Twitter Block With Love

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< Twitter Block With Love 피드백


Twitter seems to have changed its user interface, and the buttons of this script have disappeared. Can you check?

작성: 2023-09-12

Yes the layout has changed quite quickly too normal likes/re-posts not being select-able or visible. It now opens in the Post Engagement section where the buttons do not display.

작성: 2023-09-16

Thanks for noticing!

I am working to fix this problem. It might take me another one or two days before the fix can be released. Sorry for that.

작성: 2023-09-17

Thanks for noticing!

I am working to fix this problem. It might take me another one or two days before the fix can be released. Sorry for that.

That's cool just wanted to make sure you knew, thank you for the great work thus far!

작성: 2023-09-18

It's nice to know it is helpful, thanks :)

And problem fixed in version 2.9.1. You can update from greasyfork now.

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