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리뷰: 좋음 - 잘 동작함

작성: 2022-02-16

massage: Please follow all the steps to get here.
link: https://ser2.crazyblog.in/

작성: 2022-02-17

explain more please , that site from where ? cbshort or cblink or other

작성: 2022-02-18

i forgot about it allredy, and lose the screenshot,
sorry about that and actually 2 days ago i did not aware of that dis scrypt not work on greasemonkey.
so i am using Temper for now.

but what cause it i think that the browser doesn't spend enough time on the website.
so i put this links on the user excludes:


now it is stay on the crazyblog.in/hars/ page and then automaticly clicking the continue button in only couple of seconds (no need to wait the countdown also no need to finish the captcha), move to studyuo.com/.. also stay and clicking continue button automaticly (no waiting)..
and then to the final destination.. sometime it is cbshort sometime other..
and i am so happy to find the cure :v

작성: 2022-02-18

i think you have visited cbshort , at this time i don't have problems there
for more better please use firefox and violentmonkey , and don't use Opera browser and greasemonkey
you don't need to exclude it.

작성: 2022-02-21

No, i haven't visite the cbshort as it happen :D
Aw yha, tankyou so much for mentioning that opera, i mean iam not in opera, but i use this extensions named "uMatrix" and make my browser a little bit like opera by disabling it's HTTP referrer function. So after ennabling it back, things run very good. you are right, no need to exclude at all.
and can you add this hosts bellow to the future update?:

fey.feyorra.fun >> sh.feyorra.fun
anhdep24.com >> link1s.com
siyn.info >> loptelink.com
nbyts.online >> shrtfly.com
rodjulian.com >> ... ( cannot find any clue on my browsing history, weird huh? )

Thank you.. ^^

작성: 2022-02-22

edit: rodjulian.com is also from link1s.com

작성: 2022-02-23

Please update to the latest version 16.3

작성: 2022-02-23

version 16.3 have Bugs please update to the latest version 16.4

작성: 2022-02-28
수정: 2022-02-28

it is version 16.9 already :)

i have this list for you:

games.blog-forall.com,articles.blog-forall.com >> egfly.xyz | https://link.egfly.xyz/GR8fh88bDXG
digiromotion.com >> zipfy.link | https://l.zipfy.link/GR8oy5MUOIQ

작성: 2022-03-01

Done Please update to the latest version
for blog-forall.com if not running perfectly please give me the right example , maybe like digiromotion.com/?re=GR8oy5MUOIQ

작성: 2022-03-03

ah.. looks like maybe this is the actual link "https://blogs.egfly.xyz/GR8fh88bDXG" found it on history :D
we only need to add both of them into the match rules actually.. because the "blog-forall.com" itself is already on the code, right?

작성: 2022-03-03

ah.. looks like maybe this is the actual link "https://blogs.egfly.xyz/GR8fh88bDXG" found it on history :D
we only need to add both of them into the match rules actually.. because the "blog-forall.com" itself is already on the code, right?

Thanks for the link , until now i never seen shortlink like this but tested working perfectly , no need to add match rules

작성: 2022-03-03

all that links is done listed and i don't have problems except they now using 2 captcha, what is your problem ?
at this time i don't have idea to make it more faster

작성: 2022-03-03
수정: 2022-03-03

oh.. so it is indeed using 2 captcha?
well, no problem then :)

I thought you can make it go straigth to the 3rd link when the browset hit the 1st or 2nd link.
just like "case 'adinsurance.xyz':" kind of thing.

작성: 2022-03-03

yes adcorto using 2 captcha, but sometimes the first captcha bypassed automatically
when i have idea for this site i will update the scripts.

작성: 2022-03-03

please break this link

작성: 2022-03-03

please break this link

Done , Please update to the latest version

작성: 2022-03-20

need an small changes on "tei.ai" code.
for this link for example: https://tei.ai/FBUpzRuA330I
add the 3rd line.

i also add this code bellow on your switch mode code:

      function _s_ ( ) { return h.search; }
      function _pn_( ) { return h.pathname; }
      function _s_h(x) { return h.searchParams.has(x); }
      function _s_g(x) { return h.searchParams.get(x); }
        case 'mcrypto.club':
            if        (_s_h('link')) {
              var path = _s_g('link').substring(0,3);
              if      (path == 'ca/') { return 'https://cryptoads.space/' + _s_g('link').substring(3); }
              else if (path == 'cu/') { return 'https://coinsurl.com/'    + _s_g('link').substring(3); }
              else if (path == 'mh/') { return 'https://myhealths.icu/'   + _s_g('link').substring(3); }
              else if (path == 'cf/') { return 'https://cryptoflare.cc/'  + _s_g('link').substring(3); }
              else if (_s_g('link').substring(0,1) == '/') { return 'https://coinsparty.com/' + _s_g('link'); /*.substring(1); removing "/" sometime cause error*/ }
            } else if (_s_h('go'))   {
              let path = _pn_();
              if      (path === '/'    ) { return 'https://coinsurl.com'    + _s_g('go'); }
              else if (path === '/mh/' ) { return 'https://myhealths.icu'   + _s_g('go'); }
              else if (path === '/cf2/') { return 'https://cryptoflare.cc'  + _s_g('go'); }
              else if (path === '/ca/' ) { return 'https://cryptoads.space/'+ _s_g('go'); }
              else if (path === '/go/' ) { return 'https://coinsurl.com'    + _s_g('go'); }
        case 'cf.dogeearn.com': if (_s_h('go')) { return 'https://myhealths.icu'   + _s_g('go'); } break;
        case 'coindoog.com': if (_s_h('wpsafelink')) { return _s_g('wpsafelink'); } break;
작성: 2022-03-21

Thanks for tei.ai example , i will fix it in the next update , can you give me example for mcrypto.club path == 'mh/ and path == 'cf/ ? , i never seen this until now.

작성: 2022-03-22

i am very sorry. forget to make a backup example link for that :facepalm:
but i was able to collect mh/ example tho, this morning during my faucet hour:
and the cf/ is quiet rare, i also forget which faucet use it.. i'll post it here if find one.

can you apply this code?

// ==UserScript==
// @name New script
// @namespace Violentmonkey Scripts
// @match https://*/*&url=http://bloogerspoot.*/*
// @grant none
// @version 1.0
// @author -
// @description 3/23/2022, 5:55:30 AM
// ==/UserScript==
// example link:
// https://shrinkearn.com/st?api=6dd606e05ecfe7bde6b61c148480a7d4d92a02b2&url=http://bloogerspoot.ga/GR8HX6TB3Nc
const l = new URL(window.location.href);
if (l.href.includes('bloogerspoot.') && l.searchParams.has('url')) {
let i = new URL(l.searchParams.get('url'));

the hostname is fluid as i remember not only shrinkearn, and de domain of search params url is can be .ga .tk .ml
but i only have one example there..

작성: 2022-03-23

Done please update to the latest version

작성: 2022-04-12

Thanks for the example links , forex-articles is broken shortlink and coindoog /ltc-free the site is down.
Please update to the latest version.

작성: 2022-04-13

another kind of jiotech link:

ow ya, you make it looping Sir. the network earn online link..
maybe make it like this instead:

case 'network-earn.online': if ( h.searchParams.has('tok') && h.href.includes('index.php') ) { return 'https://luckybits.online/check.php?tok=' + h.searchParams.get('tok'); } break;

it will skip the "zonearn.biz" website tho.
but i guest it is what we want.. "Langsung ke Tujuan"

yang ini juga ngulang:

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