TSLibrary - Generic (Archive)

A resource JS library file providing common useful functions to be used by other scripts

이 스크립트는 직접 설치해서 쓰는 게 아닙니다. 다른 스크립트가 메타 명령 // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/439327/1013726/TSLibrary%20-%20Generic%20%28Archive%29.js(으)로 포함하여 쓰는 라이브러리입니다.

질문, 리뷰하거나, 이 스크립트를 신고하세요.
// ==UserScript==
// @name                    TSLibrary - Generic (Archive)
// @namespace               TimidScript
// @version                 1.0.28
// @description             A resource JS library file providing common useful functions to be used by other scripts
// @author                  TimidScript
// @homepageURL             https://github.com/TimidScript
// @copyright               © 2014+ TimidScript, Some Rights Reserved.
// @license                 https://github.com/TimidScript/UserScripts/blob/master/license.txt
// @exclude                 *
// ==/UserScript==

/* License + Copyright Notice
License can be found at: https://github.com/TimidScript/UserScripts/blob/master/license.txt
Below is a copy of the license the may not be up-to-date.

Copyright © TimidScript, Some Rights Reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the
following conditions are met:

1) GPL-3 License is met that does not conflict with the rest of the license (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html)
2) This notice must be included
3) Due credits and link to original author's homepage (included in this notice).
4) Notify the original author of redistribution
5) Clear clarification of the License and Notice to the end user
6) Do not upload on OpenUserJS.org or any other site that infringes on this license

TimidScript's Homepages:  GitHub:      https://github.com/TimidScript
                          GreasyFork:  https://greasyfork.org/users/1455
/* Information
    Version History
1.0.28 (2019-04-30)
 - Added delimitedNumber
1.0.27 (2019-04-27)
 - Minified the declaration code
 - Bugfix: [doc.nodeName === "#document"] should be [doc.nodeName !== "#document"]
1.0.26 (2019-04-26)
 - TimidScriptLibrary.removeNode now only excepts ID or node
 - TimidScriptLibrary.removeNodes add that accepts CSS Selector
 - var replaced with let
 - cleaned the code a bit
1.0.25 (2019-04-23)
 - Bugfix in removeNode
1.0.24 (2019-04-23)
 - Removed tsXHR.timeout, because it does not work that way.
 - Added tsXHR.logged for logging
 - removeNode now accepts node object, ID or CSS Selector
1.0.23 (2017-03-09)
 - Added randomNumber generator
1.0.22 (2017-02-25)
 - CRC32 added
1.0.21 (2017-02-12)
 - BugFix: TSL.padNumber
 - Added simple checksum
1.0.20 (2017-02-02)
 - Added GM_xmlhttpRequest Library
1.0.19 (2016-10-29)
 - CSS Styles are places in same position if they exists, to not break the page's style precedence. Did the same for javascript.
1.0.18 (2016-05-27)
 - License altered
1.0.17 (2016-04-03)
 - Changed license to GPL-3
1.0.16 (2015-07-20)
 - addScript and addStyle return created nodes
 - Change location of addScript to head instead of body incase of dynamic pages that alter the body
1.0.15 (2015-06-18)
- updateDocumentURL renamed to updateURL
1.0.14 (2015-06-18)
 - Using \b for regex in class functions
 - Better handling of spaces in the class functions
1.0.13 (2015-01-16)
 - updateDocumentURL added
1.0.12 (2014-12-12)
 - @exclude added
1.0.11 (2014-10-12)
 - innerHTML instead of textContent for scripts and CSS.
1.0.10 (2014-09-17)
 - Optimised - When adding or removing a class it now first checks
 it exists thus avoiding to make any extra changes.
 - Ability to add or remove more than one class. Separator is space.
 - hasClass also handles more than one class. Returns true only
 if all classes are present.
 - addClass, removeClass return true if class is added or removed
1.0.9 (2014-09-07)
 - Fixed bug in addScript and moved the script to the head instead of body.
 - CSS appended to textContent instead of innerHTML
1.0.8 (2014-09-05)
 - Improved removeClass
 - Added absolutePosition(element)
1.0.7 (2014-09-02)
 - Functions added: addClass removeClass hasClass
 - Removed makeStruct as it is useless
1.0.6 (2014-08-29)
 - Changed the NTFS chars http://unicode-search.net
1.0.5 (2014-08-24)
 - TSL part no longer commented out
 - Added new functions createElement, createElementHTML function
 - Partial support for non-main document
 - Added NTFS illegal character replacer
 - escape regular expression function
 - Added scroll bar thickness
 - Initial Release

