Greasy Fork is available in English.

🌐 delete cookies 🍪

Page load and... what ? No cookie ? Net is now marvelous !

< 🌐 delete cookies 🍪 피드백


작성: 2023-06-08

got 3 errors before installed
line 12:
line 28:
line 30:
i added a "/" at end of each line. i presume this is the fix?

change all lines with /* at the end of each line

zzz the hacker개발자
작성: 2023-12-09

Thanks to you, CY Fung, that's right, i must fix this problem tommorow, but it will be a really better update, i will simply replace all @match by a simple "@match *://*/*" ! And this will apply on ALL websites ever ! And sorry if my english is so dumb im French and im 14 yo 'x)

zzz the hacker개발자
작성: 2023-12-10

New update, new code, a lot of new things ! Fixed all bugs.

New update, new code, a lot of new things ! Fixed all bugs.

It is a completely different script...

Anyway, please don't do window.onload = xxx in every website. It will break many websites.

Change window.onload = refuse; to window.addEventListener('load', refuse, false); or document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', refuse, false);

작성: 2023-12-10
수정: 2023-12-10

I guess notif and searchHTML can be local like onlyText and refuse so that it will not affect the window object.

zzz the hacker개발자
작성: 2023-12-10

Oh thank you very much for your help, i didnt used DOMContentLoaded because i did a mistake on the code, i didnt fixed that, thats a long history. notif and searchHTML are global because i needed for debugging. I will fix everything. Thank you !

zzz the hacker개발자
작성: 2023-12-10

BTW, Is the code useful to you ? What do you think about the new Code ?

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