
			 * disabled
			window.addEventListener('popstate', (event) => {
				setTimeout(() => {
				}, 100);

		 * Cache of JSON loaded from REST API.
		 * Caching is needed to avoid multiple REST API requests
		 * for various methods that need access to the JSON.
		#commitJson = null;

		#onPageChange() {
			this.#commitJson = null;

		 * Downloads JSON object corresponding to the commit via REST API
		 * of Bitbucket Cloud.
		async #downloadJson() {
			if (this.#commitJson != null) {
				return this.#commitJson;
			try {
				// TODO better way of getting projectKey and repositorySlug
				const mainSelfLink = document.querySelector('#bitbucket-navigation a');
				// slice(1, -1) is needed to cut off slashes
				const projectKeyRepoSlug = mainSelfLink.getAttribute('href').slice(1, -1);

				const commitHash = this.getFullHash();
				 * REST API reference documentation:
				const commitRestUrl = `/!api/2.0/repositories/${projectKeyRepoSlug}/commit/${commitHash}?fields=%2B%2A.rendered.%2A`;
				info(`BitbucketCloud: Fetching "${commitRestUrl}"...`);
				const commitResponse = await fetch(commitRestUrl);
				this.#commitJson = await commitResponse.json();
				return this.#commitJson;
			} catch (e) {
				error("BitbucketCloud: cannot fetch commit JSON from REST API", e);

		 * Extracts first <p> tag out of the provided `html`.
		static #firstHtmlParagraph(html) {
			const OPEN_P_TAG = '<p>';
			const CLOSE_P_TAG = '</p>';
			const startP = html.indexOf(OPEN_P_TAG);
			const endP = html.indexOf(CLOSE_P_TAG);
			if (startP < 0 || endP < 0) {
				return html;
			return html.slice(startP + OPEN_P_TAG.length, endP);

	 * Implementation for Bitbucket Server.
	class BitbucketServer extends GitHosting {
		 * This selector is used for {@link isRecognized}.  It is fine to
		 * use a selector specific to commit pages for recognition of
		 * BitbucketServer, because it does full page reloads when
		 * clicking to a commit page.
		static #SHA_LINK_SELECTOR = '.commit-badge-oneline .commit-details .commitid';

		getLoadedSelector() {
			 * Same as in BitbucketCloud, but that's fine.  Their
			 * implementations of `isRecognized` are different and
			 * that will allow the script to distinguish them.
			return '[data-aui-version]';

		isRecognized() {
			return document.querySelector(BitbucketServer.#SHA_LINK_SELECTOR) != null;

		getTargetSelector() {
			return '.plugin-section-secondary';

		wrapButtonContainer(container) {
			return container;

		wrapButton(button) {
			const icon = document.createElement('span');
			icon.classList.add('aui-icon', 'aui-icon-small', 'aui-iconfont-copy');
			const buttonText = this.getButtonText();
			button.replaceChildren(icon, document.createTextNode(` ${buttonText}`));
			button.title = "Copy commit reference to clipboard";
			return button;

		createCheckmark() {
			const checkmark = super.createCheckmark();
			// positioning = 'unset'; = 'calc(100% + 24px + 0.5rem)';
			 * Layout for CSS selectors for classes .typsy and .tipsy-inner
			 * are too annoying to replicate here, so just copy-paste the
			 * look and feel bits.
			 */ = '12px'; // taken from class .tipsy
			// the rest -- from .tipsy-inner = "#172B4D"; = "#FFFFFF"; = "5px 8px 4px 8px"; = "3px";
			return checkmark;

		getFullHash() {
			const commitAnchor = document.querySelector(BitbucketServer.#SHA_LINK_SELECTOR);
			const commitHash = commitAnchor.getAttribute('data-commitid');
			return commitHash;

		getDateIso(hash) {
			const commitTimeTag = document.querySelector('.commit-badge-oneline .commit-details time');
			const dateIso = commitTimeTag.getAttribute('datetime').slice(0, 'YYYY-MM-DD'.length);
			return dateIso;

		getCommitMessage(hash) {
			const commitAnchor = document.querySelector(BitbucketServer.#SHA_LINK_SELECTOR);
			const commitMessage = commitAnchor.getAttribute('data-commit-message');
			return commitMessage;

		async convertPlainSubjectToHtml(plainTextSubject, commitHash) {
			return await this.#insertPrLinks(await this.#insertJiraLinks(plainTextSubject), commitHash);