var TimidScriptLibrary =
    altNTFSChars: [[">", ">"], ["<", "<"], [":", ":"], ['"', """], ["/", "/"], ["\\", "\"], ["?", "?"], ["*", "*"]],

    removeNode: function (node, doc)
        if (typeof doc !== "object" || doc.nodeName !== "#document") doc = document;
        if (typeof doc.getElementById === "function" && typeof node === "string") node = doc.getElementById(node);

        if (node && node.parentElement) node.parentElement.removeChild(node);

    removeNodes: function(selector, doc)
        if (typeof doc !== "object" || doc.nodeName !== "#document") doc = document;
        let nodes = doc.querySelectorAll(selector);
        for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) nodes[i].parentElement.removeChild(nodes[i]);

    addStyle: function (id, CSS, doc)
        if (typeof doc !== "object" || doc.nodeName !== "#document") doc = document;
        let el = doc.createElement("style");

        if (doc.getElementById(id)) el = doc.getElementById(id);
        else doc.head.appendChild(el);

        if (id) el.id = id;
        el.type = "text/css";
        el.innerHTML = CSS;

        return el;

    addScript: function (id, text, doc)
        if (typeof doc !== "object" || doc.nodeName !== "#document") doc = document;
        let el = doc.createElement("script");

        if (doc.getElementById(id)) el = doc.getElementById(id);
        else doc.head.appendChild(el);

        if (id) el.id = id;
        el.innerHTML = text;
        return el;

    createElement: function (tag, attributes, doc)
        if (typeof doc !== "object" || doc.nodeName !== "#document") doc = document;
        let el = doc.createElement(tag);

        for (let x in attributes) el.setAttribute(x, attributes[x]);
        return el;

    createElementHTML: function (html, doc)
        if (typeof doc !== "object" || doc.nodeName !== "#document") doc = document;
        let el = doc.createElement("e");

        el.innerHTML = html;
        return el.firstElementChild;

    paddingLeft: function (str, chr, length)
        while (str.length < length)
            str = chr + str;

        return str;

    paddingRight: function (str, chr, length)
        while (str.length < length)
            str = str + chr;

        return str;

    padNumber: function (number, length)
        //return TimidScriptLibrary.paddingLeft(number, "0", length);
        let padding = Array(length + 1).join("0");
        return (padding + number).slice(0 - length);

    delimitedNumber: function(value)
        return value.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",");

    isMouseEventInClientArea: function (event, element)
        let x, y, rect, minX, minY;

        rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
        minX = rect.left + element.clientLeft;
        x = event.clientX;
        y = event.clientY;
        minY = rect.top + element.clientTop;

        if (x < minX || x >= minX + element.clientWidth) return false;
        if (y < minY || y >= minY + element.clientHeight) return false;
        return true;

    getScrollBarThickness: function ()
        let outer = document.createElement("div");
        outer.style.visibility = "hidden";
        outer.style.width = "100px";

        let widthNoScroll = outer.offsetWidth;
        // force scrollbars
        outer.style.overflow = "scroll";

        // add innerdiv
        let inner = document.createElement("div");
        inner.style.width = "100%";

        let widthWithScroll = inner.offsetWidth;

