Instagram 다운로더

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< Instagram 다운로더 피드백

리뷰: 좋음 - 잘 동작함

작성: 2022-01-13

Very good to use, could it name the file according to the original post time instead of the date I download?

작성: 2022-01-19

Hi, By default, the file is already named with post date and time. (detail format: "%id%-%datetime%-%medianame%.%ext%")

작성: 2022-01-20


Very good to use, could it name the file according to the original post time instead of the date I download?

작성: 2022-01-20


Very good to use, could it name the file according to the original post time instead of the date I download?

작성: 2022-01-24

By default, the file is already named with post date and time.
(detail format: "%id%-%datetime%-%medianame%.%ext%")

Thx for your reply!Now I got it!

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