Netflix 마라톤(일시 중지 가능)

요약, 소개, 크레딧 및 광고를 자동으로 건너뛰고 Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, HBO Max, Starz, Disney+ 및 Hotstar에서 "다음 에피소드" 프롬프트를 클릭하는 구성 가능한 스크립트입니다. 자동 건너뛰기 기능을 일시 중지/재개하는 사용자 지정 가능한 단축키입니다. Alt + N은 설정입니다.

< Netflix 마라톤(일시 중지 가능) 피드백


작성: 2021-03-24

Hi aminomancer, Congrats for making a great script. As the author of the Netflix Marathon script, I have a small request, could you please not use the "Netflix Marathon" name. A good product desires its own name. Thanks

작성: 2021-03-29

Hi qwea thanks for the feedback. It's regrettable that I used the name, since I wasn't planning on sharing it when I set up the repo. It was just a personal fork for several months to which I added (Pausable) so it wouldn't collide with your script's namespace. I will work on changing the name on any platform that lets me change it. I don't see any title option on here though. The only place it's mirrored is github, which does let me change the title.

작성: 2021-04-12

why haven't you mentioned author qwea's name anywhere on your info page or script?

작성: 2022-10-30


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