        // remove divs

        return widthNoScroll - widthWithScroll;

    escapeRegExp: function (str)
        // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Regular_Expressions
        return str.replace(/([.*+?^=!:${}()|\[\]\/\\])/g, "\\$1");

    replaceNTFSIllegals: function (str)
        for (let i = 0, rx; i < TimidScriptLibrary.altNTFSChars.length; i++)
            rx = new RegExp(TimidScriptLibrary.escapeRegExp(TimidScriptLibrary.altNTFSChars[i][0]), "gi");
            str = str.replace(rx, TimidScriptLibrary.altNTFSChars[i][1]);

        return str;

    addClass: function (node, names)
        let altered = false,
            newclass = node.className,
            classes = names.replace(/\s+/g, " ").trim().split(" ");

        for (let i = 0, re; i < classes.length; i++)
            //re = new RegExp("(^|\\s+)" + classes[i] + "(\\s+|$)");
            re = new RegExp("\\b" + classes[i] + "\\b");
            if (!newclass.match(re))
                newclass += " " + classes[i];
                altered = true;

        if (altered) node.className = newclass.replace(/\s+/g, " ").trim();
        return altered;

    removeClass: function (node, names)
        let altered = false,
            newclass = node.className,
            classes = names.replace(/(\s)\s+/g, " ").trim().split(" ");

        for (let i = 0, re; i < classes.length; i++)
            //re = new RegExp("(^|\\s+)" + classes[i] + "(\\s+|$)");
            re = new RegExp("\\b" + classes[i] + "\\b");
            if (newclass.match(re))
                newclass = newclass.replace(re, " ");
                altered = true;

        if (altered) node.className = newclass.replace(/\s+/g, " ").trim();
        return altered;

    hasClass: function (node, names)
        let classes = names.replace(/(\s)\s+/g, " ").trim().split(" ");
        for (let i = 0, re; i < classes.length; i++)
            //re = new RegExp("(^|\\s+)" + classes[i] + "(\\s+|$)");
            re = new RegExp("\\b" + classes[i] + "\\b");
            if (!node.className.match(re)) return false;

        return true;

    getAbsolutePosition: function (element)
        let x = 0, y = 0;

        while (element && !isNaN(element.offsetLeft) && !isNaN(element.offsetTop))
            x += element.offsetLeft;
            y += element.offsetTop;
            element = element.offsetParent;
        return { top: y, left: x };

    updateURL: function (url)
        window.history.pushState(null, "", url);

    makeCRCTable: function ()
        //Code from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18638900/javascript-crc32
        let crcTable = [];
        for (let n = 0, c; n < 256; n++)
            c = n;
            for (let k = 0; k < 8; k++)
                c = ((c & 1) ? (0xEDB88320 ^ (c >>> 1)) : (c >>> 1));
            crcTable[n] = c;
        return crcTable;

    crc32: function (str)
        //Code from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18638900/javascript-crc32
        let crc = 0 ^ (-1), crcTable = unsafeWindow.crcTable || (unsafeWindow.crcTable = TimidScriptLibrary.makeCRCTable());

        for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++)
            crc = (crc >>> 8) ^ crcTable[(crc ^ str.charCodeAt(i)) & 0xFF];

        return ((crc ^ (-1)) >>> 0).toString(16);

    randomNumber: function(min, max)
        min = parseInt(min);
        max = parseInt(max);
        return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min);

var tsXHR =
    logged: false,

    /* callback(state, response)
        state = 0 ---> success
        state = 1 ---> Fail most likely a 404
        state = 2 ---> Timeout
        state = 3 ---> Error
    send: function (method, callback, url, headers, data, timeout)
        //console.log(method, "\r\n", url, "\r\n", headers, "\r\n", data);

        if (!headers) headers = {};

        let obj = {
            url: url,
            method: method,
            headers: headers,
            onload: function (response)
                if (response.status == 200)
                    if (tsXHR.logged) console.log("tsXHR: Success " + response.status + " (" + url + ")");
                    callback(0, response);
                    console.error("tsXHR: Fail " + response.status + " (" + url + ")");
                    callback(1, response);
            ontimeout: function (response)
                console.error("tsXHR: Timeout" + response.status + " (" + url + ")");
                callback(2, response);
            onerror: function (response)
                console.error("tsXHR: ERROR " + response.status + " (" + url + ")");
                callback(3, response);

        if (isNaN(timeout) === false) obj.timeout = timeout;
        if (data) obj.data = data;