		 * Extracts Jira issue keys from the Bitbucket UI.
		 * Works only in Bitbucket Server so far.
		 * Not needed for Bitbucket Cloud, which uses a separate REST API
		 * request to provide the HTML content for the clipboard.
		#getIssueKeys() {
			const issuesElem = document.querySelector('.plugin-section-primary .commit-issues-trigger');
			if (!issuesElem) {
				warn("Cannot find issues element");
				return [];
			const issueKeys = issuesElem.getAttribute('data-issue-keys').split(',');
			return issueKeys;

		 * Returns the URL to a Jira issue for given key of the Jira issue.
		 * Uses Bitbucket's REST API for Jira integration (not Jira API).
		 * A Bitbucket instance may be connected to several Jira instances
		 * and Bitbucket doesn't know for which Jira instance a particular
		 * issue mentioned in the commit belongs.
		async #getIssueUrl(issueKey) {
			const projectKey = document.querySelector('[data-projectkey]').getAttribute('data-projectkey');
			 * This URL for REST API doesn't seem to be documented.
			 * For example, `jira-integration` isn't mentioned in
			 * I've found out about it by checking what Bitbucket
			 * Server's web UI does when clicking on the Jira
			 * integration link on a commit's page.
			const response = await fetch(`${document.location.origin}/rest/jira-integration/latest/issues?issueKey=${issueKey}&entityKey=${projectKey}&fields=url&minimum=10`);
			const data = await response.json();
			return data[0].url;

		async #insertJiraLinks(text) {
			const issueKeys = this.#getIssueKeys();
			if (issueKeys.length == 0) {
				debug("Found zero issue keys.");
				return text;
			debug("issueKeys:", issueKeys);
			for (const issueKey of issueKeys) {
				if (text.includes(issueKey)) {
					try {
						const issueUrl = await this.#getIssueUrl(issueKey);
						text = text.replace(issueKey, `<a href="${issueUrl}">${issueKey}</a>`);
					} catch (e) {
						warn(`Cannot load Jira URL from REST API for issue ${issueKey}`, e);
			return text;

		#getProjectKey() {
			return document.querySelector('[data-project-key]').getAttribute('data-project-key');

		#getRepositorySlug() {
			return document.querySelector('[data-repository-slug]').getAttribute('data-repository-slug');

		 * Loads from REST API the pull requests, which involve the given commit.
		 * Tested only on Bitbucket Server.
		 * Shouldn't be used on Bitbucket Cloud, because of the extra request
		 * for HTML of the commit message.
		async #getPullRequests(commitHash) {
			const projectKey = this.#getProjectKey();
			const repoSlug = this.#getRepositorySlug();
			const url = `/rest/api/latest/projects/${projectKey}/repos/${repoSlug}/commits/${commitHash}/pull-requests?start=0&limit=25`;
			try {
				const response = await fetch(url);
				const obj = await response.json();
				return obj.values;
			} catch (e) {
				error(`Cannot getPullRequests url="${url}"`, e);
				return [];

		 * Inserts an HTML anchor to link to the pull requests, which are
		 * mentioned in the provided `text` in the format that is used by
		 * Bitbucket's default automatic merge commit messages.
		 * Tested only on Bitbucket Server.
		 * Shouldn't be used on Bitbucket Cloud, because of the extra request
		 * for HTML of the commit message.
		async #insertPrLinks(text, commitHash) {
			if (!text.toLowerCase().includes('pull request')) {
				return text;
			try {
				const prs = await this.#getPullRequests(commitHash);
				 * Find the PR ID in the text.
				 * Assume that there should be only one.
				const m = new RegExp('pull request [#](\\d+)', 'gmi').exec(text);
				if (m.length != 2) {
					return text;
				const linkText = m[0];
				const id = parseInt(m[1]);
				for (const pr of prs) {
					if ( == id) {
						const prUrl = pr.links.self[0].href;
						text = text.replace(linkText, `<a href="${prUrl}">${linkText}</a>`);
				return text;
			} catch (e) {
				error("Cannot insert pull request links", e);
				return text;


