

질문, 리뷰하거나, 이 스크립트를 신고하세요.
// ==UserScript==
// @name         futaba-image-preview
// @namespace    http://2chan.net/
// @version      0.6.2
// @description  ふたばちゃんねるのスレッド上で「あぷ」「あぷ小」の画像をプレビュー表示する
// @author       ame-chan
// @match        http://*.2chan.net/b/res/*
// @match        https://*.2chan.net/b/res/*
// @match        http://kako.futakuro.com/futa/*
// @match        https://kako.futakuro.com/futa/*
// @match        https://tsumanne.net/si/data/*
// @icon         https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=2chan.net
// @grant        GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant        GM_setValue
// @grant        GM_getValue
// @license      MIT
// @run-at       document-idle
// @connect      2chan.net
// @connect      img.2chan.net
// @connect      dec.2chan.net
// @require      https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/exifreader@4.20.0/dist/exif-reader.min.js
// ==/UserScript==
(async () => {
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  const getCloseFileName = async () => JSON.parse((await GM_getValue('closeFileName')) || '[]');
  const getMinSize = async () => {
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    return storageValue || defaultValue;
  const hasFutakuroElm = () => document.querySelector('#fvw_menu') !== null;
  // あぷ・あぷ小ファイルの文字列を見つけたらリンクに変換する(既にリンクになってたらスキップする)
  const createAnchorLink = (elms) => {
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        if (textNode.parentNode?.nodeName === 'A') {
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          const [fullMatch, _, type, digits, ext] = match;
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            type === 'fu'
              ? `//dec.2chan.net/up2/src/${type}${digits}.${ext}`
              : `//dec.2chan.net/up/src/${type}${digits}.${ext}`;
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          anchor.textContent = fullMatch;
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  const setFailedText = (linkElm) => {
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      linkElm.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', '<span class="userjs-preview-title">データ取得失敗</span>');
  const getArrayBuffer = (path) => {
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        method: 'GET',
        url: path,
        responseType: 'blob',
        onload: ({ response }) => {
          return resolve(response);
        onerror: (error) => {
  class FileReaderEx extends FileReader {
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    #readAs(blob, ctx) {
      return new Promise((res, rej) => {
        super.addEventListener('load', ({ target }) => target?.result && res(target.result));
        super.addEventListener('error', ({ target }) => target?.error && rej(target.error));
    readAsArrayBuffer(blob) {
      return this.#readAs(blob, 'readAsArrayBuffer');
    readAsDataURL(blob) {
      return this.#readAs(blob, 'readAsDataURL');
  const getPromptData = async (div, img) => {
    try {
      if (!img.src.endsWith('.png') || !window.ExifReader) return;
      const buffer = await getArrayBuffer(img.src);
      const data = await new FileReaderEx().readAsDataURL(buffer);
      const tags = await window.ExifReader.load(data);
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      const p = document.createElement('p');
      p.textContent = prompt;
    } catch (error) {
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  const setSetting = async () => {
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      if (value === '' || /^[0-9]+$/.test(value) === false) {
      await GM_setValue('minSize', value);
      const settingElm = document.querySelector('[data-fat="settings"]');
      await delay(300);
    const iconHTML = `<div class="fat-icon" data-fat="icon"></div>`;
    const settingInnerHTML = `<p>デフォルトの画像サイズを指定、0で非表示</p>
    <input type="text" data-fat="minSize" value="${value}">
    <button type="button" data-fat="minSizeSave">条件を保存してリロード</button>`;
    const settingHTML = `<div class="fat-settings" data-fat="settings">
    await delay(1000);
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      await delay(100);
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      settingSaveElm?.addEventListener('click', saveSetting);
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      GM_setValue('closeFileName', JSON.stringify(data));
  const setImageElm = async (linkElm) => {
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    const imageMaxSize = 1024;
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        self.width = naturalWidth > imageMaxSize ? naturalWidth : imageMaxSize;
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        self.width = imageMinSize;
    const fileName = (linkElm.textContent || '').trim();
    const closeFileName = await getCloseFileName();
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    const resText = linkElm.closest('blockquote')?.textContent;
    const div = document.createElement('div');
    const innerDiv = document.createElement('div');