    /* callback(success, response) success true / false
    sendX: function (method, callback, url, headers, data, timeout)
        tsXHR.send(method, cb, url, headers, data, timeout);

        function cb(state, response)
            callback(state == 0, response);

    createHeaders: function (referer, accept, userAgent, contentType, authorization)
        let headers = {};
        setHeader("User-Agent", userAgent);
        setHeader("Accept", accept);
        setHeader("Referer", referer);
        setHeader("Content-Type", contentType);
        setHeader("Authorization", authorization);

        return headers;
        function setHeader(name, val)
            if (val != null && val != undefined) headers[name] = referer;

    /* callback(success, response)
    get: function (callback, url, headers, timeout)
        tsXHR.sendX("GET", callback, url, headers, null, timeout);

    /* callback(success, response)
    head: function (callback, url, headers, timeout)
        tsXHR.sendX("GET", callback, url, headers, null, timeout);

    /* callback(success, response)
    post: function (callback, url, headers, data, timeout)
        tsXHR.sendX("POST", callback, url, headers, data, timeout);

Copy and paste the code underneath into your script for quick reference
and auto-complete feature if available.*/
//#region Declaration of JS Library Functions
var TSL = new Object();

//Remove node from document. Accepts node object or node ID.
TSL.removeNode = function (node, doc) { TimidScriptLibrary.removeNode(node, doc); };
//Remove node from document. Accepts CSS Selector.
TSL.removeNodes = function (selector, doc) { TimidScriptLibrary.removeNodes(selector, doc); };
// Creates document element. Default doc value is the document.
TSL.createElement = function (tag, attributes, doc) { return TimidScriptLibrary.createElement(tag, attributes, doc) };
// Creates document element using html code. Default doc value is the document.
TSL.createElementHTML = function (html, doc) { return TimidScriptLibrary.createElementHTML(html, doc) };
//Returns the thickness of the scrollbar
TSL.getScrollBarThickness = function () { return TimidScriptLibrary.getScrollBarThickness(); };

//Add CSS styles to document header. Document can be left empty.
TSL.addStyle = function (id, CSS, doc) { return TimidScriptLibrary.addStyle(id, CSS, doc); };
//Add JS script to document header. Document can be left empty.
TSL.addScript = function (id, script, doc) { return TimidScriptLibrary.addScript(id, script, doc); };

// Checks if mouse event is within an elements client area
TSL.isMouseEventInClientArea = function (event, element) { return TimidScriptLibrary.isMouseEventInClientArea(event, element); };
// Gets the position of the element within the document
TSL.getAbsolutePosition = function (element) { return TimidScriptLibrary.getAbsolutePosition(element); };

//Array containing NTFS illegal characters alternatives
TSL.altNTFSChars = TimidScriptLibrary.altNTFSChars;
TSL.replaceNTFSIllegals = function (str) { return TimidScriptLibrary.replaceNTFSIllegals(str); };
//Escape Regular expression string
TSL.escapeRegExp = function (str) { return TimidScriptLibrary.escapeRegExp(str); };

//Node className functions. All three functions can handle multiple classes separated by spaces
TSL.addClass = function (node, names) { return TimidScriptLibrary.addClass(node, names); };
TSL.removeClass = function (node, names) { return TimidScriptLibrary.removeClass(node, names); };
TSL.hasClass = function (node, names) { return TimidScriptLibrary.hasClass(node, names); };

//Allows you to change the document URL, which is reflected in the URL bar.
TSL.updateURL = function (url) { TimidScriptLibrary.updateURL(url); };

//Pad a number with zeros
TSL.padNumber = function (number, length) { return TimidScriptLibrary.padNumber(number, length); };
//Random Whole Number Generator
TSL.randomNumber = function (min, max) { min = parseInt(min); max = parseInt(max); return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min); };
TSL.delimitedNumber = function (value) {return TimidScriptLibrary.delimitedNumber(value); };