	 * Implementation for GitHub.
	 * This was tested on, but wasn't tested in GitHub Enterprise.
	 * Example URL for testing:
	 *   - Regular commit
	 *   - Merge commit with PR mention:
	 *   - Empty commit (no diff, i.e. no changes committed)
	class GitHub extends GitHosting {
		getLoadedSelector() {
			return '.application-main .commit .commit-meta';

		isRecognized() {
			 * Simple string check to avoid costly `querySelector`.
			if ('github')) {
				return true;
			 * This element is definitely present in
			 * The selector might need correction for GitHub Enterprise (on-premises).
			return document.querySelector('meta[name="github-keyboard-shortcuts"]') != null;

		 * CSS selector to use to find the element, to which the button
		 * will be added.
		getTargetSelector() {
			return '.commit.full-commit';

		getButtonTagName() {
			return 'span';

		wrapButtonContainer(container) { = 'margin-right: 8px;';
			return container;

		 * @param {HTMLElement} target
		 * @param {HTMLElement} buttonContainer
		addButtonContainerToTarget(target, buttonContainer) {
			// top-right corner
			if (GitHub.#isAPullRequestPage()) {
				// to the left of "< Prev | Next >" buttons (if present)
				target.insertBefore(buttonContainer, document.querySelector('.commit-title.markdown-title'));
			} else {
				// to the left of "Browse files" button
				target.insertBefore(buttonContainer, document.getElementById('browse-at-time-link').nextSibling);

		 * Styles adapted from GitHub's native CSS classes ".tooltipped::before"
		 * and ".tooltipped-s::before".
		 * @returns {HTMLElement}
		#createTooltipTriangle() {
			const triangle = document.createElement('div'); = 'absolute'; = '1000001'; = 'calc(-100% + 15px)';
			// aligns the base of triangle with the button's emoji = '0.45rem'; = '0'; = '0';
			 * borders connect at 45° angle => when only bottom border is colored, it's a trapezoid
			 * but with width=0, the top edge of trapezoid has length 0, so it's a triangle
			 */ = '7px solid transparent'; = 'var(--bgColor-emphasis, var(--color-neutral-emphasis-plus))';
			return triangle;

		createCheckmark() {
			const checkmark = super.createCheckmark(); = '1000000'; = 'calc(100% + 6px)';
			if (GitHub.#isAPullRequestPage()) { = '0.4em';
			} else { = '0.7em';
			} = '7px'; = 'normal normal 11px/1.5 -apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,"Segoe UI","Noto Sans",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif,"Apple Color Emoji","Segoe UI Emoji"'; = 'var(--fgColor-onEmphasis, var(--color-fg-on-emphasis))'; = 'var(--bgColor-emphasis, var(--color-neutral-emphasis-plus))'; = '6px'; = '.5em .75em';
			const triangle = this.#createTooltipTriangle();
			return checkmark;

		getFullHash() {
			if (GitHub.#isAPullRequestPage()) {
				// commit pages in PRs have full SHA hashes
				return document.querySelector('.commit.full-commit.prh-commit .commit-meta .sha.user-select-contain').childNodes[0].textContent;
			 * path example: "/git/git/commit/1f0fc1db8599f87520494ca4f0e3c1b6fabdf997"
			const path = document.querySelector('a.js-permalink-shortcut').getAttribute('href');
			const parts = path.split('/');
			if (parts.length < 5) {
				throw new Error("Cannot find commit hash in the URL");
			return parts[4];

		async getDateIso(hash) {
			const commitJson = await this.#downloadJson(hash);
			return, 'YYYY-MM-DD'.length);

		async getCommitMessage() {
			const commitJson = await this.#downloadJson();
			return commitJson.commit.message;

		async convertPlainSubjectToHtml(plainTextSubject) {
			return await GitHub.#insertIssuePrLinks(plainTextSubject);

