Night Mode

Adds a transparent dark layer depending on the time of the day to any website to make it less bright.

< Night Mode 피드백

리뷰: 좋음 - 잘 동작함

작성: 2021-05-27


Just tried it and nothing happens on the latest Violentmonkey/Waterfox Classic.

Btw, why not use 'DOMContentLoaded' event instead of ExEv.js?

작성: 2021-05-27
수정: 2021-05-27

Try with tampermonkey.

*Perhaps the script didn't do anything because the default working time is 21/8 From 9PM to 8AM,if you want it to work right now go to the script storage and change the hour numbers there.

DOMContentLoaded usually made the script took some time to load, so the screen ended up usually being white for a sec or so... With bodyloaded that basically never happens.

작성: 2021-05-27

I changed OS time and it started to do stuff.

Good to know about bodyloaded, I'll try it too then. Thanks.

작성: 2021-05-27

You're welcome

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