//Simple string hashing crc32
TSL.crc32 = function (str) { return TimidScriptLibrary.crc32(str);}

var XHR = new Object();
// callback(state, response) --- state: 0 = success | 1 = Fail | 2 = Timeout | 3 = Error
XHR.send = function (method, callback, url, headers, data, timeout) { tsXHR.send(method, callback, url, headers, data, timeout); };
// callback(success, response) --- state: 0 = success | 1 = Fail | 2 = Timeout | 3 = Error
XHR.sendX = function (method, callback, url, headers, data, timeout) { tsXHR.sendX(method, callback, url, headers, data, timeout); };
// callback(success, response)
XHR.createHeaders = function (referer, accept, userAgent, contentType, authorization) { tsXHR.createHeaders(referer, accept, userAgent, contentType, authorization) };
// callback(success, response)
XHR.get = function (callback, url, headers, timeout) { tsXHR.get(callback, url, headers, timeout) };
// callback(success, response)
XHR.head = function (callback, url, headers, timeout) { tsXHR.head(callback, url, headers, timeout) };
// callback(success, response)
XHR.post = function (callback, url, headers, data, timeout) { tsXHR.post(callback, url, headers, data, timeout) };

//String Padding
String.prototype.lPad = function (chr, length) { return TimidScriptLibrary.paddingLeft(this, chr[0], length); };
String.prototype.rPad = function (chr, length) { return TimidScriptLibrary.paddingRight(this, chr[0], length); };

//Minified Declaration of Library Functions
var TSL=new Object;TSL.removeNode=function(r,i){TimidScriptLibrary.removeNode(r,i)},TSL.removeNodes=function(r,i){TimidScriptLibrary.removeNodes(r,i)},TSL.createElement=function(r,i,e){return TimidScriptLibrary.createElement(r,i,e)},TSL.createElementHTML=function(r,i){return TimidScriptLibrary.createElementHTML(r,i)},TSL.getScrollBarThickness=function(){return TimidScriptLibrary.getScrollBarThickness()},TSL.addStyle=function(r,i,e){return TimidScriptLibrary.addStyle(r,i,e)},TSL.addScript=function(r,i,e){return TimidScriptLibrary.addScript(r,i,e)},TSL.isMouseEventInClientArea=function(r,i){return TimidScriptLibrary.isMouseEventInClientArea(r,i)},TSL.getAbsolutePosition=function(r){return TimidScriptLibrary.getAbsolutePosition(r)},TSL.altNTFSChars=TimidScriptLibrary.altNTFSChars,TSL.replaceNTFSIllegals=function(r){return TimidScriptLibrary.replaceNTFSIllegals(r)},TSL.escapeRegExp=function(r){return TimidScriptLibrary.escapeRegExp(r)},TSL.addClass=function(r,i){return TimidScriptLibrary.addClass(r,i)},TSL.removeClass=function(r,i){return TimidScriptLibrary.removeClass(r,i)},TSL.hasClass=function(r,i){return TimidScriptLibrary.hasClass(r,i)},TSL.updateURL=function(r){TimidScriptLibrary.updateURL(r)},TSL.padNumber=function(r,i){return TimidScriptLibrary.padNumber(r,i)},TSL.randomNumber=function(r,i){return r=parseInt(r),i=parseInt(i),Math.floor(Math.random()*(i-r+1)+r)},TSL.delimitedNumber=function(r){return TimidScriptLibrary.delimitedNumber(r)},TSL.crc32=function(r){return TimidScriptLibrary.crc32(r)};
var XHR=new Object;XHR.send=function(r,i,t,e,n,a){tsXHR.send(r,i,t,e,n,a)},XHR.sendX=function(r,i,t,e,n,a){tsXHR.sendX(r,i,t,e,n,a)},XHR.createHeaders=function(r,i,t,e,n){tsXHR.createHeaders(r,i,t,e,n)},XHR.get=function(r,i,t,e){tsXHR.get(r,i,t,e)},XHR.head=function(r,i,t,e){tsXHR.head(r,i,t,e)},XHR.post=function(r,i,t,e,n){tsXHR.post(r,i,t,e,n)};
String.prototype.lPad=function(r,i){return TimidScriptLibrary.paddingLeft(this,r[0],i)},String.prototype.rPad=function(r,i){return TimidScriptLibrary.paddingRight(this,r[0],i)};