Instagram 다운로더

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< Instagram 다운로더 피드백

리뷰: 좋음 - 잘 동작함

작성: 2022-06-13

Awesome, works as described.

Not a bug or anything, but a minor inconvenience - saves images as *.jpeg, instead of *.jpg.

작성: 2022-06-16

May I know why you need jpeg? As I know, jpeg and jpg are equivalence in most OS.

작성: 2022-06-16
수정: 2022-06-16

It's just that most other extensions download .jpg. When grouping by file types in Win 10, it shows two groups for photos - .jpeg (this extension) and .jpg (others). Still works fine and opens images as it should, no problem there. Just my feedback!

작성: 2022-06-16

We should vote on it LOL. I vote .jpeg.

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