EzPlatform Tools

Add some usefull tools for eZPlatform Admin Interface

질문, 리뷰하거나, 이 스크립트를 신고하세요.
// ==UserScript==
// @name         EzPlatform Tools
// @namespace    https://stevecohen.fr/
// @version      0.6
// @description  Add some usefull tools for eZPlatform Admin Interface
// @author       Steve Cohen
// @include      *
// @grant        GM_getValue
// @grant        GM_setValue
// @require      https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.1.0/jquery.min.js
// @require      https://openuserjs.org/src/libs/sizzle/GM_config.js
// ==/UserScript==

const CONFIG = {
        ENABLE_MORE_INFO_BLOCK : true,
        ENABLE_FRONT_LINK : false,
        ENABLE_USER_LINK : true,
        url: "/api/ezp/v2",
        type: "GET",
        beforeSend: function(xhr){
            xhr.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/vnd.ez.api.ContentInfo+json');

/* globals $ MonkeyConfig GM_config */

(function ($, undefined) {
    $(function () {
        'use strict';

        function initConfig() {
                    'id': 'MyConfig', // The id used for this instance of GM_config
                    'title': 'Script Settings', // Panel Title
                    'fields': // Fields object
                            'Name': // This is the id of the field
                                    'label': 'Name', // Appears next to field
                                    'type': 'text', // Makes this setting a text field
                                    'default': 'Sizzle McTwizzle' // Default value if user doesn't change it

        /*GM_registerMenuCommand('Run this now', function() {
            alert("Put script's main function here");
        }, 'r');*/ // OU EST LE BOUTON ???

        // Inject settings button
        if ($('meta[name=SiteAccess]').attr('content') === 'admin') {
            $('<li class="nav-item ez-user-menu__item ezplatformtools"><a href="#" class="nav-link">eZ Platform Tools</a></li>').insertBefore('.nav.navbar-nav.ez-user-menu__items > .nav-item.ez-user-menu__item.last');
            $('.ez-user-menu__item.ezplatformtools').click(function() {
                console.log("Opening ezplatformtools settings");

        function contenttypeShortcut() {
            if ($('body').hasClass('ez-content-view')) {
                var mfu = $('#ez-mfu');
                var classNameH4 = $('.ez-page-title__content-type-name');
                var contenttype = '/contenttypegroup/{contenttypegroupid}/contenttype/{contenttypeid}';

                if ($("body").hasClass('ez-content-view')) {
                    var link = contenttype
                        .replace("{contenttypegroupid}", 1) // Apparement OSEF du contenttypegroupid 🥴
                        .replace("{contenttypeid}", mfu.data('parent-content-type-id'));
                    var contenttypeIdentifier = mfu.data("parent-content-type-identifier");
                    classNameH4.html('<a title="' + contenttypeIdentifier + '" target="_blank" href="' + link + '">' + classNameH4.text() + '</a>');

        function injectFastInfoAccess() {
            if ($('body').hasClass('ez-content-view')) {
                var technicalDetailsHeader = $('#ez-tab-location-view-details > div:nth-child(3)').clone().append("<div>eZPlatform Tools</div>");
                var technicalDetailsContent = $('#ez-tab-location-view-details > div:nth-child(4)').clone();

                $('.ez-view-rawcontentview').prepend(technicalDetailsHeader, technicalDetailsContent);

        function addMoreInfoBlock() {
            if ($('body').hasClass('ez-content-view')) {
                var mfu = $('#ez-mfu');
                var locationPath = mfu.data('parent-location-path');
                var $blockHeader = $('<div class="ez-table-header"><div class="ez-table-header__headline">More details</div><div>eZPlatform Tools</div></div>');
                var $blockBody = $(
                    '<div class="ez-scrollable-table-wrapper ezplatform-tools">' +
                    '    <table class="table">' +
                    '        <thead>' +
                    '        <tr>' +
                    '            <th>Path</th>' +
                    '        </tr>' +
                    '        </thead>' +
                    '        <tbody>' +
                    '        <tr>' +
                    '            <td>' +
                    '                ' + locationPath +
                    '            </td>' +
                    '        </tr>' +
                    '        </tbody>' +
                    '    </table>' +