		 * Adds CSS classes and a nice icon to mimic other buttons in GitHub UI.
		wrapButton(button) {
			button.classList.add('Button--secondary', 'Button'); // unlike "Browse files", which has class `btn`
			if (GitHub.#isAPullRequestPage()) {
				button.classList.add('Button--small'); // like buttons "< Prev | Next >"
			try {
				// GitHub's .octicon-copy is present on all pages, even if commit is empty
				const icon = document.querySelector('.octicon-copy').cloneNode(true);
				const buttonText = this.getButtonText();
				button.replaceChildren(icon, document.createTextNode(` ${buttonText}`));
			} catch (e) {
				warn('Github: cannot find .octicon-copy');
			return button;

		static #isAGitHubCommitPage() {
			const p = document.location.pathname;
			 * Note that `pathname` doesn't include slashes from
			 * repository's directory structure.
			const slashIndex = p.lastIndexOf('/');
			if (slashIndex <= 7) {
				info('GitHub: not enough characters to be a commit page');
				return false;
			const beforeLastSlash = p.slice(slashIndex - 7, slashIndex);
			 * '/commit' for regular commit pages:
			 * 'commits' for commits in PRs:
			if (beforeLastSlash != '/commit' && beforeLastSlash != 'commits' /* on PR pages */) {
				info('GitHub: missing "/commit" in the URL. Got: ' + beforeLastSlash);
				return false;
			const numberOfSlashes = (p.match(/\//g) || []).length;
			if (numberOfSlashes < 4) {
				info('GitHub: This URL does not look like a commit page: not enough slashes');
				return false;
			info('GitHub: this URL needs a copy button');
			return true;

		static #isAPullRequestPage() {
			return document.location.pathname.includes('/pull/');

		#maybeEnsureButton(eventName) {
			info('GitHub: triggered', eventName);
			if (GitHub.#isAGitHubCommitPage()) {

		 * Handling of on-the-fly page loading.
		 * I found 'soft-nav:progress-bar:start' in a call stack in GitHub's
		 * own JS, and just tried replacing "start" with "end".  So far, seems
		 * to work fine.
		setUpReadder() {
			 * When user clicks on another commit, e.g. on the parent commit.
			document.addEventListener('soft-nav:progress-bar:end', (event) => {
			 * When user goes back or forward in browser's history.
			window.addEventListener('popstate', (event) => {
				 * Delay is needed, because 'popstate' seems to be
				 * triggered with old DOM.
				setTimeout(() => {
					debug('After timeout:');
				}, 100);
			info('GitHub: added re-adder listeners');

		 * Cache of JSON loaded from REST API.
		 * Caching is needed to avoid multiple REST API requests
		 * for various methods that need access to the JSON.
		#commitJson = null;

		#onPageChange() {
			this.#commitJson = null;

		 * Downloads JSON object corresponding to the commit via REST API
		 * of GitHub.  Reference documentation:
		async #downloadJson(hash) {
			if (this.#commitJson != null) {
				return this.#commitJson;
			try {
				const commitRestUrl = GitHub.#getCommitRestApiUrl(hash);
				info(`GitHub: Fetching "${commitRestUrl}"...`);
				const commitResponse = await fetch(commitRestUrl, GitHub.#getRestApiOptions());
				this.#commitJson = await commitResponse.json();
				return this.#commitJson;
			} catch (e) {
				error("GitHub: cannot fetch commit JSON from REST API", e);
				return null;

		static #getApiHostUrl() {
			const host =;
			return `https://api.${host}`;

		static #getCommitRestApiUrl(hash) {
			 * Format: /repos/{owner}/{repo}/commits/{ref}
			 *   - NOTE: plural "commits" in the URL!!!
			 * Examples:
			 *   -
			 *   -
			const apiHostUrl = GitHub.#getApiHostUrl();
			const ownerSlashRepo = document.querySelector('[data-current-repository]').getAttribute('data-current-repository');
			return `${apiHostUrl}/repos/${ownerSlashRepo}/commits/${hash}`;

		static #getRestApiOptions() {
			const myHeaders = new Headers();
			myHeaders.append("Accept", "application/vnd.github+json");
			const myInit = {
				headers: myHeaders,
			return myInit;

