// ==UserScript==
// @name Amazon - Call Out Sponsored Contents
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 0.7
// @description I'm cheap and don't like ads affecting my purchase decisions!
// @author You
// @license MIT
// @match https://*.amazon.com/*
// @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=amazon.com
// @grant none
// @require http://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.5.1.min.js
// ==/UserScript==
/* globals jQuery, $, waitForKeyElements */
(function () {
'use strict';
function changeOpacity(object) {
if (object.text.length > 0 && object.text.indexOf('Sponsored') > -1) {
const containerId = object.container.attr('id');
var events = $._data(document.getElementById(containerId), 'events');
if (!events) {
// this is the first time we checked on this page and have not attached any hover handlers yet
// just set opacity for now
// all following checks will follow the hover handlers
object.container.css({ 'opacity': object.opacity });
function () { // hover in
object.container.css({ 'opacity': 1 });
function () { // hover out
object.container.css({ 'opacity': object.opacity });
function processSearchResult() {
const sponsoredContents = $('div.AdHolder.s-result-item.s-asin'); // in search result
if (sponsoredContents.length > 0) {
$.each(sponsoredContents, function () {
if ($(this).text().indexOf('Sponsored') > -1) {
const color = $(this).css('background-color');
const s = $(this).find('span.a-color-secondary');
const sHover = $(this).find('span.s-label-popover-hover');
if (s && color !== 'rgb(128, 128, 128)') {
s.css({ 'color': 'red', 'font-size': '200%' });
if (sHover && color !== 'rgb(128, 128, 128)') {
sHover.css({ 'color': 'red', 'font-size': '120%' });
if (s || sHover) {
$(this).css({ 'background-color': 'grey' });
const topAdListSpan = $('span#ad-feedback-text-auto-sparkle-hsa-tetris'); // at the top of the page, before all search results
if (topAdListSpan.length > 0) {
topAdListSpan.parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().css({ 'background-color': 'grey' }); // the list container
topAdListSpan.css({ 'color': 'red', 'font-size': '120%' });
const mainAdList = $('span#ad-feedback-text-main');
if (mainAdList.length > 0) { // there should be 2 of these... with the same ids...
$.each(mainAdList, function () {
if ($(this).text().indexOf('Sponsored') > -1) {
$(this).parent().parent().parent().css({ 'background-color': 'grey' });
$(this).css({ 'color': 'red', 'font-size': '120%' })
const highlyRatedSpan = $('span.a-size-base.a-color-secondary:contains("Sponsored | Based on star rating and number of customer ratings")');
if (highlyRatedSpan.length > 0) {
highlyRatedSpan.parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().css({ 'background-color': 'lightgrey' }); // the list itself - light grey since it might not be sponsored
highlyRatedSpan.css({ 'background-color': 'red' })
const sponsoredBrandListSpan = $('span#ad-feedback-text-desktop-hsa-3psl'); // "brands related to your search" list - at the bottom after the search result
if (sponsoredBrandListSpan.length > 0) {
sponsoredBrandListSpan.parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().css({ 'background-color': 'grey', 'color': 'red' });
const needHelpSponsored = $('#ad-feedback-text-auto-bottom-advertising-0'); // the sponsored ad under "need help" at the bottom
if (needHelpSponsored.length > 0) {
needHelpSponsored.parent().parent().parent().css({ 'opacity': 0.2 });
needHelpSponsored.css({ 'color': 'red', 'font-size': '120%' })
const sideSponsoredATags = $('a.s-ad-feedback-link'); // ads on the left hand side under the filters - might be more than 1
if (sideSponsoredATags.length > 0) {
$.each(sideSponsoredATags, function () {
if ($(this).text().indexOf('Sponsored') > -1) {
$(this).parent().parent().parent().css({ 'opacity': 0.1 });
function processProductDetail() {
// the sponsored ad under "Customer ratings by feature"
// above the "frequently bought together" list