                $('#ez-tab-location-view-details').prepend($blockHeader, $blockBody);

        function addFrontLink() {
            var title = $('.ez-page-title__content-item');
            var uri = $('#ez-tab-location-view-urls table:last-child tbody tr:first-child td:first-child').text();
            var link = $('<a href="' + uri + '" title="Open in front"><svg style="width:1rem;height:1rem;" class="ez-icon ez-icon-edit"><use xlink:href="/bundles/ezplatformadminui/img/ez-icons.svg#open-newtab"></use></svg></a>');

        function addLinkToCreators() {
            if ($('body').hasClass('ez-content-view')) {
                var contentId = $('#content_edit_content_info').val();
                var objdata = Object.assign({}, CONFIG.EZ_API_BASE_DATA);
                objdata.url = objdata.url + "/content/objects/" + contentId;

                /* Creator */
                        var userhref = response.Content.Owner._href;
                        var userdata = Object.assign({}, CONFIG.EZ_API_BASE_DATA);
                        userdata.url = userhref;
                        return $.ajax(userdata)
                        var userid = response.User._id;
                        var text = $('#ez-tab-location-view-details .ez-scrollable-table-wrapper:not(.ezplatform-tools):nth(0) > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1)').text();
                        var regExp = /\(([^)]+)\)/;
                        var matches = regExp.exec(text);
                        var date = matches[0];
                        var name = text.replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "").trim();
                        $('#ez-tab-location-view-details .ez-scrollable-table-wrapper:not(.ezplatform-tools):nth(0) > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1)').html('<a target="_blank" title="eZPlatform Tools" href="/view/content/' + userid + '">' + name + '</a> ' + date)

                /* Updater */
                        var lastversionhref = response.Content.CurrentVersion._href;
                        var lastversiondata = Object.assign({}, CONFIG.EZ_API_BASE_DATA);
                        lastversiondata.url = lastversionhref;
                        return $.ajax(lastversiondata)
                        var lastversioncreatorhref = response.Version.VersionInfo.Creator._href;
                        var lastversioncreatordata = Object.assign({}, CONFIG.EZ_API_BASE_DATA);
                        lastversioncreatordata.url = lastversioncreatorhref;
                        return $.ajax(lastversioncreatordata)
                        var $td = $('#ez-tab-location-view-details .ez-scrollable-table-wrapper:not(.ezplatform-tools):nth(0) > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2)');
                        var userid = response.User._id;
                        var text = $td.text();
                        var regExp = /\(([^)]+)\)/;
                        var matches = regExp.exec(text);
                        var date = matches[0];
                        var name = text.replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "").trim();
                        $td.html('<a target="_blank" title="eZPlatform Tools" href="/view/content/' + userid + '">' + name + '</a> ' + date)

        function addContenttypeRelationLink() {
            if ($('body').hasClass('ez-content-type-view')) {
                var pageURL = window.location.href;
                var lastURLSegment = pageURL.substr(pageURL.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);

                var objdata = Object.assign({}, CONFIG.EZ_API_BASE_DATA);
                objdata.url = objdata.url + "/content/types/"+lastURLSegment;
                /* ContentType */
                        var fieldDefinitions = response.ContentType.FieldDefinitions.FieldDefinition;
                        for (var i = 0; i < fieldDefinitions.length; i++) {
                            var fd = fieldDefinitions[i];
                            if (fd.fieldType === 'ezobjectrelationlist') {
                                var identifier = fd.identifier;
                                var td = $('.table.ez-table:nth(2)').find('tbody tr td:contains("'+identifier+'")').parent().find('td:nth(1)');
                                var locationId = fd.fieldSettings.selectionDefaultLocation;
                                td.html('<a target="_blank" title="eZPlatform Tools" href="/content/location/' + locationId + '">' + td.html() + '</a> ')