		 * Inserts an HTML anchor to link to issues and pull requests, which are
		 * mentioned in the provided `text` in the `#<number>` format.
		static #insertIssuePrLinks(text) {
			if (!text.toLowerCase().includes('#')) {
				return text;
			try {
				// a hack: just get the existing HTML from the GUI
				// the hack probably doesn't work very well with overly long subject lines
				// TODO: proper conversion of `text`
				//       though a shorter version (with ellipsis) might be better for HTML version
				return document.querySelector('.commit-title.markdown-title').innerHTML.trim();
			} catch (e) {
				error("GitHub: cannot insert issue or pull request links", e);
				return text;

	 * Implementation for GitWeb
	 * Documentation:
	 *   -
	 *   -
	 * Example URL for userscript testing:
	 *   -
	 * TODO maybe add support for commitdiff pages, e.g.:
	class GitWeb extends GitHosting {
		getLoadedSelector() {
			return '.page_nav';

		isRecognized() {
			const g = document.querySelector('meta[name="generator"]');
			if (!g) {
				return false;
			if (g.content.startsWith('gitweb/')) {
				info("GitWeb version detection:", g.content);
				return true;
			} else {
				return false;

		getTargetSelector() {
			if (document.querySelector('.page_nav_sub')) {
				return '.page_nav_sub';
			return '.page_nav';

		wrapButtonContainer(innerContainer) {
			const container = document.createElement('span');
			container.append(htmlToElement('<span class="barsep"> | </span>'));
			const tab = document.createElement('span');
			return container;

		addButtonContainerToTarget(target, buttonContainer) {
			if (target.classList.contains('page_nav_sub')) {
				super.addButtonContainerToTarget(target, buttonContainer);
			target.insertBefore(buttonContainer, target.querySelector('br'));

		getButtonText() {
			// use all lowercase for consistency with the rest of the UI
			return "copy commit reference";

		getFullHash() {
			 * <td>commit</td> is always above <td>parent</td> and <td>tree</td>
			 * so it's fine to just take the first <td> with CSS class `sha1`.
			const cell = document.querySelector('.title_text .object_header td.sha1');
			return cell.innerText;

		getDateIso(hash) {
			 * <td>author</td> is always above <td>committer</td>
			 * so it's fine to just take the first <td> with CSS class `sha1`.
			const cell = document.querySelector('.title_text .object_header .datetime');
			const s = cell.innerText;
			const d = new Date(s);
			return d.toISOString().slice(0, 'YYYY-MM-DD'.length);

		getCommitMessage(hash) {
			return document.querySelector('.page_body').innerText;

	 * Implementation for Gitiles.
	 * Documentation:
	 *   - "Gitiles - A simple JGit repository browser"
	 * Example URLs for testing:
	 *   -
	 *   -
	 *   -
	 *   -
	class Gitiles extends GitHosting {
		getLoadedSelector() {
			return '.Site .Site-content .MetadataMessage';

		isRecognized() {
			const poweredBy = document.querySelector('.Footer-poweredBy');
			if (poweredBy == null) {
				return false;
			return poweredBy.innerText.includes('Gitiles');

		static #getMetadataSelector() {
			if (document.location.pathname.includes('/+/refs/tags/')) {
				return '.Site .Site-content .Container .Metadata:nth-child(4)';
			return '.Site .Site-content .Container .Metadata';

		getTargetSelector() {
			return `${Gitiles.#getMetadataSelector()} table tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(3)`;

		wrapButtonContainer(innerContainer) {
			const container = document.createElement('span');
			container.append(" [", innerContainer, "]");
			return container;