const ad1 = $("div#hero-quick-promo-grid_feature_div");
const sponsoredAdSpan1 = $('div#hero-quick-promo-grid_feature_div span#ad-feedback-text-hero-quick-promo');
const adObj1 = {
container: ad1,
text: sponsoredAdSpan1.text(),
opacity: 0.1
// same location as above, just a different ad
const ad1_1 = $('#ape_Detail_hero-quick-promo_Desktop_placement');
const sponsoredAdSpan1_1 = $('#ape_Detail_hero-quick-promo_Desktop_placement span#ad-feedback-text-hero-quick-promo');
const adObj1_1 = {
container: ad1_1,
text: sponsoredAdSpan1_1.text(),
opacity: 0.1
// the sponsored ad under "add to cart"
// to the right of the ad1 above
const ad2 = $("div#amsDetailRight_feature_div");
const sponsoredAdSpan2 = $('div#amsDetailRight_feature_div span#ad-feedback-text-ams-detail-right-v2');
const adObj2 = {
container: ad2,
text: sponsoredAdSpan2.text(),
opacity: 0.1
// the sponsored ad to the left of the customer reviews
const ad3 = $("div#cr-ADPlaceholder");
const sponsoredAdSpan3 = $('div#cr-ADPlaceholder span#ad-feedback-text-customer-reviews-top');
const adObj3 = {
container: ad3,
text: sponsoredAdSpan3.text(),
opacity: 0.1
// the right below the "Products related to this item" list
// but above the "Customer questions & answers" list
const ad4 = $("div#dp-ads-center-promo_feature_div");
const sponsoredAdSpan4 = $('div#dp-ads-center-promo_feature_div span#ad-feedback-text-dp-ads-center-promo');
const adObj4 = {
container: ad4,
text: sponsoredAdSpan4.text(),
opacity: 0.1
// the sponsored ad below the customer reviews, the "Based on your recent views" list
// but above "Recommended based on your shopping trends" list
const ad5 = $("div#ad-endcap-1_feature_div");
const sponsoredAdSpan5 = $('div#ad-endcap-1_feature_div span#ad-feedback-text-ad-endcap-1');
const adObj5 = {
container: ad5,
text: sponsoredAdSpan5.text(),
opacity: 0.1
// the "products related to this item" list - below "frequently bought together"
// but above "more to shop from [blah]"
const adList1 = $('div#sp_detail');
const sponsoredListSpan1 = $('div#sp_detail #sp_detail_feedbackMessage > span.sp_detail_sponsored_label');
const listObj1 = {
container: adList1,
text: sponsoredListSpan1.text(),
opacity: 0.1
// the "more to shop from [blah]" list
const adList2 = $('div#sp_detail_thematic-brand');
const sponsoredListSpan2 = $('div#sp_detail_thematic-brand #sp_detail_thematic-brand_feedbackMessage > span.sp_detail_thematic-brand_sponsored_label');
const listObj2 = {
container: adList2,
text: sponsoredListSpan2.text(),
opacity: 0.1
// "Brands in this category on amazon" list
const adList3 = $('div#similarities_feature_div');
const sponsoredListSpan3 = $('div#similarities_feature_div div.a-section.a-spacing-small span'); // not using the span id because it might be desktop specific
const listObj3 = {
container: adList3,
text: sponsoredListSpan3.text(),
opacity: 0.1
// the "Products related to this item" list after the product scription and before "customer questions & answers"
const adList4 = $('div#sp_detail2');
const sponsoredListSpan4 = $('div#sp_detail2 #sp_detail2_feedbackMessage > span.sp_detail2_sponsored_label');
const listObj4 = {
container: adList4,
text: sponsoredListSpan4.text(),
opacity: 0.1
// the "4 stars and above" list - after all the customer reviews
// but before the "Customers who searched for "dog food" ultimately bought" list
const adList5 = $('div#sp_detail_thematic-highly_rated');
const sponsoredListSpan5 = $('div#sp_detail_thematic-highly_rated #sp_detail_thematic-highly_rated_feedbackMessage > span.sp_detail_thematic-highly_rated_sponsored_label');
const listObj5 = {
container: adList5,
text: sponsoredListSpan5.text(),
opacity: 0.1
const sponsoredContentList = [adObj1, adObj1_1, adObj2, adObj3, adObj4, adObj5, listObj1, listObj2, listObj3, listObj4, listObj5];
sponsoredContentList.forEach(obj => changeOpacity(obj));
function processSponsoredContents() {
// check every 2 seconds
setInterval(processSponsoredContents, 2000);