        function addChildrenContenttypeIdentifier() {
            var contenttype = '/contenttypegroup/{contenttypegroupid}/contenttype/{contenttypeid}';
            // If content is not a container
            if (typeof $('.ez-sil').data('items') === 'undefined') return;
            var items = $('.ez-sil').data('items').SubitemsList.SubitemsRow;
            if ($('body').hasClass('ez-content-view')) {
                var children = $('tbody.c-table-view__body .c-table-view-item__cell--content-type');
                children.each(function(index, item) {
                    var link = $(item).siblings('.c-table-view-item__cell--name').find('a').attr('href');
                    var locationId = link.substr(link.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
                    var content = items.find(elem => {
                        return elem.Location.id == locationId;
                    var objdata = Object.assign({}, CONFIG.EZ_API_BASE_DATA);
                    objdata.url = content.ContentType._href;
                    /* ContentType */
                        $(item).attr('title', response.ContentType.identifier);
                        var text = $(item).find('.c-table-view-item__text-wrapper').text();
                        var link = contenttype
                            .replace("{contenttypegroupid}", 1) // Apparement OSEF du contenttypegroupid 🥴
                            .replace("{contenttypeid}", response.ContentType.id);
                        $(item).find('.c-table-view-item__text-wrapper').html('<a target="_blank" href="' + link + '">' + text + '</a>');

            // $('.ez-sil').data('items') n'est pas mis à jour après la pagination...

            /*var checkPaginate = setInterval(function() {
                if ($('.m-sub-items__pagination-info > strong:nth-child(1)').text() === '0') {
                    // Loading new page
                    var checkPaginateFinish = setInterval(function() {
                        if ($('.m-sub-items__pagination-info > strong:nth-child(1)').text() !== '0') {
                            // New page loaded
                            setTimeout(function() {
                            }, 1000);
                    }, 200);
            }, 200);*/

        function addContentViewAttributeIdentifier() {
            addGlobalStyle('.ez-content-field-name > span.identifier { ' +
                'float: right;' +
                'color: gray;' +
                'font-style: italic;' +
                'font-weight: normal;' +
                'font-size: 15px;' +

            var mfu = $('#ez-mfu');
            var contenttypeid = mfu.data('parent-content-type-id');
            var objdata = Object.assign({}, CONFIG.EZ_API_BASE_DATA);
            objdata.url = objdata.url + "/content/types/"+contenttypeid;
                    var fieldDefinitions = response.ContentType.FieldDefinitions.FieldDefinition;
                    for (var i = 0; i < fieldDefinitions.length; i++) {
                        var fd = fieldDefinitions[i];
                        var attributeName = fd.names.value[0]["#text"];
                        var attrHtml = $('.ez-content-field-name:contains("' + attributeName + ':")');
                        attrHtml.html(attrHtml.html() + '<span class="identifier">' + fd.identifier + '</span>');

        function addGlobalStyle(css) {
            var head, style;
            head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
            if (!head) { return; }
            style = document.createElement('style');
            style.type = 'text/css';
            style.innerHTML = css;

        function UrlExists(url) {
            var http = new XMLHttpRequest();
            http.open('HEAD', url, false);
            return http.status !== 404;

        function getSiteaccess() {
            return $('meta[name=SiteAccess]').attr("content");


        if (getSiteaccess() === "admin") {
            if (CONFIG.FUNCTIONS.ENABLE_CONTENTTYPE_SHORTCUT) contenttypeShortcut();
            if (CONFIG.FUNCTIONS.ENABLE_FAST_INFO_ACCESS) injectFastInfoAccess();
            if (CONFIG.FUNCTIONS.ENABLE_MORE_INFO_BLOCK) addMoreInfoBlock();
            if (CONFIG.FUNCTIONS.ENABLE_FRONT_LINK) addFrontLink();
            if (CONFIG.FUNCTIONS.ENABLE_USER_LINK) addLinkToCreators();
            if (CONFIG.FUNCTIONS.ENABLE_CONTENTTYPE_RELATIONLINK) addContenttypeRelationLink();
            if (CONFIG.FUNCTIONS.ENABLE_CHILDREN_CONTENTTYPE_IDENTIFIER) addChildrenContenttypeIdentifier();
            if (CONFIG.FUNCTIONS.ENABLE_CONTENTVIEW_ATTRIBUTE_IDENTIFIER) addContentViewAttributeIdentifier();