		getButtonText() {
			// TODO: maybe shorter "copy reference" would be better?
			// use all lowercase for consistency with the rest of the UI
			return "copy commit reference";

		getFullHash() {
			const cell = document.querySelector(`${Gitiles.#getMetadataSelector()} table tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(2)`);
			return cell.innerText;

		getDateIso(hash) {
			const cell = document.querySelector(`${Gitiles.#getMetadataSelector()} table tr:nth-child(2) td:nth-child(3)`);
			const s = cell.innerText;
			const d = new Date(s);
			return d.toISOString().slice(0, 'YYYY-MM-DD'.length);

		getCommitMessage(hash) {
			return document.querySelector(`${Gitiles.#getMetadataSelector()} + .MetadataMessage`).innerText;

	 * Implementation for cgit.
	 * Documentation:
	 *   -
	 * Example URLs for testing:
	 *   -
	 *   -
	class Cgit extends GitHosting {
		getLoadedSelector() {
			return 'body > #cgit > .content > .commit-msg';

		isRecognized() {
			return document.getElementById('cgit') != null;

		getTargetSelector() {
			return 'body > #cgit > .content > table.commit-info > tbody > tr:nth-child(3) td.sha1, body > #cgit > .content > table.commit-info > tbody > tr:nth-child(3) td.oid';

		wrapButtonContainer(innerContainer) {
			const container = document.createElement('span');
			container.append(" (", innerContainer, ")");
			return container;

		getButtonText() {
			// use all lowercase for consistency with the rest of the UI
			return "copy commit reference";

		getFullHash() {
			const commitAnchor = document.querySelector('body > #cgit > .content > table.commit-info > tbody > tr:nth-child(3) td.sha1 a, body > #cgit > .content > table.commit-info > tbody > tr:nth-child(3) td.oid a');
			return commitAnchor.innerText;

		getDateIso(hash) {
			const authorDateCell = document.querySelector('body > #cgit > .content > table.commit-info > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(3)');
			return authorDateCell.innerText.slice(0, 'YYYY-MM-DD'.length);

		getCommitMessage(hash) {
			const subjElem = document.querySelector('body > #cgit > .content > .commit-subject');
			 * Sometimes `subjElem` contains a `<span class="decoration">`,
			 * most notably, on tagged commits.  Avoid including the contents
			 * of this <span> tag by just taking the text of the first node,
			 * which is a text node.
			const subj = subjElem.childNodes[0].textContent;
			const body = document.querySelector('body > #cgit > .content > .commit-msg').innerText;
			 * Even though vast majority will only need `subj`, gather everything and
			 * let downstream code handle paragraph splitting.
			return subj + '\n\n' + body;

	 * Implementation for GitLab.
	 * Example URLs for testing:
	 *   -
	 *   -
	class GitLab extends GitHosting {
		static #HEADER_SELECTOR = 'main#content-body .page-content-header > .header-main-content';

		getLoadedSelector() {
			// cannot use
			//    '.content-wrapper main#content-body .commit-box > .commit-description';
			// because it doesn't exist for commits without a body
			return '.content-wrapper main#content-body .commit-box';

		isRecognized() {
			return document.querySelector('meta[content="GitLab"][property="og:site_name"]') != null;

		getTargetSelector() {
			return GitLab.#HEADER_SELECTOR;

		getButtonTagName() {
			return 'button'; // like GitLab's "Copy commit SHA"

		wrapButton(button) {
			const copyShaButtonIcon = document.querySelector(`${GitLab.#HEADER_SELECTOR} > button > svg[data-testid="copy-to-clipboard-icon"]`);
			const icon = copyShaButtonIcon.cloneNode(true);
			button.replaceChildren(icon); // is just icon enough?
			button.classList.add('btn-sm', 'btn-default', 'btn-default-tertiary', 'btn-icon', 'btn', 'btn-clipboard', 'gl-button');
			button.setAttribute('data-toggle', 'tooltip'); // this is needed to have a fancy tooltip in style of other UI
			button.setAttribute('data-placement', 'bottom'); // this is needed so that the fancy tooltip appears below the button = 'border: 1px solid darkgray;';
			button.title = this.getButtonText() + " to clipboard";
			return button;

