YouTube - Proper Description

Watch page description below the video with proper open/close toggle, instead of a side bar.

질문, 리뷰하거나, 이 스크립트를 신고하세요.

dejectedski님이 2023-08-08 게시
q1k개발자님이 2023-08-14 댓글
보통 hi so uh, the channel and sub button literally arent showing
RePlika님이 2023-07-16 게시
q1k개발자님이 2023-07-16 댓글
좋음 how to auto expand description
auireal님이 2023-05-23 게시
q1k개발자님이 2023-05-23 댓글
나쁨 I feel that YouTube slows down with this script installed.
batuhan445님이 2023-05-09 게시
batuhan445님이 2023-05-12 댓글
좋음 return youtube dislike updated
auireal님이 2023-03-30 게시
auireal님이 2023-05-10 댓글
좋음 Incorrect number of views while livestreaming.
rokoe님이 2023-02-10 게시
q1k개발자님이 2023-02-10 댓글
나쁨 No longer working... Please update and fix it
batuhan445님이 2022-11-17 게시
q1k개발자님이 2022-11-18 댓글
update to Description section?
auireal님이 2022-11-06 게시
q1k개발자님이 2022-11-06 댓글
보통 Incorrect time during live stream.

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