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Vie Faucet Website Rotator . Auto PTC, Auto Faucet & Auto Shortlinks Support

Automatically views all PTC ads and Rotate websites

< Vie Faucet Website Rotator . Auto PTC, Auto Faucet & Auto Shortlinks Support 피드백

리뷰: 보통 - 동작하나 버그 있음

작성: 2023-08-14

The script needs to be updated.
There is an error in the `hCaptcha()` function, which is not working on Bithub ( The PTC is fine, but the shortlinks and faucet are not working.

Additionally, Bithub is using a new captcha(RS Captcha)instead of GP Captcha. Is there an available solver for RS Captcha?

Uncaught ReferenceError: grecaptcha is not defined
at hCaptcha

작성: 2023-08-15

i made mention of this many times , this script was originally made for PTC ONLY. people kept asking for shortlinks and faucet and i said it messing things up. honestly not worth my time to fix it for a couple faucets. been getting banned everywhere , so i think i'll give the scripts a rest

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