Mananelo/Mangakakalot/Manganato/Manga4life Bookmarks Export

Writes Mangakakalot, Manganelo, Manganato, Manga4life Bookmarks (name and visited number) to "manga_bookmarks.txt" on "Export Bookmarks" button click

< Mananelo/Mangakakalot/Manganato/Manga4life Bookmarks Export 피드백

리뷰: 좋음 - 잘 동작함

작성: 2021-02-10

So Ive downloaded the script but Im unsure how to add the script to my Google Chrome, could you possible be able to help me with that? Im just worried because of how Manganelo could possible be brought down soon.

작성: 2021-02-10

You need the extension for google chrome I got tapermonkey its in the link theres 2 choices then you gotta open in google chrome extension and add the script into the tapermonkey dashboard you can just drag it like I did and make sure to delete the beginning part

작성: 2021-02-10

Thank you for your help. Its gonna suck manually putting all of these bookmarks in by hand on a new site though. Oh well life sucks sometimes.

작성: 2021-02-11

Not sure if you've figured it out yet, but if not it pretty easy. There's only 2 steps to install the script:
1. Download a script manager/injector like violent monkey (lots others out there). For this example, I'll use violent monkey for chrome. You can add the extension to chrome from the chrome extensions store -- . Click on "Add to Chrome" and then "Add xtension" on the next popup.

2. Go to this scripts page and click on the green "Install the script" button. A new tab will open and you'll click on the "Confirm Installation" button on the top right of the page.

That's it. Now go to the bookmarks page - and the "Exports Bookmarks" button should be there... click it to download a your bookmarks!

작성: 2021-02-11

Thank you very much, your a lifesaver man.

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