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        img.width = img.naturalWidth;
      getPromptData(div, img);
    img.addEventListener('error', () => setFailedText(linkElm));
    img.src = linkElm.href;
    img.width = imageMinSize;
    img.addEventListener('click', imageEventHandler);
    innerDiv.addEventListener('click', wrapperClickHandler);
    closeBtnElm.addEventListener('click', (e) => closeBtnEventHandler(e, div, fileName));
    linkElm.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', div);
    return img;
  const setLoading = async (linkElm) => {
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    if (parentElm instanceof HTMLFontElement) {
  const removeLoading = (targetElm) => targetElm.classList.remove('userjs-preview-link');
  // ふたクロで「新着レスに自動スクロール」にチェックが入っている場合画像差し込み後に下までスクロールさせる
  const scrollIfAutoScrollIsEnabled = () => {
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      top: offsetTop - viewportHeight + elementHeight,
      behavior: 'smooth',
  const setResNumber = (linkElm, fileName) => {
    const tdElm = linkElm.closest('td.rtd');
    const resNumber = tdElm?.querySelector('.rsc');
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          resNumberStorage[num] = [fileName];
        } else if (Array.isArray(storage) && !storage.includes(fileName)) {
  const isFindFileNameFromStorage = (fileName) =>
    Object.keys(resNumberStorage).some((key) => {
      const arr = resNumberStorage?.[Number(key)];
      return arr && fileName && arr.includes(fileName);
  const insertURLData = async (linkElm, match) => {
    const [, , , fileName] = match;
    const imageElm = await setImageElm(linkElm);
    if (imageElm instanceof HTMLImageElement) {
      setResNumber(linkElm, fileName);
      imageElm.onload = () => scrollIfAutoScrollIsEnabled();
  const linkRegExp =
  class LinkObserver {
    constructor(targetLink) {
      this.targetLink = targetLink;
      this.isObserving = this.targetLink.classList.contains('is-observing');
      this.matchLink = this.targetLink.href.match(linkRegExp);
      this.options = {
        rootMargin: '800px 0px 0px 0px',
    observer() {
      return new IntersectionObserver(async ([entry], observer) => {
        if (entry.isIntersecting) {
          const linkElm = entry.target;
          if (this.matchLink && linkElm instanceof HTMLAnchorElement) {
            await setLoading(linkElm);
            if (linkElm.classList.contains('userjs-preview-link')) {
              await insertURLData(linkElm, this.matchLink);
      }, this.options);
    check() {
      if (this.matchLink === null) {
        return false;
      const isQuoteText = this.targetLink.closest('font[color="#789922"]') !== null;
      const [, , , fileName] = this.matchLink;
      if (isQuoteText || isFindFileNameFromStorage(fileName)) {
        return false;
      return true;
    init() {
      const isCheckOK = this.check();
      if (isCheckOK && !this.isObserving && this.matchLink) {
  const getLinkElm = (threElm) => {
    const linkElms = threElm.querySelectorAll('a[href*="2chan.net/up"], a[href^="f"]');
    if (linkElms.length) {
      return linkElms;
    return [];
  const deleteDuplicate = (blockquoteElms) => {
    for (const blockquoteElm of blockquoteElms) {
      const anchorElms = blockquoteElm.querySelectorAll('a[data-orig]');
      for (const anchorElm of anchorElms) {
        const newAnchorElm = anchorElm.querySelector('a[data-from]');
        if (newAnchorElm !== null) {
          anchorElm.outerHTML = newAnchorElm.outerHTML;
  const setLinkObserver = (linkElms) => {
    for (const linkElm of linkElms) {
      if (linkElm instanceof HTMLAnchorElement) {
        const linkObserver = new LinkObserver(linkElm);
  const mutationLinkElements = async (mutations) => {
    const futakuroState = hasFutakuroElm();
    for (const mutation of mutations) {
      for (const addedNode of mutation.addedNodes) {
        if (!(addedNode instanceof HTMLElement)) continue;
        const newBlockQuotes = addedNode.querySelectorAll('blockquote');
        if (!futakuroState) {
        for (const newBlockQuote of newBlockQuotes) {
          const linkElms = newBlockQuote.querySelectorAll('a');
          if (linkElms.length) {
  // ふたクロが無い環境用にアンカーリンクを生成したい
  const exec = () => {
    const threadElm = document.querySelector('.thre');
    const isTsumanne = location.hostname === 'tsumanne.net';
    const isFutakuro = location.hostname === 'kako.futakuro.com';
    if (!isTsumanne && !isFutakuro && !hasFutakuroElm() && !initExecCreateLink && threadElm instanceof HTMLElement) {
      const quoteElms = threadElm.querySelectorAll('blockquote');
      initExecCreateLink = true;
      if (initTimer) {
      for (const quoteElm of quoteElms) {
        const linkElms = quoteElm.querySelectorAll('.is-createLink');
  const threadElm = document.querySelector('.thre');
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    const linkElms = getLinkElm(threadElm);
    const observer = new MutationObserver(mutationLinkElements);
    observer.observe(threadElm, {
      childList: true,
      subtree: true,
    initTimer = setTimeout(exec, 1500);