IMDb display RottenTomatoes info: redux

Display RottenTomatoes Tomatometer rating info on IMDb pages

< IMDb display RottenTomatoes info: redux 피드백

리뷰: 좋음 - 잘 동작함

작성: 2021-02-05
수정: 2021-02-05

Great script, thanks a lot, I always want to know the average rating, it tells much more that the percentage scores! One suggestion I have is that maybe you could add the "critics consensus" text from RT under a mouse-over the score or the tomato icon or something. That blurb is quite informative! Adding this would make this script perfect. Thanks!

작성: 2021-02-05

That is a feature of the script, but parsing of the critics' consensus info for movies was broken recently by a change to the RottenTomatoes site. I've just made an update that should fix it. It's always nice to know there are other real people out there enjoying these scripts besides just me :)

작성: 2021-02-08


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