		getFullHash() {
			const copyShaButton = document.querySelector(`${GitLab.#HEADER_SELECTOR} > button`);
			return copyShaButton.getAttribute('data-clipboard-text');

		getDateIso(hash) {
			// careful not to select <time> tag for "Committed by"
			const authorTimeTag = document.querySelector(`${GitLab.#HEADER_SELECTOR} > .d-sm-inline + time`);
			return authorTimeTag.getAttribute('datetime').slice(0, 'YYYY-MM-DD'.length);

		getCommitMessage(hash) {
			 * Even though vast majority will only need `subj`, gather everything and
			 * let downstream code handle paragraph splitting.
			const subj = document.querySelector('.commit-box .commit-title').innerText;
			const maybeBody = document.querySelector('.commit-box .commit-description');
			if (maybeBody == null) { // some commits have only a single-line message
				return subj;
			const body = maybeBody.innerText;
			return subj + '\n\n' + body;

		addButtonContainerToTarget(target, buttonContainer) {
			const authoredSpanTag = target.querySelector('span.d-sm-inline');
			target.insertBefore(buttonContainer, authoredSpanTag);
			// add spacer to make text "authored" not stick to the button
			target.insertBefore(document.createTextNode(" "), authoredSpanTag);

		 * GitLab has a complex interaction with library ClipboardJS:
		 *   -
		 *   -
		 *  and the native tooltips are even more complicated.
		createCheckmark() {
			const checkmark = super.createCheckmark(); = 'calc(100% + 0.3rem)'; = '1.5'; = '0.5rem 1.5rem'; = 'center'; = 'auto'; = '3px'; = '0.75rem'; = '"Segoe UI", Roboto, "Noto Sans", Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol", "Noto Color Emoji"';
			if (document.body.classList.contains('gl-dark')) { = '#dcdcde'; = '#1f1e24';
			} else { = '#000'; = '#fff';
			return checkmark;

	 * Implementation for Gitea, which is a fork of Gogs.
	 * Example URLs for testing:
	 *   -
	class Gitea extends GitHosting {
		getLoadedSelector() {
			return '.header h3 .commit-summary';

		isRecognized() {
			 * @type {HTMLMetaElement}
			const metaKeywords = document.querySelector('meta[name="keywords"]');
			return (metaKeywords && metaKeywords.content.includes('gitea')) || false;

		getTargetSelector() {
			return '.commit-header h3 + div';

		wrapButtonContainer(container) { = '0.5rem';
			return container;

		wrapButton(button) {
			 * Mimicking Gitea's "Browse Source" button, but without class 'primary',
			 * because there shouldn't be too many primary buttons. Class 'basic' is
			 * for styling like most of the buttons on the commit pages.
			button.classList.add('ui', 'tiny', 'button', 'basic');
			const maybeNativeIcon = document.querySelector('.svg.octicon-copy');
			if (maybeNativeIcon) {
				 * Some instances of Gitea don't have the copy icons,
				 * e.g.
				const icon = maybeNativeIcon.cloneNode(true); = 'middle'; = '-4px';
				button.insertBefore(document.createTextNode(" "), button.childNodes[0]);
				button.insertBefore(icon, button.childNodes[0]);
			return button;

		addButtonContainerToTarget(target, buttonContainer) {
			// to the left of Gitea's "Browse Source" button
			target.insertBefore(buttonContainer, target.querySelector('.ui.primary.tiny.button'));

		 * Styles adapted from GitHub's CSS classes ".tooltipped::before"
		 * and ".tooltipped-s::before".
		 * @returns {HTMLElement}
		#createTooltipTriangle() {
			const triangle = document.createElement('div'); = 'absolute'; = '1000001'; = '-15px'; // not -16px to look better at different zoom levels = '14px'; // to align with .left of `checkmark` = '0'; = '0';
			 * Borders connect at 45° angle => when only top border is colored,
			 * it's a trapezoid.  But with width=0, the bottom edge of trapezoid
			 * has length 0, so it's a downwards triangle.
			 * bgColor from Gitea CSS classes
			 */ = '8px solid transparent'; = 'var(--color-tooltip-bg)';
			return triangle;

		createCheckmark() {
			const checkmark = super.createCheckmark(); = '0.2rem'; // to put emoji right above the button's icon = 'calc(100% + 1.2rem)'; // to mimic native tooltips shown above the buttons
			 * Look and feel from CSS classes of Tippy -- a library (?)
			 * used by Gitea.
			 */ = '9999'; = 'var(--color-tooltip-bg)'; = 'var(--color-tooltip-text)'; = 'var(--border-radius)'; = '1rem'; = '.5rem 1rem';
			return checkmark;

		getFullHash() {
			const browseButton = document.querySelector('.commit-header h3 + div > a');
			const lastSlashIndex = browseButton.href.lastIndexOf('/');
			return browseButton.href.slice(lastSlashIndex + 1);

		getDateIso(hash) {
			const timeTag = document.querySelector('#authored-time relative-time');
			return timeTag.datetime.slice(0, 'YYYY-MM-DD'.length);

		getCommitMessage(hash) {
			const subj = document.querySelector('.commit-summary').innerText;
			const bodyElement = document.querySelector('.commit-body');
			if (!bodyElement) {
				return subj;
			const body = bodyElement.childNodes[0].innerText;
			return subj + '\n\n' + body;

		static #getIssuesUrl() {
			return document.querySelector('.header-wrapper > .ui.tabs.container > a[href$="/issues"]').href;

		convertPlainSubjectToHtml(plainTextSubject, hash) {
			if (!plainTextSubject.includes('#')) {
				return plainTextSubject;
			const issuesUrl = Gitea.#getIssuesUrl();
			return plainTextSubject.replaceAll(/#([0-9]+)/g, `<a href="${issuesUrl}/\$1">#\$1</a>`);

	function removeExistingContainer() {
		const container = document.getElementById(CONTAINER_ID);
		if (!container) {

	 * An instance of each subclass of `GitHosting` is created,
	 * but only one of them gets "recognized".
	const gitHostings = [
		new GitHub(),
		new GitLab(),
		new BitbucketCloud(),
		new BitbucketServer(),
		new GitWeb(),
		new Cgit(),
		new Gitiles(),
		new Gitea(),
	 * @type {GitHosting}
	let recognizedGitHosting = null;

	 * @returns {GitHosting}
	function getReconizedGitHosting() {
		if (recognizedGitHosting != null) {
			return recognizedGitHosting;
		for (const hosting of gitHostings) {
			if (hosting.isRecognized()) {
				recognizedGitHosting = hosting;
				waitForElement(`#${CONTAINER_ID}`).then(added => {
					info('Button has been added. Can setup re-adder now.');
				return recognizedGitHosting;
		warn("Cannot recognize any hosting");
		return null;

	 * An optimization: for sites, which do page reloads on the fly,
	 * we don't need to use selectors from all hostings.  Just using
	 * the selector for the recognized hosting should do the trick.
	 * @returns {string} a selector for waiting for loading
	function getLoadedSelector() {
		if (recognizedGitHosting != null) {
			return recognizedGitHosting.getLoadedSelector();
		return => h.getLoadedSelector()).join(", ");

	function doEnsureButton() {
		const loadedSelector = getLoadedSelector();
		info("loadedSelector =", `'${loadedSelector}'`);
		waitForElement(loadedSelector).then(loadedBody => {
			info("Loaded from selector ", loadedSelector);
			const hosting = getReconizedGitHosting();
			if (hosting != null) {

	 * On pages that are not for a singular commit, function
	 * {@link ensureButton} must be called exactly once, at the
	 * bottom of the enclosing function.
	 * Re-adders must take care to avoid several `observer`s
	 * added by a call to {@link waitForElement} to be in flight.
	function ensureButton() {
		try {
		} catch (e) {
			error('Could not create the button', e);